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Massingham 226, 255, 326, 328,434Masterman 174masturbation 28Matchette Foundation, ColumbiaUniversity 499Mathematical In?nite (Couturat)124Mathematical Society of Petrograd316mathematics 27, 32, 35, 47, 175,190, 374; Algebra 25, 42; Calculus57, 153, 217; equations 217, 249;geometry see geometry; andphilosophy 205; theory 96; seealso Principia Mathematica;Principles of Mathematicsmatter 29–30, 36–37, 167Matthews, Sir Charles (PublicProsecutor) 248Mauretania (ship) 204Maurice, F. D. 47‘Maxims of La Rochefoucauld’ 508Mayor, R. G. 108, 109Mazzini, M. 6, 190McCarthy, Joseph 531, 543McCarthyism 492McClelland, Dr 678McDonald, B. Mooney 680, 681McDougall, William 191McGeehan, Judge John E. 455–56,459McGuinness, B. F. 331–32McHaigh, H., letter from 565–66McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis52–53, 54, 97, 98, 105, 106, 108,109, 118, 125, 132, 281, 282; letterfrom 59–60Mead, Nelson P. 448meaning 424Meaning of Meaning (Ogden andRichards) 336The Meaning of Science (B. R.) 420mechanical sharks 502meditation 156Mediterranean Sea 308, 319Medlock, Julie 499Melchisedek 580Melk (Austria) 556‘Memorandum on the BoxerIndemnity’ 363–64Mephistopheles 225Merrow 564Mesopotamia 293Metal Workers’ Union (Frankfurt)663metaphysics 47, 52; German 58,608Mevagissey 164the autobiography of bertrand russell 730Meynell, Francis 240Michaud (cook) 16Michelangelo 270Middle Ages 161Midlands Region Youth Campaignfor Nuclear Disarmament,Birmingham 612Militants 144militarists 237, 238; of WestGermany 665Mill, John Stuart 5, 94, 145, 548;publications by 30, 35, 57Millbank (London) 550, 553Miller, Hugh 450Mill House, Gratchester 138, 154The Millhanger, Fernhurst 127Milliband, Ralph 638Millville, New Jersey 121Milman, Henry Hart 30Milner, Alfred (Viscount) 296Milo, Titus Annius 424Milton, John 10, 19, 29, 81Mind 518‘Mind and Matter’ 647Ministry of Defence 584Ministry of Labour 402, 404; letterto 405Minto, William, Earl of (B. R.’sgreat uncle) 12Minturn, Miss 176Mirabeau, Comte de 245miracles 37, 39missionaries 346, 347Mississippi River 439Mittagessen 101mixed-manned nuclear surface ?eet(MLF) 686, 687MLF (mixed-manned nuclearsurface ?eet) 686, 687A Modern Symposium (Dickinson)173, 175Modern Greats 312‘Modern Physics’ 374–75Mohammedanism 429Monasteries of the East (Curzon)523Mongolia 345monism 650Monkey (Waley) 467Montagu, Mrs 512Montaigne, Michel de 161, 462,464, 467Monteagle family 170Monte Carlo 555Monte Cassino, Italy 313Monte?ore, Sir Moses 18–19Montessori, Maria 400Montfort, Simon de 429Mooney, Tom 428Moore, G. E. 53–54, 60, 97, 98, 100,106, 107, 108, 109, 169, 177, 207,216, 281, 313, 336, 376, 465, 476,503; letters from and to 415, 416,417–18, 435–36Moore, Sturge 54, 462Moors, the 300morality 42, 82, 148; of B. R.’sgrandmother 11, 12; andconscience see conscience; andMoore 60; moral condemnation302; New Britain 205; Plato 327;primitive 39; sexual 31, 69, 451;and Ten Commandments 39, 123;Victorian 67; see also conscience;Puritanismmoral science 56Moral Science Club, Cambridge 58,63, 94, 104, 105Moral Sciences Tripos 71morbidity 28, 29, 87, 88Morel, E. D. 247, 248, 283, 295Morgan, J. P. 75Morley, John (Viscount), letter from252Mormons 407Morning Post 261, 364Morocco 247, 300Morrell, Lady Ottoline 196–200,207, 225–26, 227, 228, 229, 230,233, 235, 236, 243, 390; letters to261, 277, 303, 305, 308, 337,352–54, 355–56; death of 446Morrell, Philip 196, 197, 198, 199,225–26, 227Morris, Charles W. 438Morris, Miss 369index 731Morris, T. E. 595Mortimer, Raymond 467Moscow 317, 322, 342; Academy ofScience 552; World DisarmamentConference 593, 663, 664Moscow Conference onDisarmament see WorldDisarmament Conference,MoscowMoses 301Moskwa River, Russia 317Moslems 271‘Mother Bunch’s Lane’ 36Motion 98motives 11, 45Moulsford, ‘The Beetle and Wedge’at 204‘Mr Apollinax’ (T. S. Eliot) 205Mt Holyoak College, US 499Muller, Professor 572multilateral disarmament 624Münsterberg, Hugo 217, 259murder 33, 39; of Becket 15Murray, Gilbert 137, 159, 161, 183,184, 206, 227, 258, 305; lettersfrom and to 146–54, 209, 259,294, 467–76, 527–28Murray, Mary 469Murray, Rosalind 472Murrow, Ed 580Murry, Middleton 236, 262, 263music 182; see also speci?ccomposersMusicians Union 595Mussadeq 539Mussolini, Benito 67, 125, 232, 425,430Myers, F. W. H. 75, 107My Life and Adventures (FrankRussell) 369Myra Buttle see Purcell, Victormysticism 137, 161, 396, 493Nagasaki 489, 587Nanking 341Naples 300Napoleon see Bonaparte, NapoleonNara, Japan 348Nasser, Gamal A. 660, 686Nathan, Otto 426The Nation (London) 288, 326, 384;attitude to war 226; letters to250–52, 253, 255–56The Nation (New York) 470National Council for the Abolitionof Nuclear Weapons Tests 576National Gallery 539, 590nationalisation 35nationalism 271, 341, 396, 397,475National Union of Women’sSuffrage Societies 144National University of Peking 343,383nature, laws of 36Naworth Castle 23Nazareth 269Nazis 410, 411, 631, 659, 694Nazism 233, 554Neal’s Library, Rue Rivoli 92Needham, Joseph 643Negroes 145, 568Nehru, Jawaharlal 552, 646, 654;letter from 627–28Nehru, Pandit 499Neill, A. S. 399, 402, 404; lettersfrom and to 399–400, 402–3,405, 406neo-Thomism 438Netherlands see Hollandneutralism 226, 252; British 616,617Neva River, USSR 319Nevern Square, South Kensington211Nevile’s Court, Cambridge 58, 196Nevinson, H. W. 464‘A New Approach to Peace’654–63New Britain 205, 327Newcastle-upon-Tyne 275, 284New Commonwealth Committee526New Commonwealth Society 527New Court, Cambridge 46New Delhi 552the autobiography of bertrand russell 732New Hopes for a Changing World (B.R.) 502, 503New Leader 516Newman, John Henry (Cardinal)120Newman, M. H. A., letter to 393–94New Mexico 231, 307Newnham College, Cambridge 131,309, 531New Oxford Street 229‘New Prospects for Peace’ (Labourmanifesto) 683New Republic (Mallock) 505News of the World 690New Southgate 32New Statesman 575, 585, 609, 692Newsweek 679New Testament 464, 599Newton, Sir Isaac 96New York/New York City College131, 204, 440, 500, 538New York row (1940) 447, 451–57,501, 511New York Times 449, 452, 456, 509,531, 532, 644, 679; letter to editor(P. P. Wiener) 459New York World 338New Zealand 114, 125, 565Nicod, Jean 310, 385, 497; lettersfrom and to 382–84, 386–87Nicod, Thérèse: letters from and to387, 388Nicolas II, Czar 322Nietzsche, Friedrich 472nightmares, of B. R. 74Nightmares of Eminent Persons (B.R.) 506–7, 560Nine Muses 11Nkosi, Morley 595Nkrumah, Kwame 654Nobel Prize 499, 502, 543, 572No Conscription Fellowship 234,235, 240, 241, 242, 275Noel-Baker, Philip 673Nonconformism 60non-resistance see Paci?sts‘No Nuclear War Over Cuba’ 670;see also Cuban crisisNordhoff, Evelyn 95North Atlantic Treaty Organisation(NATO) 686Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth (1stViscount) 273North Foreland, Britain 18North Wales 544, 548, 551, 553, 582,587, 590, 641; Deudraeth Castle409; Ffestiniog 488, 542Norton, W. W. 409, 443; letters to420, 421Norway 469, 492, 502Notebooks 1914–16 (Wittgenstein)707nNotre Dame 539–40Nova Scotia 555, 556nuclear disarmament 490, 657,658; see also disarmamentnuclear warfare 488, 489, 492, 495,506, 544, 571, 581, 613, 651, 671;see also atomic war; H-bombNuclear Weapons Tests, NationalCouncil for Abolition of 576Nuremberg trials 497, 624, 694Nyerere, Julius 654The Observer 548, 567, 568, 606–7Of?cial Secrets Act (1911) 592Ogden, C. K. 603; letter from 336Oh, What a Lovely War (Littlewood)581oil pollution 535‘Old and New Cultures’ 579Old Southgate 31, 35, 41, 42, 43,240Old World 156Onassis, Aristotle 555On Denoting 705nOn Education (B. R.) 367O’Neil, Colette see Malleson, LadyConstance (‘Colette’)O’Neill, Eugene 425On the Beach (Shute) 581On the Meaning of Life (Durant) 425On Thermonuclear War (Kahn) 616On Wills (Jarman) 47The Open Conspiracy (Wells) 398Oppression in South Arabia 674index 733optimism 508‘Orders is Orders’ 516The Order of Prigs 69, 77–78organic unities, doctrine of 60original sin 429Origo, M., letter to 650–51Orphic tablets 161Orwell, George xiiOslo 492Ossietzsky, Carl von 666Ostwald, Wilhelm 335Oswald, Lee Harvey 639, 674, 675,677–78, 679, 680Oswald, Marina 676, 681Oswald, Robert 676Our Knowledge of the External Worldas a Field for Scienti?c Method onPhilosophy (B. R.) 204, 604Owen, Robert 68Oxford/Oxford University 46, 142,155, 176, 206, 271, 499; see alsoBalliol College, OxfordOzuki 350paci?sm xv, 117, 230, 316; and Spain467Paci?sts 348; beliefs 226; B. R.’sviews 137, 490; duty of 422;Einstein on 422; futility of? 490;against World War I 235, 241, 410;see also No ConscriptionFellowshipPaderewski, Ignace 425Pagan 376, 541Paget, A. 6pain 148Palais Royal, Paris 92Palestine 317, 632Palmer, George Herbert 259Palmerston, Henry John Temple(3rd Viscount) 11pantheism 58Pantheon, Greek 448Paoli, Penn. 442Papandreou, George 668parenthood 203, 346, 357, 368;parental feeling 366–67; see alsoRussell, John Conrad (B. R.’selder son); Russell, KatherineJane (Kate, B. R.s daughter)Paris 72, 79, 81, 85, 88, 89, 92, 100,102, 111, 122, 124, 175, 308, 339,548; Exhibition (1889) 32–33;lectures at 197–98; WorldGovernment Conference 551; seealso The Sorbonne

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