That's what walking is in golf, according to the majority.但 Scalia 持有异议。Scalia was in dissent.Scalia法官 赞同David,Justice Scalia agreed with David.他说He said这里 根本不存在 什么目的,there is no purpose,试图找出 高尔夫运动的本质目的,不是我们应该的做法。and it's certainly not your course to try to figure out the essential purpose of golf.像任何一项体育运动一样,高尔夫完全是为了娱乐。Golf is like any game, it's strictly for amusement.而如果有某个团体,打高尔夫为了 其他目的,And if there's a group that wants to have one version of the game他们可以那样做。they can have that version of the game.市场可以决定 人们是否 从中得到娱乐,人们是否喜爱、And the market can decide whether people are amused是否会 去现场看或 看电视转播。and like and show up for that and watch the television broadcasts.Scalia的观点 是 反亚里士多德派的,Scalia's dissent was an anti-Aristotelian dissent,因为注意看看 他的论点的 其中两个地方。because notice two things about the argument;其一,我们在讨论的是 高尔夫球的first we're thrust into a discussion about what the essential nature,真正本质 和 目的or purpose,or telos of golf really is.高尔夫 包括行走吗?Does it include walking?我认为 这场争论的背后 是在讨论And, here's something I think is rumbling beneath the surface of this debate,行走 是否在一定程度上决定了,高尔夫是否算是一项 真正的运动竞赛?whether walking partly determines whether golf is really an athletic competition.毕竟,在高尔夫球 是静止的After all, the ball sits still.你必须 把它打进洞里。You have to put it in a hole.高尔夫球 是否更类似于 篮球、棒球和橄榄球?Is it more like basketball,baseball, and football?它是否真的算是 一项体力运动竞赛?Golf, an athletic competition?还是说 它更像 台球?Or is it more like billiards?台球 也是静止在那里。The ball sits still there too.就算你身体不好,也能参加。You can be out of shape and succeed.它包含了 技巧It involves skill但不是体力运动 的技巧。but not athletic skill.会不会是 那些 擅长高尔夫的人 职业球员认为,Could it be that those professional golfers, who excel at golf,把高尔夫 作为一项运动项目 来被世人 认可和尊敬, 是十分重要的,have a stake in golf being honored and recognized as an athletic event,而不只是被人当作 一项类似于桌球的技巧游戏?not just a game of skill like billiards?假如 那是关键的问题,我们就会有一场And if that's what's at stake, then we have a debate关于目的,从目的论的角度 的讨论about the purpose, the teleological dimension,以及 关于荣誉的讨论。and also a debate about honor.是哪种美德 真正What virtues, really,让高尔夫运动 值得 被荣誉和认可?does the game of golf honor and recognize?亚里士多德的这两个问题 引起了我们的关注Two questions to which Aristotle directs our attention.我们下次 继续这个案例。We'll continue on this case next time.这个世界上有两种人,一种是快乐的猪,一种是痛苦的人。做痛苦的人,不做快乐的猪。我像一只猎犬一样追寻真理的足迹。 -------苏格拉底上次结束时,我们在谈论When we ended last time we were talking aboutCasey Martin 是否有权利 在PGA巡回赛中whether Casey Martin has a right to ride in a golf cart以高尔夫球车 代步in the PGA Tournament.大家最好回忆一下 我们上次的讨论,And it's worth remembering how we got into this debate而什么才是 理解政治哲学的关键点。and what's at stake for an understanding of political philosophy.还记得,我们在谈到 亚里士多德的正义理论,Remember, we were looking at Aristotle's theory of justice其正义理论 的取向and one way of describing his approach to justice,我们称其为“目的论”we've called it 'teleological'.从目的论的角度看来,为了分配权利Teleological, because he says to allocate rights首先我们不得不弄清 关于其 社会活动we first have to figure out the purpose, or the end,的目的 或最终目标。of the social practice in question.其正义理论 的另一个取向Another way of describing Aristotle's account of Justice对于亚里士多德来说,关于 适宜度的问题;is that justice is, for him, a matter of fit;即 让具有美德和才华的人it's a matter of fitting persons with their virtues and excellences配上 合适的角色to the appropriate roles.现在,我想 先结束关于Casey MartinNow, I want to finish our discussion about Casey Martin争取以车代步 的讨论。and his claim for a golf cart,然后,再回到 另一个 更深远意义的问题。and then go back to one more consequential application in Aristotle,即 奴隶制的问题。namely, the question of slavery.对于Casey Martin的请求,你是怎么看的?What do you think about Casey Martin's request?我们是否应该 为他提供 这个方便(以车代步)Should there be an accommodation or not,考虑到 这项运动 及巡回赛的本质given the nature of the game and of the tournament以及其 目的?and its purposes?“如果不提供他 一部球车,算不算歧视呢?”"Isn't it discrimination if he's not provided the golf cart as an accommodation",一些人说。say some.其他人回应说,“那不算歧视,如果他可以骑车,对其他选手 不公平Others reply, "No, if he got a cart it would be unfair to the other golfers因为他们都得 花力气,because they exert themselves,在球场上行走,变得气喘吁吁、疲惫become winded, fatigued,walking the course".我们上次 讨论到此That's where we left it.大家怎么看 关于公平的问题 ?What about the fairness argument?好,JennyOK, Jenny.我的问题是My question was为什么PGA 不让所有球手 都可以why doesn't the PGA just make the option of a cart选择 开或不开 球车?available to all golfers?通过阅读材料 我了解到,许多不是 PGA组织的 高尔夫巡回赛,From our readings I learned that there are many golf tournaments, other than the PGA,并不禁止使用球车。where using a cart is not prohibited.比如 元老级巡回赛,就允许 并鼓励使用。For instance, the Seniors Tournament it's even allowed and encouraged.所以,为什么PGA 不这么做呢?So why doesn't the PGA just do that?为什么 不让所有人 都使用球车呢?Let everybody use a cart?允许 给所有人 使用球车,Give everyone the option of using a cart然后 大家选择 用还是不用and let them pick.这样的话,那些比较守旧的人 可能依旧会说,So then the traditionalists can then still say,“好吧,我仍然 选择在球场上行走。"Well, I still choose to walk the course尽管我知道,这样会比 那些but I do that knowing that I will be more tired at the end开车的人更累。than the people who took the cart."好Good.好的,大家觉得 Jenny的提议 怎么样?Alright, so what about Jenny's solution?为了公平,For the sake of fairness,为了避免说 只给Casey Martin 有(开车的)优势。don't give Casey Martin an advantage,(如果 开球车真的 算是一种 优势的话)if indeed there is an advantage to riding in a cart.那就 让所有 想开球车的人Let everyone who wants to去开吧。use a cart.是不是 所有人都对 这个方案满意呢?Is everyone happy with that solution?这是否就能 平息 整个两难困境呢?Does it put to rest this whole dilemma?谁想 回应一下Jenny?Who has an answer for Jenny?说吧。Yes.正如 上节课 提到的As was brought up last time,如果你那样做,你就是 有损 高尔夫的精神。if you do that you kind of ruin some of the spirit of golf而这种精神 是许多人 乐意看到的。as a lot of people like to see it.如果你允许 每个人开球车,If you let everybody take a cart.就算这样能 给予每个人 同样的比赛条件,Even though it gives everybody the same playing field now,它让高尔夫 更不像 一项运动项目,it sort of makes golf less of an athletic game,像上节课 有人指出的那样。like people pointed out last class.这就像 如果有人决定 参加一项体育赛事,It's just like if someone decides to go into another sport而他们想要 占点优势。and they want an advantage.比如,假设你去游泳,Like, if you have swimming然后你说,“好吧,他想把 脚蹼也穿上and then you say, "OK, he wants flippers为什么我们不允许,所有人在游泳时 都穿上脚蹼呢?so why don't we just allow everyone to have flippers when they're swimming?"假设在 奥运会游泳赛事上,让人们自由使用脚蹼,And what would that do to the Olympic Swimming Competition,又会发生什么呢?if people were free to use,Jenny,我们最好让Jenny来 回应这个问题。Jenny, we better let Jenny reply to this.Da 说,那样好像 有损运动竞赛的精神Da says it would sort of spoil the spirit of the athletic competition就好像 奥运会游泳项目,你让所有人都可以as if in Olympic swimming you let anyone who wanted to穿上 脚蹼比赛。swim with flippers.Jenny,你怎么对Da说?Alright, Jenny,what do you say to Da?那会破坏 运动的精神。It would spoil the spirit of it.你同样会 破坏高尔夫的精神,You're also ruining the spirit of golf如果你 不允许一个 真正热衷于、而且非常擅长这项运动的人 参赛by not letting people who are really passionate about the game, and very good at it,只因 在高尔夫的一个方面 (他不能达标)compete simply because of an aspect of golf which is not,高尔夫运动的核心 是用高尔夫球杆 击打球the main point of golf is you use the club to make strokes并把它 打入洞中。and hit it into a hole.对不起,我不打高尔夫,I'm sorry, I'm not a golfer但就我所看到的,那才是它的要点。but that's basically the gist of the game from what I see it.我读了 PGA和Casey Martin 的裁决And I was reading the PGA versus Casey Martin decision判词中,他们说,that was one of the sentences that they said因为 在球场上行走,不是高尔夫 的本质部分,is because walking the course is not an inherent part of golf,只有 挥动球杆才是。only swinging the club is.好,Jenny回答了Da的问题。Good. So, Jenny replies to Da,那么,在球场上行走 真的不是必要的吗?well, it isn't really essential anyhow to walk the course.那么,我们回到 对目的 的讨论So, we're back to the purpose.我的意思是,我确信,像轮椅篮球一样I mean, I'm sure there are, like wheelchair basketball,我们会有 许多不同的竞赛there are certain different competitions允许那些残疾人 只需要动动 他们的手臂 也能参赛that can be made for people who may only be able to use their arms.好的,是Right. Yes.Michael你怎么认为?Michael what do you think?