Paris, Edmund 600Paris Embassy 86, 92, 96, 245Parkland Memorial Hospital 678Parliament 414, 550Parliament Act 195Parliamentary World GovernmentAssociation 546Parliament Square 589, 590Parnell, Charles Stewart 35Parthenon 541passions, and ethics 504, 505Past 156, 158, 179Pater, Walter 69, 87, 88patriotism 619; B. R.’s love ofBritain 157, 227, 497; Shaw on258Paul, St 301Pauli, Wolfgang 444Pauling, Linus 548, 592, 654Paulos, John, letter to 650Pavlov, I. P. 421Peak District 579Peano, Giuseppe 135, 136Pearsall Smith, Alys see Russell,Alys (B. R.’s ?rst wife, néePearsall Smith)Pearsall Smith, Hannah Whitall139–40Pearsall Smith, Logan 69, 70, 71,89, 94, 95, 99, 121, 132, 139–40,163, 196, 199, 264, 433, 518;letters from 75–84Pearsall Smith, Robert 139Pearsall Smith family 64, 69Pears and Guinness 603Pears’ Cyclopaedia 545Pearse, Christopher 268Pearson, Hesketh 467Peel, Lady Georgiana (née Russell:B. R.’s aunt) 88the autobiography of bertrand russell 734Peking 340, 341, 342, 346, 347, 383;Legation Chapel at 530Peloponesus 540Pembroke, Lady 9Pembroke Lodge 5, 9–10, 12, 14, 16,19, 21, 69, 156, 356, 529, 530, 531,538, 542, 561; garden 20, 537–38;Gladstone’s visit to 46; visits byIrish MPs 35Penguin Books 586, 596Pentagon 656Peppard, Chilterns 199Pepper, Miss 541percepts 394‘The Perplexities of John Forstice’505Perris, Mr 210Perry, Ralph Barton 205, 217, 259,326, 327, 328Persia 376pessimism 508Peter and Paul Fortress, Leningrad319, 320Petersburg 96Peters?eld, Hampshire 368Petersham, Parish Church at 29Petrograd (now Leningrad) 292,315, 317; Mathematical Society of316Phelps, Elspeth 126phenomenology 58, 249Philadelphia 442, 510Philadelphia Quakers see Quakersphilanthropy 69Philippi, Signora de seeFitzmaurice, Lady Edmond (néeFitzgerald, later Signora dePhilippi)Phillimore, Bobby 433Phillimore, Lion see Fitzpatrick,LionPhillimore, Robert 363, 434Philosophical Essays (B. R.) 207Philosophical Logic 336Philosophische Bemerkungen(Wittgenstein) 419philosophy 29, 47, 52, 58, 194, 246,267; British 507; ‘commonusage’ 508; game of 423; andgeometry 116, 117; Greek 312;habits of thought 63; Harvardschool 205; and mathematics205; philosophers 119; Stoic 48,178, 464Philosophy and the Social Problem(Durant) 424Philosophy of Leibniz (B. R.) 127, 524Philpott, Wm. F, letter from 379physics 374–75, 376, 382, 414, 473,647Pigou, A. C. 257Pilate, Pontius 301‘Pimp-Hater’, letter from 446–47Pisa, Italy 300Pitt, William (the Younger) 245Pitt-Rivers, General 126Pitt-Rivers, Mrs (B. R.’s aunt) 126Pitt-Rivers, St George 126Piz Corvach/Piz Palü (mountains)33, 36Plain Tales from the Hills (Kipling) 13plane crash (Oslo to Trondheim)492Plas Penrhyn 544Plato 47, 150, 151, 327, 361, 376, 395,460, 463, 472, 473, 608, 652; ascomic poet 463pleasure 148Plotinus 513poetry 29, 312, 462; Greek 52; by T.S. Eliot 205; by Waley 243Poincaré, Henri 120, 125, 212Poland 396, 659; see also WarsawPolaris Base 685Policy of the Entente (B. R.) 143, 283Political Economy and Logic (Mill)30, 35, 57political prisoners 631, 632, 662,667, 674politics 11, 35, 194, 202; see alsounder individual political partiesPoor Law Reform 51Popoff, Dr 322Portal, Lady Charlotte (née Elliot: B.R’s great aunt) 13, 110Portal, Lord 497index 735‘A Portrait of a Lady’ (Eliot) 205Porthcurno, Cornwall 367Portland, William John A. C. J.Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of 196Portman Square 512Portmeinon 409Portos (French boat) 339Portraits from Memory (B. R.) 548,647Positivism 23‘Possibility of Peace in South EastAsia’ (Purcell) 641Pott, Constance 212Potter, Beatrice see Webb, BeatricePotter, Mr 66, 68Potter sisterhood 6Pound, Roscoe 328Powell, C. F. 552, 555Power, a New Social Analysis (B. R.)412, 413Power, Eileen 349; letter from 361Practice and Theory of Bolshevism (B.R.) 323Pragmatism 181predestination 39‘Prelate and the Commissar’ 508Press: addiction to reiteration 384;best newspaper 348; power of619press conference, Caxton Hall(Westminster) 570–73Pride and Prejudice (Austen) 69Priestley, J. B. 682Priggishness 78Primrose League 401Princeton 444–45, 499Principia Ethica (Moore) 503Principia Mathematica (B. R.) 25,135–94, 195, 309, 368, 460, 524,649; re-publication of 384, 386Principles of Mathematics (B. R.)136, 242–43, 375, 460Principles of Social Reconstruction (B.R.) 229, 230, 267, 288, 289, 304,367, 566Prior, Joey 56Problème logique de l’Induction, Le(Nicod) 386Problem of Knowledge (Ayer) 602The Problem of China (B. R.) 344,361, 378Proceedings of the LondonMathematical Society (B. R.) 243Prodigal Son 18Prohibitionists 130proof 188propaganda 228, 247‘Pros and Cons of Reaching Ninety’606–7The Prospects of IndustrialCivilization (B. R.) 368prostitution 31, 105Protection 143, 144Protestantism 212, 457, 504Proudhon, Pierre Joseph 327‘Prufrock’ (T. S. Eliot) 205psycho-analysis 227, 232, 507psychology 11; of B. R. 28–29; andlatency period 27Psychology (James) 7‘Psychometabolism’ (Huxley) 647puberty 28, 87Pugwash movement 555, 558, 577,581; Conference of Scientists 556,557punishment, theory of 108Punto San Vigilio 200Purcell, Victor 595, 641Puritanism 11, 12, 31, 131, 173, 178,199, 247, 473Putney, London 310Puxon, Grattan 630P’u Yi see Emperor of China, last(P’u Yi)Pythagoras 472, 648Quai d’Orsay 551Quakers 65, 69, 115, 123, 124, 131,197, 246, 248, 316Queen Mary 487Quine, W. V., letters to 434–35, 446,518Radcliffe College 445, 512Radicals 6, 68, 381Radlett, Herts 434the autobiography of bertrand russell 736Rákosi, M. 428Ramsgate 18Ransome, Arthur 292Rapacki, Adam 684Ravenscroft (later Cleddon Hall) 7,8, 541Read, Sir Herbert 682realism 53; French 82Realm of the Spirit (Santayana) 464,465reason 40, 41; and emotion 318Recollections of Logan (Gathorne-Hardy) 520‘Red Cockatoo’ (Waley) 243Redgrave, Vanessa 595, 654Redmond 175Redmond, Jean 594Red Sea 339Rees Jones, Maud 522reform 229Reformation 472refugees 632Regent’s Park 539Regional Seats of Government 597Reichenbach, Hans 385, 450, 469Reichstag 439Reith Lectures 493, 497relativity theory 311A Religious Rebel (letters of MrsPearsall Smith) 519religion 27, 29; and war 496; seealso individual religionsRenaissance 178, 504Renan, Henriette 129Reno, Nevada 369Republic (Plato) 47, 151Resurrection (Tolstoy) 320Retaliation 184Reval, Estonia 322, 323, 337revolution: French 122, 308, 353,495; Industrial 423–24, 500;Kerensky 240Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale383, 386Reynolds, Reginald 568Reynolds, Warren 680Rhayader, Lord see Jones, Leif (laterLord Rhayader)Ribbands, C. R. 564Richardson, Tony 682Richborough, ruins at 18Richmond 17, 71, 542, 544, 551;Presbyterian Church at 29Richmond Green 72, 346, 366Richmond Hill 530Richmond Park 9, 537, 538, 542, 543Rinder, Gladys, letter to 302–3Rivers, W. H. R. 329Roads to Freedom 327Robertson, D. S. 511Robertson, Gen. Sir William Robert273Robertson, J. M. 158Robinson family 158Robot bombs 512Roby, Henry John 215Rockefeller Institute, Peking 347Roffen, Christopher (Bishop ofRochester), letter from 598–99Rogers (poet) 10Roland, Madame 243, 299Rolland, Romain 248, 270, 382Roman Catholicism 72, 119, 120,141, 457, 472, 499Roman Catholicism, liberal 325Romans 39, 429, 473Romantics 19, 472Rome 100, 161, 200, 204, 300, 495;visit to 546, 548Romilly, Lady Elizabeth (B. R.’sgreat aunt) 13Roosevelt, Eleanor 580; letter from607–8Roosevelt, Franklin D. 476Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius 553, 554Rotblat, Josef 550, 552, 555, 557, 570,572Rousseau, Jean-Jacques xii, xiii, 201,202Routh, M. J. 598Royal Society 143Royal Society of Medicine 499Royce, Josiah 204, 205, 217, 259Ruby, Jack 639, 676, 681Rushmore 126Ruskin College, Oxford 499index 737Russell, Alys (B. R.’s ?rst wife, néePearsall Smith) 15, 64–65,69–72, 106, 132, 141, 142, 170,184, 196, 206, 208, 209, 214,366, 391, 432, 433, 434;character/temperament 139,140; end of marriage to 198, 347,519; letters from and to 84–99,103, 518, 519–24Russell, Arthur (Rollo’s son) 110Russell, Bertrand Arthur William: atCambridge see Cambridge;character/temperament 30, 43,57–58, 119, 139; childhood 5–26,27, 91; education 16–17, 20–21,30–31, 40, 42; adolescence27–45, 91; engagements 64–114;health problems 198, 207,345–47, 439, 543, 555–56, 635;imprisonment 240, 243, 244, 315,501, 620; marriages seemarriages of B. R.; parenthoodsee parenthood; publications bysee individual publications, such asPrinciples of SocialReconstruction (B. R.)Russell, Conrad Sebastian Robert(B. R.’s younger son) 412, 441,446, 474, 481, 487, 488, 510, 511Russell, Dora Winifred (B. R.’s 2ndwife, née Black) 310–11, 314, 315,323, 339–40, 343, 345–46, 347,349, 366–408; end of marriage to409, 410; as Fellow of Girton 312Russell, Edith (B. R’s 4th wife, néeFinch) 509, 522, 537–39, 541Russell, ‘Elizabeth’ (Countess) 244,264, 369Russell, Flora (cousin of B. R.) 465,529, 595Russell, Francis (Frank), 2nd EarlRussell (B. R.’s brother) 7, 10,15–16, 19, 34–35, 111, 248, 264;Buddhism of 34; cruelty of 370;letters from and to 279–80, 299,356; at Oxford 46; publicationsby 369; death of 421Russell, Gertrude 128, 356Russell, John see Amberley, John(Viscount) (B. R.’s father)Russell, John Conrad (B. R.’s elderson) 203, 350, 368, 371, 409, 410,439, 441, 445, 446, 461, 463,465–66, 481, 509, 510, 561;illnesses 551Russell, Kate see Amberley, Kate(Viscount) (B. R.’s mother)Russell, Katherine Jane (Kate, B. R.sdaughter) 367, 368, 409, 410,439, 441, 445, 446, 461, 463, 481,509, 510, 514, 581–82Russell, Lady Agatha (B. R.’s aunt)8, 13, 14–15, 18, 20, 34, 35, 70, 94,110, 156, 171, 174, 391, 530, 531Russell, Lady John (B. R.’sgrandmother) 11–12, 13, 18, 19,20, 29, 33–34, 35, 41, 42, 56,74–75, 88, 89, 91, 93–94, 103;accomplishments of 10–11; on B.R.’s ?rst wife 71; illnesses 85, 112;letters from 109–12, 113–14,127–29Russell, Lord John (B. R.’sgrandfather, 1st Earl Russell) 10,