Jenny刚才说,像 轮椅篮球Jenny just said that there is stuff like wheelchair basketball假如你不能打篮球,你还有这个 选择where if you can't play basketball there is another option.我想,在PGA巡回赛里 有着另外的选择,I think there are other options in the PGA Tour.但PGA巡回赛 是最好的、顶级的。But the PGA Tour is the best,is the pinnacle,而你不得不 尽全力 来完成比赛的要求。and you have to have certain requirements fulfilled to perform.好的,Michael,你想对Casey Martin说,Alright, Michael, you want to say to Casey Martin我们有 残奥会there is such a thing as a Special Olympics供 那些残疾人 参加。for those who are disabled.去参加 残奥会版本的 高尔夫赛事吧。Go play in the golfing version of the Special Olympics.那就是你要说的?--是的。That's what you would say Michael? -- Yeah.我认为,行走是 高尔夫运动的一部分。I think that walking is part of the sport of golf.而对于Casey Martin,如果他不能在球场上行走,And Casey Martin, you know if he can't walk the course我不认为 他能在PGA比赛。then I don't think he should be able to play in the PGA.好的,非常谢谢 你们的争论,Alright, well thank you very much for that exchange.这场争论 的什么结论What comes out of this exchange让我们 又回到 亚里士多德的正义理论?that goes back to Aristotle's theory of justice?其中一点 就是Well, one thing is the question,行走是 高尔夫的 本质部分吗?is walking an essential part of golf?Casey Martin是否拥有,PGA必须去尊重的权利,And the very fact that deciding whether there is a right要决定这件事 似乎取决于for Casey Martin that the PGA must respect, seems to depend,(这也是亚里士多德所建议的 讨论和解决问题的方式)as Aristotle suggests it must, on debating and resolving the question,行走 是高尔夫的 本质部分吗?is walking essential to the game of golf?这是该故事的 其中一个道德问题。That's one moral of the story.而这里还有 第二个道德问题,But there's a second moral to the story按照 亚里士多德的观点来看。from an Aristotelian point of view.这场讨论的关键之处What's at stake here,也是 亚里士多德提出的 第二个的关键之处this is the second Aristotelian stake in this debate,就是荣誉。is honor.Casey Martin 想争取骑车参赛,那样他 就能Casey Martin wants the accommodation so that he can compete去争取 PGA这项顶级赛事 的荣誉for the honor of winning the best tournaments.现在,为什么Now, why is it那些 职业高尔夫球手,那些优秀的球手,that the professional golfers,the great golfers,例如Jack Nicklaus、Tom Kite,他们上庭作证时testified in this case - Jack Nicklaus, Tom Kite -在这次阅读材料中,我们看到in the readings,他们 反对让他 用球车,against letting him use a cart而且 我相信,他们同样会强烈反对Jennyand they, I would suspect,would be equally vehement, Jenny,你的 让每个人驾驶球车 的建议。in opposing your suggestion of letting everyone ride in a cart,从某种意义上,它回到了Da的观点。and this goes back, in a way,to Da's point.让高尔夫 轻松点怎么样?How to put this gently?职业高尔夫球手 对于Professional golfers are sensitive他们所参加的运动 是否是一项真正的运动 是十分敏感的。about whether their sport is really a sport.假使每个人都 骑着一辆球车,或允许大家这么做Because if everyone rode around in a cart, or could,很显然then it would become clear, or clearer,(取决于 你们各自的看法)depending on your point of view,高尔夫 就不算是一项 真正的运动竞技。that golf is not really an athletic competition而只是一个 游戏but rather a game;一项技巧的游戏,而非运动。a game of skill but not a sport.这不仅是在 讨论目的、目的论的问题And so not only the question of debating the purpose, the teleological feature,而且是在讨论 从什么角度,来讨论高尔夫的目的。but also from the standpoint of viewing debates about the purpose of golf.高尔夫球 的本质是什么?What's essential to golf?亚里士多德 建议说,这些讨论Those debates, Aristotle suggests,都会不可避免的讨论到 关于分配荣誉的 问题inevitably are also debates about the allocation of honor.因为高尔夫球 的部分目的,Because part of the purpose of golf不仅仅 是娱乐观众;is not just to amuse spectators;从亚里士多德的观点来看,Scalia在这点上错了。Scalia's wrong about that, from Aristotle's point of view.它不仅仅是 提供娱乐,It's not just to provide entertainment,不仅仅是 让人们快乐,it's not just to make people happy.它不仅仅是 一项娱乐。It's not a mere amusement.它是荣誉,是奖赏,It's honoring, it's rewarding,它在认可 一种特定的 运动才能,it's recognizing a certain kind of athletic excellence,至少 那些取得过 高尔夫最高荣誉的人,at least those who have achieved the highest honors都会 强烈地支持 这种观点。have a powerful stake in maintaining that view.你们中有些人 站在了Scalia的立场。Now, some of you took the position the Scalia position.Scalia说:“这是一个非常困难的、愚蠢的问题。”"This is an incredibly difficult and silly question", Scalia said.“高尔夫的 本质是什么?”"What is the essential nature of golf?"那不是 美国最高法院 能够回答It's not the kind of thing that the United States Supreme Court或者 应该回答的问题。is equipped to decide,or should decide.那就是 Scalia的观点That's Scalia.而他说...But he only he says that对于 高尔夫的本质是什么 这个问题,because he takes a very strong,and as it happens,他碰巧 采取了一种强烈的 反亚里士多德派的立场,anti-Aristotelian position on what a game is.“一项游戏 的真正内涵 是没有目的的,”"It is the very nature of a game to have no object, "(即没有所谓的 关键点)no point,“除了娱乐(的目的)”,Scalia说。"except amusement" says Scalia,他说,“那是 游戏和生产活动 之间的区别所在。”"That is what distinguishes games" he says, "From productive activity."你可以想象,Scalia会是 哪种体育的爱好者。You can just imagine what kind of sports fan Scalia must be.“还有”,他说,"And so", he says,“我们不能说,游戏的任何一种主观的规则 就是其本质。”"It's impossible to say that any of the game's arbitrary rules is essential."然后,他援引了 马克·吐温 关于高尔夫的And then he quotes Mark Twain's disparaging remark贬低性评论。about golf.他说:“许多人 视行走 为高尔夫的首要特征。”He says, "Many consider walking to be the central feature of golf.这里是 马克·吐温对其 的经典批评:Hence, Mark Twain's classic criticism of the sport‘一次的好好散步 被破坏了。’”'a good walk spoiled'."但是Scalia忽略了But Scalia misses游戏的 一个重要特点an important feature of games还有 当讨论到 权利和公平的问题时and the arguments about rights and fairness that arise from games,他说 游戏、体育、运动性竞技,when he casts games,sports, athletic competitions,只是单单为了娱乐as solely for the sake of amusement;只是一项 功利主义的消遣。as solely an utilitarian activity.而一个 持亚里士多德观点的人 会说But an Aristotelian view of sports says,不,这不只是关于娱乐。no it's not just about amusement,真正的体育,真正的运动项目,real sports,real athletic events,还是一种欣赏,不只是娱乐。are also about appreciation,not just amusement.那些 看体育的、关心体育、参与体育的人And people who follow sports and care about sports都了解这一点。and play sports know this.换句话说,Which is another way of saying,观赏体育 和 纯粹看大场面 是有区别的,there's a difference between a sport and a mere spectacle.区别在于,体育是 一项实践活动,And the difference is that a sport is a practice它召唤 力量、荣誉和奖赏,that calls forth and honors and prizes还有特定的才能、特定的美德。certain excellences,certain virtues.而那些会欣赏 这种美德的人And the people who appreciate those virtues才是真正的、有见识的 体育迷。are the true fans, the informed fans,对于他们,看体育比赛 不只是娱乐,and for them watching the sport is not mere amusement.而这意味着,我们总是能 找到But that means that it's always possible to make sense of the debate about什么 是一项体育的本质特征what feature of a sport is essential to it.我们是可以 弄清这些争论的。We can make sense of these arguments.而无需在意 是否应该 由法庭做这个判断。Never mind the question whether the court should decide.PGA在自己 内部的审议里The PGA in its own internal deliberations能够弄清 这个问题,can make sense of that debate,这就是为什么,他们会非常在意 他们的观点,which is why they cared very much about their view,坚持他们的观点,insisting on their view,坚持认为 行走、(以及其带来的) 费力、疲劳,that walking,an exertion, and fatigue是体育的 本质部分,而非无关紧要的。are essential, not peripheral,parts of sport.这些阐释了Well, this is all to illustrate目的 和 荣誉的 这两个特征。the teleological and the honorific feature of debates about rights,亚里士多德说,我们在思考正义时 要考虑到这两点。which Aristotle says we need to take account of in thinking about justice.现在,我想让 大家思考Now, I want to begin for us to consider亚里士多德的正义理论whether Aristotle's theory of justice是否正确。is right or wrong;是否 有说服力whether it's persuasive or unpersuasive.我要听听 你们对此的想法。I want to get your thoughts about that.我希望看到 有人提出 鲜明的、重要的 反对意见。But I want to anticipate one obvious and important objection.如果 公正是 关于适宜度的问题,找到人们 合适的角色。If justice is about fit,fitting persons to roles,让那些 具有美德的人matching virtues找到 合适的荣誉和承认。to the appropriate honors and recognition.如果 那就是正义,If that's what justice is,那么,它还留下 自由的空间吗?does it leave room for freedom?这是 对亚里士多德的 正义的目的论说法And this is one of the main objections主要反对意见之一,to Aristotle's teleological account of justice.如果 某些特定的角色、社会角色,If certain roles,social roles,就是我 恰当的、合适担当的 角色。are fitting,or appropriate, to me那么,我还有权 为自己选择where does that leave my right我的社会角色,to choose my social roles,和 我的生活目标 吗?