Bailey, Cyril 466Baillie, Jimmie 21, 26, 28, 42Baker, George 277Baker Street 235Bakewell 579Bakunin, Mikhail 327‘Balance of Terror’ 668–69Balancing Committee 625Balfour, Arthur James 67, 168, 173,188, 242, 243Balliol College, Oxford 64Baltimore, Maryland 122Bangkok 203, 377Barbarians 300barbarism 228, 463, 492, 643Barbusse, Henri, letters from andto 427–28Barcelona 315Barnes, Dr Albert C. 440, 441,442–43, 444, 474, 511, 513Barnes, E. W. (Bishop ofBirmingham) 228–29Barnes Foundation 440, 442Barnes Institute 510Barnsley, Yorkshire 83Barran, John 100Baruch Proposal 489, 656Bates, Henry Walter 244Battersea, London 167, 310, 312, 545Bay of Pigs 673Beacon Hill School 398Beacons?eld, Lord 530Bean, T. E. 595Beasly, Gertrude, letter from 393Beatty, O. H. 144beauty, natural 87–88, 150, 151, 154Beaverbrook, Lord William MaxwellAitken 61, 528index 713Bebel 117Becket, Thomas 14–15Bedford 196Bedford, Dukes of 515, 594, 636,654Bedford, Ian 595Bedford Square 225, 227Beethoven, Ludwig van 182, 359Begriffsschrift (Frege) 57Behaviour and Social Life ofHoneybees (Ribbands) 564behaviourism 421Belgium 226, 252, 467, 526; nuclearweapons in 671Belgrade, Yugoslavia 446Belgrave Square, Imperial DefenceCollege in 490Bell, Clive 314Bell, Sir Hugh 23, 204Bell, Walter G. 257Belloc, Miss (later Mrs Lowndes)92, 93Benes, Eduard 470Benn, A. W. 466, 682Benn, Caroline Wedgwood 682Bennett, Arnold 310Bentham, Jeremy 68, 395Benthamites 68Bentinck, Miss 306Berenson, Bernard 70, 116, 153, 173,519, 546; letters from 559, 560–61Berenson, Mary (née Smith) 205,546, 559; letters from 209, 432Bergson, Henri 118, 216Berkeley, George (Bishop) 413Berlin 115, 116, 229; air lift 491, 658;blockade 656, 658; Congress 522;East and West 658, 667; Sozial-Demokrats in 518–19; Wall 659;see also East Germany (GDR);GermanyBernal, Professor 593Bernard Street 235, 236Berners Street 21Berry, Miss 11Bertrand Russell Case (Dewey andKallen) 708nBertrand Russell Peace Foundation634, 635, 645, 653, 655, 668, 698;aims and objects 663; Board ofAdvisers 661; on disarmament674; Government 661;Headquarters 661, 662;Secretariat 662Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind580Besant, Annie 358Bhabha, Dr H. J. 552, 580Bible 19, 23, 301; Gospels 178, 314;New Testament 464, 599bigotry 376Bikini bomb 492, 572, 573Bimetallism 98biological weapons 618biology 43Biquard, Paul 549bird-droves 147Birmingham 612Birrell 177birth control 72, 74Bishops’ Courts 15bitterness 160Bj?rnson, B. 72Black, Dora Winifred see Russell,Dora Winifred (B. R.’s 2nd wife,née Black)Black Death 629Blackdown 539Black Maria 588, 589, 590Blake, William 48, 151, 223, 312, 561blood-consciousness 232Blue Streak 685Board of Higher Education, NewYork 454, 460Boer War/Boers 125, 127, 566, 569,570Boggs, Congressman 675Bohemia 80; Quartier-Latin 69Bohr, Niels 547, 579, 608Bois de Boulogne 111, 539Boleyn, Anne 530, 538Bolsheviks 248, 292, 316, 317, 322,323, 337, 338, 339, 342, 357Bolshevism in Theory and Practice357Bolt, Robert 638the autobiography of bertrand russell 714Bonaparte, Napoleon 9, 361, 538Bond?eld, Margaret 401, 402, 403,405, 406; letter to 404Book of Snobs (Thackeray) 55Booth, Thomas 108Boothby, Lord 580Borel, Emile 135Born, Max 550, 551, 653; letters fromand to 608–10Borneo, North 692Bosis, Lauro de 462Boston, Mass. 6, 124, 126, 204,206, 451Boston Herald 451Bourdet, Claude 664Bournemouth, Hants. 24Bow Street 587, 588, 589; statement(1961) 619–20Bow Street Magistrates Court 393Boxer Indemnity 347, 362, 363–64Boyd Orr, Lord 654, 682Braby, Ion, letter from 562–63Bradlaugh, Charles 348, 358Bradley, Francis Herbert 57, 98, 180;letters from 193–94, 219–20Brahman 215Brailsford, H. N. 255–56; lettersfrom and to 566Brakemeier, H. 664Brandeis, Justice Louis D. 328Brandt, Heinz 632, 663, 664, 665,666Brazil 308; nuclear weapons in 671Brenan, Gamel 409; letters from430–31Brenan, Gerald 409Brenan, Gerald, letter from 429–30Brett, Dorothy 306Briand, Aristide 425Bridges, Robert 99Bridge Street, Cambridge 196Britain 172–73, 487–536; B. R.’s loveof 157, 227, 497; colonialism of19; Conrad’s love of 202;Constitution 414; divorce law347; Establishment 497; ForeignOf?ce 337; and nuclear war 577;and Soviet Russia 316; VietnamSolidarity Campaign 643; andWorld War I 251British Academy 548British Army 31; in Germany 684; inPalestine 317British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC) 544, 545, 555, 574, 595British Commonwealth 617, 686British Empire 118British Museum 226British Who Killed KennedyCommittee 640, 682Brittany 88, 167Brixton Prison 240, 243, 244, 315,501, 620Broadstairs, Kent 120Broadway, Worcs 141Brockway, Fenner 596Bromley Common 521Brooke, Rupert 205, 261, 304Brooklyn, New York 156Brooks, Rev. Rachel Gleason, letterto 396–97Broom Hall 41Brotherhood Church, SouthgateRoad 240, 241Brouwer, L. B. 417Brown, G. Spencer 640Brown, Runham, letter to 422Brown, W. J. 479Browning, Robert 32, 79Brunnshaupten, Mecklenburg 249Brunyate 132Brydon, Mr (B. R.’s great greatgrandfather) 12Bryn Mawr College 64, 121, 122, 173,206, 444, 514, 537Buchenwald 665Buck, Pearl, letter from 478–79Buckingham Palace 497, 631Buckmaster, Stanley Owen, 1stViscount 295Buddhism 6, 34, 126, 353Buhler, Dora 41, 184Bulgaria 346Bull, J. 258Bumbledom 531Burali-Forti 138index 715bureaucracy 337, 403Burgos Cathedral, Spain 300Burhop, E. H. S. 549, 555Buried Alive (Bennett) 310Burne-Jones, Sir Edward 23, 24Burnham, James 412Burnham Beeches 207Burnley, Lancs. 197Burns, C. Delisle 329Burns, John 175Bury Street, London 200Butler, Abbot 555Butler, Bishop Joseph 599Butler, Henry Montagu 120, 193;letters from 55–56Butler, Samuel see ErewhonRevisitedBuxton, Charles Roden 316Buxton, Derby 236Buzot, F. N. L. 243By an Unknown Disciple(Fitzpatrick) 434Byron, Robert xii, 11, 29, 523Byzantine Empire 541Cadogan, George Henry (5th Earl)381Caen 124Caesar, Julius 231, 361Café Royal 594Calculus 57, 153, 217Calder, John 682California 208, 428, 471California, University of 438, 439,447, 461, 509; Department ofPhilosophy at 450Cambridge 46–63, 71, 72, 82, 97,125, 132, 163, 177, 195–220, 225,259, 262, 271, 314, 329, 436;Moral Science Club 58, 63, 94,104, 105; Whitehead at 118; seealso Grantchester and individualcollegesCambridge, Duchess of 5–6Cambridge, Mass. 514Cambridge Liberal Association 256Cambridge Magazine 267, 289Cambridge Modern History 159Cambridge Observer 81Cambridge University Press 121,143, 146Campaign for NuclearDisarmament (CND) 575–76,577, 578, 581, 582, 585, 593;leadership 597; Welsh 584; Youth586, 638Campbell, Miss 510Campbell, Mrs Patrick 313Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry174–75Camp David 656, 671The Campus 448–49Canada 515, 556, 557, 614, 615Canary Islands 410Candida (Shaw) 433Cannan, Gilbert 283cannibalism 205Cannon Street police station 593Canon Law 473Canton, China 341Cantor, George 57, 118, 138; lettersfrom 210–11, 212–13Cardiff, Wales 283, 591Carlisle, Rosalind Howard (B. R.’saunt) 6, 24, 152, 166Carl von Ossietzsky Medal 632,666Carlyle, Lord 9, 23, 24, 30Carnap, Rudolf 438Carnap, Rudolf, letters from and to604–5Carn Voel (B. R.’s Cornwallresidence) 409Carpenter, Edward 105Carroll, Lewis 508Carson, Sir Edward 273Carter Paterson 306Casals, Pablo 654Casement, Sir Roger 281Cassandra 607Cassiopeia 339Castle, Barbara 684Castle of Indolence (James) 19Castro, Fidel 660Catalan University 315Cather, Willa 464the autobiography of bertrand russell 716Catholic Church see RomanCatholicismCattermole 30‘Causes of the Present Chaos’ (B.R.) 342Cave, George (Viscount) 295Cavendish-Bentinck, Lady Ottolinesee Morrell, OttolineCaxton Hall, Westminster 548;press conference at 570–73Cenotaph, Whitehall 586censorship 247Central Hall, Westminster 576Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)581Chamberlain, B. H. 361Chamberlain, Joseph 143, 162, 569Chanak 380Changsha, China 341, 342Channel Packet (Mortimer) 467Chantabun 203, 377Chao, Y. 342; letter from 364–65Chappelow, Eric 273Charity Commission 635Charlemagne 473Charles I 15Chartres 540Chase, Harry Woodburn 456Chaucer, Geoffrey 423Chelsea, London 48, 95, 167, 367,368, 379, 588; letter to electors379–81chemical weapons 618Cheng-Sha 353Chenies, family vault at 8Chesham Place, London 21Cheyne Walk, London 141Chiang Kai Shek 397Chicago, Illinois 70, 206, 207, 438Chicherin, G. V. 322childlessness 39China 215, 315, 324, 339–65; B. R. in203, 308, 334, 339–48, 352–54,366; Conrad on 377; Englishmanin 343, 344; humour of Chinese344–45; Lecture Association 324;and militarism 471; nuclearpolicy 529; nuclear weapons in671; Sino-Indian Border Dispute626–28; Soviet diplomaticmission in 346; students in 343,351; and United States 618; andWashington Conference 358Chinese Anarchist-CommunistAssociation 351Chou En-Lai 692; letter from626–27Christ, Jesus 123, 269, 599, 657Christianity xi, 42–43, 115, 179, 473,657; Church of Britain 23, 66; inKorea 341; and sexuality 28; seealso Protestantism; RomanCatholicismChristian Love 411, 501Christian Martyrs 611–12Christian Science 56Christmas 24, 229‘Christmas at Sea’ 372–74Churches in the Modern State(Figgis) 325Churchill, Sir Winston 425, 464,476, 479Church of Britain 23, 66, 473Church Schools 67Churt, Surrey 142