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哈佛课程 公正:该如何做是好 中英双语-59

作者:桑德尔 字数:9766 更新:2023-10-08 19:59:48

从道德上讲, 什么能被称为爱国主义?What, morally speaking, is to be said for patriotism?有两个叫做 富兰克林的小镇There are two towns named Franklin.一个是德克萨斯州的富兰克林镇,One is Franklin, Texas,另一个是在 格兰德河畔的富兰克林镇,隶属 墨西哥。and the other is just across the Rio Grande River, Franklin, Mexico.国家边界 在道德上有什么意义?What is the moral significance of national boundaries?为什么Why is it, or is it the case作为美国人,我们是不是有 更大的责任that we as Americans have a greater responsibility为德州的富兰克林镇, 提供医疗、教育、社会福利和公共保障,for the health and the education and the welfare and public provision for people who live in Franklin, Texas,而不是 墨西哥河畔的小镇里, 面临同样匮乏的那些居民?than equally needy people just across the river, living in Franklin, Mexico?按照社群主义者的解释, 成员资格 的确重要。According to the communitarian account, membership does matter.爱国主义 至少是一种潜在的美德,And the reason patriotism is at least potentially a virtue is that原因是:它是公民义务的一种表现it is an expression of the obligations of citizenship.你们有多少人同意 存在 这第三种义务?How many are sympathetic to the idea that there is this third category of obligation?即 维护团结 或者 作为社群成员的义务The obligations of solidarity or membership.多少人赞同?How many are sympathetic to that idea?又有多少人对此 持持批评态度?And how many are critical of that idea?有多少人认为,所有的义务How many think all obligations can be accounted for都可以用 前两类义务 来解释?in the first two ways?好吧,我们先听听 对社群主义者的批评意见All right, let’s hear from the critics of the communitarian idea first.是的Yes.如果因为你是某个社群的成员,或者因为 要维持团结,你就要 担负义务,My biggest concern with the idea of having obligations because you’re a member of something or because of solidarity对于这个观点,我最大的疑问是:如果你接受了这种义务,来作为一种道德约束is that it seems that if you accept those obligations as being sort of morally binding,那么,这些义务之间 就很有可能会 重叠then there is a greater occurrence of overlapping obligations,很可能会出现 要在两种善行之间 选择。a greater occurrence of good versus good.而我不知道,社群主义的这一理论框架And I don’t know if this sort of framework能否允许 我们在其中 做出选择allows us to choose between them.很好,你叫什么名字? PatrickGood, and what's your name? - Patrick.所以你担心,如果我们 承认了 社群成员的义务,或者维护团结的义务,So you worry that if we recognize obligations of membership or solidarity,而我们又身处不同的社群,那它们的要求可能会发生冲突,since we inhabit different communities, their claims might conflict,如果有 多种义务同时出现,而只能选择其中一个,我们如何抉择呢?and what would we do if we have competing obligations?好的Yes.好的,一种解决方法是 我们可以这么看Well, one solution is that we could view ourselves as说到底,我们都是人类社会的成员ultimately, members of the human community在此前提下,我们会有 范围更窄一些的身份and that then within that we have all these smaller spheres, of that,比如我是美国人,或者 我是哈佛大学的学生you know, I am American or I am a student at Harvard.所以,我们应当服从的、最重要的群体 就是 人类社会。and so the most important community to be obligated to is the community of human beings.这样,你就可以评估And then from there you can sort of, evaluate,看看什么对你 是最重要的which other ones are most important to you.你叫什么名字? NicholaSo the most, and what’s your name? - Nichola.Nichola,你说 我们身处的最大的社群---人类社会So, Nichola, you say the most universal community we inhabit, the community of human kind,总是应当 优先考虑?always takes precedence?是的- Yes.Patrick,你对这个答案满意吗?Patrick, are you satisfied?不满意,为什么?No. - Why not?选择 普遍的义务,而不是某个具体的义务,这似乎太武断了。It seems rather arbitrary that we should choose the universal obligation over the more specific obligation.我也可以说,我应当首先 承担我自己最具体的义务。I might also say that I should be obligated first to the most specific of my obligations.例如,将我的家庭 看作是 维持团结的一个小单位For instance, take my family as a small unit of solidarity.也许我应当 首先承担家庭这个单位的义务,Perhaps I should be first obligated to that unit接着可能才是 我居住的小镇,and then perhaps to the unit of my town,然后是我的国家,再然后是人类and then my country, and then the human race.很好,谢谢。Good, thank you.我想听听 对于社群主义者观点的 其他反对意见I want to hear from another critic of the communitarian view.已经有人反对说,要是善和善之间发生冲突了怎么办?We have the objection, well, what if goods collide?谁反对这个观点?Who objects to the whole idea of it?谁认为爱国主义只是一种偏见,Who sees patriotism as just the kind of prejudice是我们应当克服的偏见?that ideally we should overcome?好的Yes.爱国主义 反映了一种社群的成员资格Patriotism reflects a community membership.那是一种 被给予的东西That’s a, like, a given.我认为问题在于,有些成员身份是自然叙事,I think the problem is that where some memberships are natural narratives,而公民身份的叙事 则是建构起来的。the narrative of citizenship is a constructed one.这是不对头的。 就像 那条分界河 其实只是一种历史巧合,And I think a false one because, as the river is just a historical accident,仅仅因为我随机降生在美国,而不是墨西哥it makes no sense that because the lottery of birth threw me into the United States as opposed to Mexico that就决定了我是美国的一员。这么讲不通。that’s the membership that I should be a part of.很好,你叫什么名字? ElizabethGood. And what’s your name? - Elizabeth.谁能回答她的问题?Elizabeth. Who has a reply?好的Yes.我认为总体上说,我们得问 我们的道德义务是从哪里产生的。I think in general, we have to ask where do our moral obligations arise from anyway.而我认为,基本上是从两个地方产生的And I think, basically, there’d be two places from which they could arise.一种是亲属关系,另一种是互惠。One would be kin and the other one would be reciprocity.如果你和其他人联系越紧密 ,And isn’t the closer you are associated to other people,这里就会 产生自然的互惠关系。there’s a natural reciprocity there in terms of having interactions with those people.你和街坊邻居相互交往You interact with the neighbors on your street,在经济上,与这个村里的其他人 来往with the other people in your country through economic arrangements.你和我都不认识,那些住在墨西哥富兰克林镇的人,But I don’t know and you don’t know those people in Franklin, Texas,同样也不认识 那些住在德州富兰克林镇的人any more than you know the people in Franklin, Mexico, do you?相比其他村里的人,想必 你和自己村里的人,在来往和贸易上,自然地有更多的联系。Presumably you’re naturally more connected with the people in your own country in terms of interaction and trade than you are with people in other countries.很好,还有谁? 好的Good. Who else? Go ahead.我觉得 爱国主义Yeah, I think that a lot of the basis for patriotism就像我们在大学里看到的 学院精神,或者是宿舍精神,can be compared to like school spirit or even house spirit that we see here在这里,新生被分到某一个宿舍,where freshmen are sorted into houses and then仅仅一天的时间,他们就会对自己的宿舍,产生某种依恋,或者自豪感within a day they have developed some sort of attachment or a pride associated with that house.所以我认为,我们也许可以 区分出 :And so I think that we can probably draw a distinction between由于社群的观念而生的道德义务a moral obligation for communitarian beliefsvs 仅仅是情绪化的、或情感上的依恋and sort of just a sentimental, emotional attachment.很好,等一下、 你叫什么名字?Good. Wait, stay there. What’s your name?RinaRina.回到我刚才的那个例子,关于孩子对父母的义务,What about... Go back to my example about the obligation of the child to the parent.你对此有何看法?Would you say the same thing there?那种义务是否就是情感上的,而非道德上的?It just may or may not be a sentimental type and it has no moral weight?我也不是十分确定。在开始阶段的一些东西会Well, I mean, I’m not entirely certain that accident, in the initial stages,排除 以后建立道德义务 的可能性something that will preclude moral obligations later.仅仅是因为我们随机地被分到某个宿舍Just because we are randomly sorted into a house or或者说 仅仅因为我们没有选择自己的父母,以及出生的祖国,just because we don’t choose who our parents are or what country we're born into并不必然意味着,我们不会发展出 基于某种利益上的义务。doesn’t necessarily mean that we won’t develop an obligation based on some type of benefit, I guess, to sort of...所以,你对自己年迈的父母,比这世界上其他人的父母,尽更大义务,So your obligation to your aged parent that’s greater than to aged parents around the world,仅仅是因为你要报答 他们在抚养你的过程中 带给你的好处?is only because and insofar as you’re repaying a benefit that your parent gave you when you were growing up?是的,我是说,如果你看看 收养的例子Yeah, I mean, I would say that if you look at cases of adoption where,你的亲生父母在别的地方,你们没有来往,you have a biological parent somewhere else that you don’t interact with,而后来 你的养父母 收养了你。and then you have a parent who adopted you,如果你必须 在他们两者中选择,大多数人会说,most people would say that if you had to pick between them in the case of aging parents,你对 抚养你、和你有着重要交流的养父母 的义务,更多一些。that your obligation would lie more with the person who raised you and who had exchanges with you meaningfully.我能再问一个 关于父母的问题吗?May I ask you one more question about the parent?当然可以Sure.你是否认为,如果一个人的父母不怎么好,他承担的义务就少一些?Do you think that a person with a bad parent owes them less?我不知道,因为我没有过 不好的父母I don’t know because I’ve never had a bad parent.我们就到此为止。 谢谢I think that’s a good place to end. - Thank you.我们下次继续。谢谢We’ll continue with this next time. Thank you.故事并不是被活出来(lived)而是给说出来(told)的....只有在回过头来说故事的时候,祈望才成为『没有被实现的祈望』,战役才成为『决定性的战役』.....只有在故事中,美国是『哥伦布的发现』..-----历史哲学家 Louis O. Mink今天我就会讲到Today I’d like to take, I’d like to consider对于维持团结或社群成员的义务 的最有力的反对观点the strongest objections to the idea that there are obligations of solidarity or membership.然后我想看看 这些反对能否成立Then I want to see if those objections can be met successfully.其中一个反对意见 是我们上次讨论中提到的One objection emerged in the discussion last time.Patrick 说Patrick said,如果义务源于 社群成员资格和身份if obligations flow from community membership and identity,而我们又身处 多个社群we inhabit multiple communities,那岂不是意味着 我们的义务有时候会 相互冲突?doesn’t that mean that our obligations will sometimes conflict?那是一种可能的反对意见So that’s one possible objection.接着Rina提到了一些 引出团结和成员身份的道德力量 的例子,And then Rina said these examples meant to bring out the moral force of solidarity and membership,关于父母和子女,examples about parents and children,关于 法国飞行员 拒绝轰炸自己家乡的任务about the French resistant fighter asked to bomb his own village and withdrawing back.关于以色列政府 向埃塞俄比亚籍 犹太人空运物资的例子About the airlift by Israel of the Ethiopian Jews.Rina说,这些例子 也许能在直觉上引起共鸣,These examples, they maybe intuitively evocative, Rina said.但是实际上 他们表明的是情感,某种情绪化的东西But really they’re pointing to matters of emotion, matters of sentiment.而并不是 真正的道德义务Not true moral obligations.这些反对意见And then there were a number of objections,并不一定都是 针对爱国主义本身not necessarily to patriotism as such.这些反对意见针对的是,把爱国主义理解为 是一种无需经过我们同意的、维持团结和社群成员的义务But to patriotism understood as an obligation of solidarity and membership beyond consent.这一反对意见同意 我们应当 对于我们所处的社群负有爱国精神的义务This objection allowed that there can be obligations to the communities we inhabit including obligations to patriotism.但是这种意见认为,所有的爱国义务But this objection argued that all of the obligations of patriotism,

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