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「 去追一部小说 」






作者:尼古拉斯·A. 巴斯贝恩 字数:10811 更新:2023-10-09 12:45:16

о 鵥棬 飻 棬 У δ硱 鼮Щ о飬Що Уй費ο飬 дο οУ95% 37 С mm okfinder.3μ3 4μ331505跲Levam)кΧ кж к мi5fi20 ɡЩ Ч50%е *S?RWilliam S. Reese)С 綥50%R 10຃% Щ 14936 潻 κγ100鶼R ζм вЧ ждп Щ Ч?Heribert Tenschert)黳 Щ亱6μ7152г 岻30 峺 Щ м鲢 Щд г .亱 顱壬20ο 顶1975 鹺·仯 199719981999 к е 20г Щɡ 1999 д 153Argosy Book Store) 顢 и 顣Judith Lowry) ·?Louis Cohen) 196410 ?淴 Σе?Fred Bass) ?Nancy Bassλδ壨Greenwich Village)127λ47 41 (Gotham Book Mart)佨 ?Frances Stebff)?Amkeas Brown) 飬 鼮 кδ 30飬 鷽 顣ν顱100 鼮7μ48154Щ 0 Щ м 档ио 50仹 гУ棬 оν 1995д20014 Щ ? С г /У 顣 ж е δУ л 100 1558μ4 9μU~ 10μ11156ò ^w Ψ г嵥о Ψ ι 鼮 üо飩 粻Uaaguenwtype ~157 г鼮÷ Щ鱦СФ одо 滭 Χ мк Щ кк м к е С е_158(George Read)磺?(? ж*κС(Around the159йΣ 棬棬 λeBay*A?Gordon A. Pfeiffer) Wilmington) м30 ^ ·^? 19 桢 eBayλ мЭDelaware Bibliophiles)2002 25С 飬 гк 仰 1999dBay СΧ~ Щs>ll (quarter) 12 13确12е5025quartse 13ó г160(Delaware Gap)Hudson) ·600 eBayδУ Brandywine)Dupont)徰 μ1929 Щ κ300? е ж · ?(William Morris) 鼮е ЭDelaware Historical Society)鼼 (Charlottesville)Rare Book School)γ ɡ161У μ ι м λ飬 С飬 桰鼮 п УС лü?ɡISMkrs Pay) е4.5 СС档 ?(Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone) 19972001 1,5 籩' ЪΣ165У λ 200075滭滭 港滭 ж 鼮 鱦 漴óС СС1819 Щ廨ù ее ó 166(Collyer)Homer)Langley) 1947 λ 鼮С150 壬 鼮 е T.Dr. Frank X Siebert) 1998 и 1600 л *?Rolknd Comstock)λMissouri)Ozarks)д н βСг е 塣 ,плShaker Heights).H?167(Robert H. Jacfeon)λ 4 йBeat Generation1壬 ?William Burroughs) 2壬 ·в?Rockwell Kent) 3о Ψ Щ 棬300С ?181218704?÷? (WiUiam Makepeace Thackeray) 5?(Anthony Trallope) 6,1ɡ {顣 γ219141997" СVTheNahdLunch1959γ棬д СμС 318821971 4μ14~^51811186319С) 618151882С漰Ρ 硶{thtChronid^ofBarsetshir^ 168%?.Lydia Maria Child) 919 е鶼 bDonna)717711810ССгλ СоλСд 漰С衢1819 81806^1870С9 С衢籾??С -衶iAudamisiaTalcofth^a')С[The Yemossc)aūдС (Uncle Tom s Cabin) 0 -169 λ.Allen Ginsberg) lc S. н19% Rowfant Club) ù2002 ι? (Pierpont Morgan Library)New York Public Library);μ200111· μMiami Book Fah*) μ Ρ101926-^1997衶С(How!), ɡ {The FaU of America)齱*170(Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, www. m/sackner) Mount Sinai Medical Center)Σ 硰 Щ γ / в飺{At Home with Books: How Booklovers Live with and Care for Their Libraries, 1995 ^ ^ ?Estelle Eilis)? Caroline Seebohm)и?Christopher Simon Sykes)Щ ·?--δ2070 Щ17110μз 1991μ? е λ1119182006Ф (environmental portraits) ~172Щι Ψ ι δ磺е δиRochester)? Dr* Seymour I. Schwartz) (University of Rochester Medical Center)Ρ^k ι (Journal of the American College of Surgeons)е д λ汾 硶{The Mapping of America1980 17541763:{The Frenck and Indian War 1754-1763' The Imperial Struggle for North America^ 1994 This Land Is Your Land: The Geographic Evolution of the United States2000 )*з (John Topham), λ з70 δz λκ73/13 з г Genesse Falls)滭 滭 14)35019 12е Nqev) 13μ7 141519052000СI2赸(A Dance to the Music of Time),澭~174161891?С 17μ29e175Highland Fling)ι òε . ?衷A Christmas Carol)е вβ 汾 ú / ú 棬衷18431125 е{Britannia)С 档οЦ С棬 1983 Щ 綼 Ha! Christmas,棬1999 д 鹦 δ 棬嶯 Семγ? 1S35.Sl Nicholas) 191S63? WiUiam Caxron) 2G 桷{The Golden Legend1483 )?(John Milton) 21峿{Hymn on the Morning of Christs Nativity)1645 1843 棨1M1..(Fynes Moryson Gent)дó{An Itinerary' 1617 (Merry) (Christmas)18μ3019~2014221492λ λλ 211608167417tOKv? Cromwell)[Parade Lm) a 22μ52318241889С 30С 6014硢100С{The Woman in White){The Moonstom241832189919ЬС вУС С251914 1953^д, 177C/1 Childs Christmas in Wales), ??EdnaSl VincentMHlay)26衷{The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver), 1923 Eleanor)к ? ?27 44.5 е硶 (Marble Faun)壬е аδ 2618921950λ *NancyBoyd)-27μ19~fi*?Victor Gukma)λ80 ??Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1807188228 29ùλ19 д 壬1976Longfelow House Trust) β жСλм о г顰 21 λ У飬г ев飬棬ЩЩ в ?Florence Fearrington Librarian) *P?William E Stoneman)28緭# 19Kλ (Fireside Poets),У 29μ72179mmвò о о 70Buffalo) State University of New York)? (Robert Creeley) Щ19 аν С п о ' 47 δη180оXй 24 (Park Avenue)Seventh Regiment Armory) New York Antiquarian Book Fair) У 鰮25 200222С 280 μ ι飬 á濪 Marriott Hotel) ι 18302-0202,Уλλ? ждЩ 13 (Times)м?Garrett Herman), 1809 18826000 壺 е Tommo)м1996ЭLaw Society of Upper Canada) 1^-2001.Nicholson Baker)[Double Fold) 10е 鲼1970 п λ?Joel Stern) 顣 500顱imervisual顱movable),19 飬л?Ernest Nisteir) .÷Lothar Me·endorfer)117911841 ζΧ~~184 кУ λ дд е дλ λд? Alexander Pope) 2An Essay on Man)С2 1688174418 Уλμ 16)~^185á ?棨JohnMakarewich)81λ 40Ъ /·п10 35 TarzanoftheApesh 25 1e Dressicm) 4 Щ/μ ??Edgar Rice Burroughs) 5 19145湴 δ Σ ЩС 75ໄ%·*Τ(Louis Weinstein) 6Ben)1963 顱 Τ黨3μ44Σ1929Black Tuesday)3040 5μ16646·Louis)·Lou)186 25г 磬. (Dashiell Hammett) 7{The Maltese Falcon1930718941961С籾 a 81941?(John Huston)-(HumphryBogart)-9μ1^187{1932 лгλ 仯 ж飬 _B_1GJoseph the Provider Books)-Joe the Pro)-г ν 顱 ен ?James Jones)[From HereEternity) u ?Mario Puzo){The Godfather)'._ .жг Σλ ?Sergio Leone) 1984Once Upon a Time in America),?Robert De Niro)? James Woods)*Elizabeth McGovern) ?HarryGrey1952СThe Hoods е?(Raymond Chandler)ζ (TheBigSleep, 1939OS?C. S. Forester) {The African Queen, 1935B.Traven)10μ51 11188(The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1935 ) 15 400嵥 г1000 鶼 ^^ 5 á С?12δ prime copies)?лJack Schaefer) 131949СShane) ?Alan Ladd) ??Robm Perm Warren) M1946 {All the Kings Menhò? (Broderick Crawford)1950г*WillyС Clockwork Orange1Ŵ)?Anthony12μ61131907199120 21419051989С塱NewCritidsm) 1947/19581979λ轱Ψ ùС~P00tiBurgess) 15 飬75аJ.B.J. B. Priestley) 161927С·[Benighted1932 硶The Old Dark House* (Boris KarlofF)ελн и.Gloria Stuart)65 {TitanicУλ17 У С{Dope Darling: A Story of Cocaine) 0*Leda Burke)?David Garnett) (Bloomsbury group) 18,1919棬 25 ±1.85 УBritish Library Yde) á1519171993'hnBurg?s Wilson), С2008μ1945 50λt' 161S941984С 100С ~^17.^1820 з 塢* (Virginia Woolf)190黹е Merchantville) Between the Covers).Tom Congalton)6 λ 10 ɡе 191 Щ飬δ λ 桪а.ɡF. ?? е 鶼вЪ, κο λ 亱顱?19 .Ц÷ 9.5 仯 θ 仯 Vienna)е?Don Reisier) .Jo Aim) 顣Щ ож19μ26153192Щ λDebt)д 20 1912198421μ140193κζ же д? 鱬/ С νЩд е У. Щ 22μ6 23μ4^194242519051970СС 195Dashiell Hammett) 26Dorothy Parker) 27. ?(Raymond Chandler) 28 гУΤ·1963 廨 λΤ ж к дк ж飬 ΤС 21 21д Τκκ κμ 1 100100261894ССС 1923~2005С271893196720覴á μ~ 2818881959СС棬 д29SCPκε 飬Σ 飬 飬г ζ 飬Τ ж顱 鼮.com Сδ飬 2000 亱顣. κ197滭鼮. Arthur Rackham)|?Kate Greenaway) ?(Beatrix Potter)?Edward Detmold) ?Edmund Dulac)·.ΤLouis Wain). (ArthurTimlin),M.Jessie M, King).(Kay Nieken)W. Heath Robinson)?Hany Clarke)500100010 飬 Τ ·鼫 Τ Daryl)?Joan Hill) 10830μ3131 1850~1927· 198 鼮 10 еСλ. Thousand Oaks){顱Literary Lion Books)ΤС Щ滭?199 áκм 侭йе 226067鼮ü 1884JfP?J. P. Morgan)2.4751459 ÷Mairu Psalter) 3*41911 ?Robert Hoe)Joseph E.1λ'21313?1375 侭 31457, 滭^> 4μ31~203Widener) 5,567, 5000 дУκθ 5 18711943National _ Gallery of Ait)* 6μ37μ28204Щ 20С鼮Щ Чгж ? У鼮1980 ' 50200λ400~600λС[The Brave Cowboy)1956? Edward Abbey)7500 ε[The Sheltering Sky)1949? Paul Bowks)4000 [TarzanoftheApesh磬1914? .Edgar Rice Burroughs)5000~~6000л 5е1980 1000205(Jack Kerouac)5000 One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest),1964 ?KenKesey)5000[The Boo)Verona) 9, 1970 Pat Conroy)档4000[Invisible Man) 1952? (Ralph Ellison)3000 桷[Catch-22,1961. (Joseph Heller)4000 [The Old Man and the Sea)1952 .Ernest Hemingway)2500 The Weary Blues)1926. Langston Hughes)6000 .{JonahGmmlVine1934? ?Zora Neale Hurston)7500(To Kill a Mockingbird)I960 *Harper Lee)Ψ?Tmman Capote) 2The Bounty Hunters')1954 ?Elmore Leonard)5000{The Natural)1952? (Bernard Malamud)5000 9С10 1924198420/j籾 {Breakfast at Tiffany^)?С 0* One Hundred Years of Solitude)1970 ж.?Gabriel Garcia Marquez)滤 νβ3500桷(Tales of the South Pacific)1947 .A.James A. Michener)4000 {Jhe Bluest Eyes),1970 (Toni Morrison)5000 [If I Die in a Combat Zone) Tim OBrien)2500Moviegoer1961? (Walker Percy)4000 The Cohsms)I960. (Sylvia Plath)2500The Bell Jar1963? ?Victoria Lucas档50001971 200V)V)1963.Thomas Pynchon) 滤3000[The Fountainhead)Indianapolis) n, 1943.AynRand)5000{Shane)1949?лJack Schaefer)7500峿Morning Ever Comes)196411207[The Clock Winder1972.Axme Tyler)Се2500 _ ---M--*oAU the Kin- Men)1946? .(Robert Penn Warren)5000 гiA Stretcav ISfamcdDcsiw,Norfolk)1947 ?Tennessee Williams)5000Z Room of Ones Own)1929 .Virginia Woolf)3000 ζJhe Big Sleep)1939? (Raymond Chandler)1.5С[Fareweg My Lovely),19408000The High Window),19426000á[Sister Carrie)1900? (Theodore Dreiser)6000л С106 [The Waste Land,1922T-S?T. S. Eliot)2.5 The Sound and the Fury),1929 .William Faulkner)5Tender Is the Night)1934F.? F. Scott Fitzgerald)2.5{The Great208Gatsby),19251980 10а4500[Casino Royale)1953. (Ian Fleming)3ΛLord of the Flies')1954? (William Golding)7500 {Brighton Rock)1938С 19386{A Gun for Sale),1936 ?(Graham Greene),涨8000 10000{Dune1965?FrankHerbert)3000 硷[Brave New World)1932 (Aldous Huxley) 0 5000 0[FinnegatisWake)1939? (JamesJoyce)0 4000[Ulysses, 裬19227.5{ 棨19342500{Callf0r the Dead,1961 (John le Catri)1[Tropic of Cancer),裬1934Сγ 19349?Henry Miller)3С19С Winnie-the-Pooh)еAA?A. A. Milne)лEernest H. Shepard)7500 209(The Treasure of the Sierra Madre)1934 B?B.Traven)档7500The Catcher In The Rye)1951 J-D-I (J.D. Salinger) 0 2 Mrs. Dallmuay1925? o 2δ鵥.Stephen King) 12JK?13 λй ·òδ 1015δ 飬1997е_ г1.5 δκ κι1219473.5Сд籾 ι13дA. K Rowling,"~210飬 顣 С綥 ·L й衱15й 黳i 屨Уйг 飻磬 顱ICU 21Sп 塣 У衱 磬 飬顣Щ С飬 顪пù·黭 лЩ' о λ 飬и鼸214顱 е ι п顱 Сж 飬 и飬飬 顱215磬 УмС 飬2010.216 д21 # f鼮,^йд γд 鼼漰 飬塣ISBN 978-7-108-03501-787 1 08 0-3 5 0 1:26.00

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