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imperialism 137, 143, 473, 692Impressionism 72impressions, sensuous 87imprisonment of B. R. 240, 243,244, 315, 501, 620impulses, creative and possessive229India 478, 552; nuclear weapons in671; Sino-Indian Border Dispute626–28Indian Mutiny 350individual freedom 494Indonesia 691induction 386, 388, 420Industrial Revolution 423–24,500Infeld, Professor 572infertility 74in?nity 419Inge, Dean 425In Memoriam 29Innsbruck, Austria 200Inquiry into Meaning and Truth (B.R.) 413, 441, 471insanity, fear of losing 74Intellectual Development of Europe(Draper) 47intellectuals, attitude to World WarI 269, 282International Congress for CulturalFreedom 554International Congress ofPhilosophy, Paris 135International Control Commission689International Peace-Keeping Force670In the Days of the Comet (Wells) xiii,xivIn the World (Corki) 320Introduction to MathematicalPhilosophy (B. R.) 242, 325–26Intuitionism 148Invasion of the Crimea (Kinglake) 9The Invention of a New Religion(Chamberlain) 361Irak 380Ireland 35, 170, 300irrigation 498Isaacs, Rufus 337Islands of the Blest 308Isle of Skye 308Isle of Wight 369Israel 632, 659–60Italy 178, 300, 313Italy, Venice 125Ito, Miss 349, 350IWW see Industrial Workers of theWorld (IWW)Jackson, Amabel Huth (née GrantDuff ) 19Jackson, Gardner, letter to 395Jacobites 23Jacobsthal, Ernst 469James, Henry 75, 81, 264James, William 7, 69, 139, 204;letter from 191–92Janissaries 397Japan 172, 269, 347, 348, 349;atrocities 355; bomb attacks on489; civil disobedience 614Japan Chronicle 348Japan Weekly Chronicle 358Jarman, Thomas 47jealousy 246Jeans, Sir James 421Jeremiah 465, 466Jesus Christ 123, 269, 599the autobiography of bertrand russell 726Jewish people 19, 301, 326, 396,473; Americanised 337; deaths inHolocaust 545; refugees 630; inSoviet Union 262, 632, 636, 651;see also Monte?ore, Sir MosesJoachim, Harold 57, 82Joad, C. E. M. 329John, Augustus 590; letter from 621John, St 301John Adam Street, London 117Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore122, 131Johnson, Dr 50Johnson, L. B. 675, 676, 689, 692John the Scot 466Joliot-Curie, Frederic 547, 549, 552,571Joliot-Curie, Madame 502Jones, Ernest, letters from and to566–67, 598, 599Jones, Leif (later Lord Rhayader)166Jones, Rev. Morgan 277Jordan, Sir John 363Jourdain, Philip, letter from 210journalism 155Journal of the History of Ideas 460Jowett, Benjamin 25, 99, 190joy, instinctive 247, 249Judas Iscariot 301justice, political/economic 495–96Justice dans La Révolution(Proudhon) 327Justice in War Time (B. R.) 283, 382Justinian 376Kagawa, Toyohiko 348Kahn, Herman 616Kaiser, Wilhelm II 276, 410, 462Kaizo 348Kalinga Prize (UNESCO) 577Kallen, Horace M. 460Kant, Immanuel 54, 118, 121, 211,212, 244, 249, 460Kaplan, Abraham 438Karachi 499Károlyi, Count Michael, letter from428–29Katanga 690Kaunda, Kenneth 654Keats, John 11Keeling, Frederic (‘Ben’) 304Kegan Paul 336Kellaway, Mr 195Kellerman, Roy 678Kennan, George 575Kennedy, J. F. 596, 604, 617, 618,620, 672, 673; assassination of639, 645, 674–82Kennington, near Oxford 143Kerensky, Alexander 260, 428;Kerensky Revolution 240Kew Gardens 537, 538Keynes, John Maynard 60–62,105–6, 142, 225, 230, 331, 384Khan, Ayub 654Khan, Genghiz 580Khan, Kublai 580Khrushchev, Nikita 575, 577, 578,609, 617, 620, 622, 651, 656,664, 672; letter to 665Kidlington, Oxford 438Kien-Tuong 689Kimberley, Lord 88, 89kindly feeling 67, 232Kinglake, Alexander William 9King’s College 359Kingston Russell House 578Kingsway Hall, Holborn 584Kinsella family 158Kinsey, Mr 667Kipling, Rudyard 13Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland 47,48, 170, 306Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, Earl260Kitzbühel, Austria 557Klein, Felix 213knowledge 98, 148; ethical 504Kobe, Japan 348Komissars 317Korea 341Korean War 496, 498, 643Kotialansky, S. S. 262Krakatoa eruption (1883) 14, 535Kraus, Lili 595index 727Kropotkin, Peter 316, 351Kun-Chao-Shuh 352Kyoto, Japan 269, 348Labour Congress 289Labour Leader group 283Labour Party 47, 67, 364, 380, 414,434, 491, 577; Conference of 582,583; foreign policy 682–94Lac Beauport, Canada 557Lacroix, Jean 388Lady Chatterley’s Lover (D. H.Lawrence) 232Laidler, Harry W., letter to 450Lalande, André 388Lamb, Charles 50Lambrakis 631Land and Water 288Landau, Edmund 249Land’s End, Britain 367Lane, Mark 639, 640, 681–82language: English 355; Esperanto124; French 179, 243; Greek 25,30; Ido 124; Latin 25, 55, 56, 100Lansbury, George 401Lansdowne, Henry (5th Marquess)295Lao-tse 423Lao-Tzu 351La Perouse 93Laski, Harold 491; letters from andto 325–29, 394–95The Last of the Radicals 528latency period 27Latin 25, 55, 56, 100, 466Law of Identity 174Lawrence, D. H. 230–33, 262, 265,281, 307Lawrence, Frieda 232, 263Laws of Thought 169‘Lead Kindly Light’ 464League to Enforce Peace 239, 306Lee, Austin 110, 114Leeds 240Lee-Shuh-Tseng 351Legation Chapel, Peking 530Leibniz, G. W. 125, 176, 460Leith Hill 69l’Enclos, Ninon de 361Lenin, V. I. 260, 292, 316Leopaldi translations 463, 650Leucippus 466Leverhulme Fellowships 436Lewis, C. I. 327‘A Liberal Decalogue’ (B. R.) 533–34Liberalism 69, 212Liberal Party 50, 67, 145, 173, 174,175, 195, 256The Liberator 337Lichnowsky, Prince Karl Max 253Liebknecht, Karl 117Liebknecht, Wilhelm 117Life 677, 679Lincoln, Abraham 237‘L’Individu et l’Etat Moderne’address, Sorbonne 497Lindop, Patricia 555Li Sze Kuang, Dr 571Lithuania 395Little Datchett 512Littlewood, J. E. 310, 417, 418; letterfrom 325Litvinov, M. M. 244, 315Liverpool 350, 550, 572Lives (Walton) 176Lloyd, Francis 462Lloyd, John 466Lloyd, Margaret 466, 553Lloyd, Ted 466Lloyd George, David 49, 233, 272,300, 414, 425Lloyd Roberts Lecture 499Lo, C. L. 364, 365Locke, John 198Lodge, Sir Oliver 168, 169Logan, Ernest 27–28Logic, Computing Machines andAutomation (Hilton) 649logic, mathematical 249logical positivism 413Logic and Knowledge (B. R.) 548Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlungsee TractatusLondon 82, 263, 287, 551, 584, 587;and adolescence of B. H. 29; andB. R.’s ?rst marriage 117, 118; andthe autobiography of bertrand russell 728childhood of B. T. 6, 21, 24; andcourtships of B. R. 71, 95, 96;Embassies in 633; and hydrogenbombs 535; Trafalgar Square seeTrafalgar Square; vice in 92; seealso speci?c places, such as BakerStreetLondon School of Economics 66,519; speeches/lectures at 117,118; Students’ Union 415loneliness 137Long, Huey 439Longmans Green and Co. 431, 464,465Lord’s Prayer 123Loreburn, Robert (1st Earl) 295Los Angeles 568Los Angeles, University ofCalifornia see California,University ofLouisiana State University 439Louis XVI 495love: as a ‘beacon ?re’ 286; asescape from solitude 246–47Lovejoy, Arthur O. 460Lowell, A. Lawrence 129, 204, 326,328, 389Lowell Institute, Boston 259Lowell Lectures 204Lowndes, Mrs 704nLucretius 63, 461, 463Lugala, Ireland 35Lulworth 305, 310, 311, 312, 313, 382Lumumba 690Lusitania (ship) 204, 228Luther, Martin 472Lutyens, Lady Emily, letter to290–91Lycidas 641MacAlpine (butler) 16MacCail, J. W. 152MacCarthy, Desmond 163, 164, 168,266, 465, 467, 522, 524; lettersfrom 187, 436–37MacDonald, Ramsay 67, 240, 248,283, 344, 425; letter from 362–63;as PM 348MacGill, Air Commander 592Machiavelli, Niccolo 30, 472Mackenzie 108Mackenzie, Compton 682Mackenzie, Dorothy 282; lettersfrom and to 289, 297–98Mackinder, Sir Halford John 168,169MacLaren, Walter 145MacMahon, Major 212, 213Macmillan, Harold 617, 618, 620,673MacMunn, Norman 406MacRobie (gardener) 16Maeterlinck, Maurice 141, 156, 181‘Mainau Declaration’ 547Main Committee 597Maitland, Frederic William 136Maitland, Mrs 216Majorca 315Malaysia 691, 692Malet, Lady Ermyntrude (B. R.’scousin) 116Malinowski, Bronislaw, letters fromand to 414–15Malleson, Lady Constance(‘Colette’) 234–37, 240, 243,245–46, 309–10, 311, 324; lettersfrom and to 286, 289, 291, 292,300, 318–22Malleson, Miles 234, 594; letter to283Mallock, William H. 505Managerial Revolution (Burnham)412Manchester 312, 576, 641Manchester Guardian 225, 467;letter from 529Manchester University 282, 312Manichaeanism 429Mann, Thomas 425Mannichfaltigheitslehre (Cantor) 57Manning, Bishop William T. 449Mans?eld, Katherine 236, 237, 263Mansion House, London 241‘Man’s Peril’ 545, 547, 548The Man Versus The State (Spencer)35index 729Mao Tse-tung 628Marconi, Guglielmo 425Marienbad, Czechoslovakia 200Markham, Helen 680Marne, Battle of 227, 228marriage 161–62; Companionate598; institution of 11, 65; St Paulon 301‘Marriage’ (Carpenter) 100Marriage and Morals (B. R.) 368,371, 502, 598marriages of B. R. see Russell, Alys(B. R.’s ?rst wife, née PearsallSmith); Russell, Dora Winifred(B. R.’s 2nd wife, née Black);Russell, Edith (B. R’s 4th wife,née Finch); Russell, Patricia(‘Peter’, B. R.’s 3rd wife, néeSpence)Marseilles 339, 421Marsh, R. C. 548Marsh, Sir Edward 54, 97, 99, 105,304, 305, 446; letters from99–103, 106–9Marshall, Alfred 41, 105Marshall, Catherine 233, 272, 277Martin, B. K. 361Martin, Kingsley 575, 609, 682;letter to 454–55martyrdom 43, 273, 611–12Marx, Karl 232, 327, 412, 472, 528Marxism 316Mary, Queen 5Masaryk, Jan 491Mase?eld, John 281Massachusetts 312; Boston 6, 124,126, 204, 206

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