黰NICHOLAS A.BASBANES2011ábibliomania) 1750 Eari of Chesterfield)?ī? Philip Dormer Stanhope)4д 飬顣С Щ飬 λ???(Thomas Frognall Dibdin)д С(The Bibliomania)0 λν棬1809 СеHeroic Age of Book Collecting) 0 The Book-Hunter)ν I862ηУ ?OaaveUzamie) 衷[Book-Hmiur in Paris1893 ?William Robms) Book-Hunter in London, 1895P.B.M. (P. B. M. Allan){Book-Hunter at Home, 1920 0 Щ 顣го, 漣ΣУ 飺пЦì 01 Щ óд飬 鱨 仯е壬в· Щ顱· 档мл Щ 1998λChalkidiki) Mount Athos) idiorhythmic,е λɡ неЩд μ 廨 λá118671933СW32 в^220012004 00S90 й130M0 20011015(Girds HM) 3? 3001968 磨Kelmscott Press4. Ψ 飬λ 4000? 300й/ й ?John Updike) 5{The Carpentered Hen, 1958?Philip Roth) 6Сλ ó 8501500315451611/1612 1596嵥 Gnat Herball, or General Histoire of Plantes1633 ** 15971633汾д ~41891硣519322009λС裬 ζ δ30' 960 19701980199040ò 10·塢 в61933, ?Сγ(Walter L. Pforzheimer)λ鱨(Central Intelligence Agency) 1950 λScribner)· 鱨 鱨 в 40мIrwin T. Holtzman) 飬[PtMshe/sWeekly [LibraryJournal)Booklisi)ilGrkus) 77鼮 Щ鼮 bound galleys)ARC advance reader copies)ж綼 λУЩ ж ɡ 顣У40% 仯 ?(Thomas Bailey Aldrich) 81892 UtknticMonthly)..(Emily Dickinson) 9桢 New England) 1()СΧ 4Щ? Whitney Balliett) u196l[New Yorker)81836-1907I8S2 1890ΡдС{The Story ofa Bad Boy, 1870-9183018861u0 7^30λ111926~200719542001 ~^?Joseph Hdlor) 12桷Catch^22) ЦС棺ùЦ α о/ν' 鷢 С 棬 δд飬 棬 У档 Ч .J?(Mattew J. BruccoU) 棬о ο鸽е121923 1999С οС 桷ò 10Сλ.JohnStdnbeck) 13 ?William Faulkner) i4.Ernest Hemingway) *Thomas Wolfe) 15桪 2060Bates College) 16 .Tennessee Williams) 17?(Arthur Miller) 18 δи?(F. Scott Fit^erald) 19 °顪~~ν Щ鶼 С 鼮вУ-- Сдо Сδ14179622030Ψλ ︴仯дУ ú&151900^193838УС 硷жС λ16Уλ·УУ1S55 1719U19832019481955 èA罱1819152005д- С1949 194919189619401920棬ò24 1925д С?ti籱ж 34г 鼮СС λ ЩЩУЩ 顣Щ飬 й飬4λ С·(Louis Daniel BrodsI^) ?鱾 2060 ?Joseph Bbmei:) κ·У У衱 飬1979вL* (Marvin Mudrick) 鲻[Books Aw Not lifi but Then WhatIsf)12 顣С ??. С A*E?A. E. Housman) Χ 鼮 С ο 20ɡ顪20п 15滮 ж ó 顣 飬 óЩ 20ɡ波縥?Frank Sinatra) 1 20Щ70δ ЦС 飬Clark University) Friends of the Goddard Library)μУ á飬 嵽 Щ顣11915 199S20 21920~7X-д 飺(Life Beyond Life) 0й 60 壬е(Belgium) ?Brand Whitlock) 3, 1966The Capitol of Washington D.C)Salvation Army) 4 Library of Congress) о飬 1501919 δδ5鷿 λ 1500 1997 1914 University of Louvain) 6 Ще3186H934 4е1865118 5飬飬 δζδ еδá6λ17ееС ?Umberto Eco) 8λж 飬 Щ 飬Сλ (Apennines) 9С е顱 Aristotle) 10{Poetics), 乬С {The Name of the Rose) ·С кδ716331703μ 1665166617 1781932ν 9l 10384322^18 С 顢У 洢 飬?- д麣оΨ 飬 , 硶[DeadSea Scrolls) 1。 ~о СС ·λ ж ?ολBerkdqOSerendipity Book Store)--Peter B. 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(Robert Frost) 141810~188819>) μ档^~ .1848 ..Henry David Thoreau) 15 1849÷ Z Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers) Thoreau as Botanist)У ?壨RayAngeio) 16 ε桱 áH*D? оδκ汾 κо κ汾鲢 Щ ζЩ С1518171862 {Walden). 16 Ч17οο-- 55[Gettysburg Address)ξ-С鲻С56ζд.M 棨Ann M. Rutledge) (New Salem) 18 λ ?1835 2020.Jane Hammong)漴 к1.6 Сζ жο βЩ ? Jay Fliegelman ) λνassociation copies) 1918λ622 1957 Χ 19501975 λ Ardsley)Щλе (University of Texas Law School) 0Σ漴 Zinman Collection of Pornography) 1998 -New York Public Library) Сл guillotine м й 58201807鼰75 59о -Χ ò ɡ ?Chuck Yeager) 21 и6 λ 22 ( λá仰顣 γ巴м 顣-Fingerspitzengefuhl-Tδ ɡ о Щ и.Gary Milan)23 г 211923 ?Charles ElwoodYeager) 22 **watch my six'*watch my six oclockдν6λ1 Ул watch my six'' ^ 23^60ж ο飬У衰 е κм 顣ме ? 涼Щкü оЩ 嶼о νpromenade) ЩЦ 飬 λ.HeribenTemchm) 亱λ 顱鶼 飬о 20 AIW?д '61λ ??(Sigmund Freud) о?д絽 Qua!Voltaire25е Сл桱 ó 衱24 1725179818 ?Τ .д25λ 62磬亱mrity) scarcity)value)硱 · 磺Щ亱 Щ е ж 硰á (worth) е塪65òн У H?(Robert H. 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