Yes, go ahead.在这个国家,种族歧视是非法的Racial discrimination is illegal in this country,我相信 那些非裔美国人领袖本人and I believe that it was African American leaders themselves,当马丁·路德·金说,他不想人们以皮肤的颜色来衡量他when Martin Luther King said he wanted to be judged not on the color of skin,而是以他的个性、品德和成就。but by the content of his character, his merit, his achievements.我只是认为,仅仅通过某人的种族来分辨别人 是一种内在的不公正And I just think that, to decide solely based on someone's race is just inherently unfair.我的意思是说,如果你想纠正(种族)的不利背景I mean, if you want to correct based on disadvantaged backgrounds,那没问题,但白人也有不利that's fine, but there are also disadvantaged white people as well.不该介意你是白人还是黑人。 告诉我你的名字It shouldn't matter if you're white or black.- Tell us your name.Ted,好的——想一下 HopwoodTed. - Ted, - Yes.- Think of Hopwood.以肤色、民族和宗教信仰 来判定一个人,是不公平的,是吗?It's unfair to count race or, I assume you would also say, ethnicity or religion?是的。你认为 她有权利要求(录取时)只看成绩和考分吗?Yes. - Do you think she has a right to be considered according to her grades and test scores alone?不,还得看其他No. There is more to it than that.大学需要促进多样性Universities need to promote diversity.那么,你同意促进多样性 这一目的?So you agree with the goal of promoting diversity?促进多样化还有其他的方式。不是只有 基于那些人们无法的控制因素,来消除歧视There's ways to promote diversity besides discriminating against people solely based on a factor they cannot control.所以,这个(录取)事件的错误在于Alright, so what makes it wrong,她无法控制自己的种族is that she can't control her race.她无法改变自己是一个白人的事实She can't control the fact that she's white.这就是她遭遇不公对待的核心所在That's the heart of the unfairness to her.Bree 提出了类似的观点Bree made a similar point.建立在人们 无法控制因素上的 录取,是最根本的不公正。That basing admissions on factors that people can't control, is fundamentally unfair.你怎么说?What do you say?有许多事情你无法控制There's a lot of things you can't control,如果你不赞成 录取标准应该只考虑你的成就and if you don't for it based on merit,比如 仅仅基于你的测试得分like just based on your test scores,你能取得的许多成就 都与你成长的家庭背景有关a lot of what you can achieve has to do with family background, that you were raised in.如果你的父母都是有学问的人If both of your parents were scholarly,你就有更多的机会,让自己也成为有学问的人,成绩也会更好。then you have more of chance of actually of being more scholarly yourself and getting those grades.但你不能控制自己出生在什么家庭And you can't control what kind of family you were born into.很好,这是个非常好的回答。你的名字?Alright good, that's a great rejoinder, what's your name?Da.- Da.Da.- Da.Ted,你是否是靠 来自你所出生的家庭 的优势呢?Ted, are you against advantages that come from the family you were born into?关于“遗留录取” 你想说什么?What about legacy admissions?我相信,就 “遗留录取” 而言I do believe that in terms of a legacy admission你不该受到 特别的优待you shouldn't have a special preference,我的意思是,你可以争论有关“遗留录取” 的另一个方面I mean there is a legacy admission you could argue is another part,你可能说 让一小部分的人 一家几代都上同一所学校,像哈佛versus you could say it's important to have a small percentage of people that have a several generation family attendance at a place like Harvard.然而,像种族这类因素 不该成为那样的优势However that should not bean advantage factor like race,它只是促进多样化的另外一个侧面it should just be another part promoting diversity.应该把它包含在内吗?Should it count at all?我想.... 校友资格,该把它也包含在内吗,Ted?I think that,- -Alumni status, should it count at all, Ted?是的,应该在内Yes. It should count.好的,我想 从这些辩论之中 走回来Alright, I want to step back for a moment from these arguments.谢谢你们所有人的观点。Thank you all forthese contributions.我们现在回到你这里来We're going to come back to you.如果你听得够认真,我想你会注意到If you've listened carefully I think you will have noticed在这场讨论中出现了三种不同的观点three different arguments emerge from this discussion.关于支持 把种族和肤色作为录取的 其中一个考虑因素In defense of considering race and ethnicity as a factor in admissions.其中一个观点,跟 纠正教育不公平所带来的影响 有关One argument has to do with correcting for the effects, for the effects of educational disadvantage.那就是Aneesha的观点That was Aneesha's argument.我们或许可以 将其称之为 “弥补论”This is what we might call the corrective argument.弥补 人们的教育背景的差异,人们所上的学校的差异,Correcting for differences in educational background, the kind of school people went to,以及 他们获得(教育)机会的差异,等等。the opportunities they had and so on.这是其中的一个观点That's one argument.值得注意的是,这种观点坚持的一个原则是What's worth noticing though, is that argument is consistent in principle with the idea录取时应该只考虑 学业前景和学术潜力。that only academic promise and scholarly potential should count in admissions.我们只需要依据 单一的中学成绩和测试得分We just need to go beyond test scores and grades alone,来对其学业前景和学术潜力 做出真实的估计。to get a true estimate of academic promise and scholarly ability.这是第一个论点That's the first argument.然后,我们听到的第二个观点是Then we heard a second argument that said“平权行动” 是 合理的。affirmative action is justified even哪怕 对于某一个申请人来说,并没有弥补他 教育不公平的必要where there may not be the need to correct for educational disadvantage in a particular applicant's case.这样做是合理的,因为它是对过去的错误、不正义的历史 的一种补偿。It's justified as a way of compensating for past wrongs, for historic injustices.因此,这是一个补偿的观点So that's a compensatory argument.补偿过去的错误Compensating for past wrongs.接下来,我们听到了来自Hannah和其他人,关于“平权行动”的第三个不同的观点,Then we heard, a third, a different argument, for affirmative action, from Hannah and others,以多样性为名的争论that argued in the name of diversity.这种多样性的观点,不同于补偿观。Now, the diversity argument is different from the compensatory argument,因为它的诉求在于 大学或学院的社会目标 或者说社会使命。because it makes a certain appeal to the social purpose or the social mission of the college or university.实际上,多样化观点有两个方面There are really two aspects to the diversity argument.一方面认为,多样化的学生群体,能给每个人得到更好的教育体验One says it's important to have a diverse student body for the sake of the educational experience for everyone.Hannah 持这个观点Hannah made that point.而其他人则说到了 更为广泛的社会And the other talks about the wider society.这就是德州大学Hopwood案中的观点This was the argument made by the University of Texas in the Hopwood case.我们必须训练律师、法官、领导人、公务员We need to train lawyers and judges and leaders,这些人将会给 得克萨斯州,乃至整个国家 做出贡献。who will contribute to the strength, the civic strength of the state of Texas, and the country as a whole.因此,对于多样化观来说,有两个不同的方面So there are two different aspects to the diversity argument.但两者都是以 大学的社会目标、社会使命、大众利益 为名But both are arguments in the name of the social purpose, or the social mission or the common good, served by the institution.好的,这些观点有什么说服力?Well, what about the force of these arguments?我们也听到了 反对这些观点的声音We've also heard objections to these arguments.对于补偿观,最有力的反对是The most powerful objection to the compensatory argument is,对于Cheryl Hopwood来说is it fair to ask Cheryl Hopwood today,为了补偿 过去公认做出的、极其不正义的行为to make the sacrifice, to pay the compensation for an injustice that was admittedly committed and egregious, in the past,这段 她并没有牵涉进去的历史,而做出牺牲,but in which she was not implicated.这难道公正吗?Is that fair?因此,这是对 补偿观的 一个重要反驳So that's an important objection to the compensatory argument.而且为了应对这个反驳And in order to meet that objection,我们得研究,我们是否要为过去 肩负起整个群体的权利或责任。we would have to investigate whether there is such a thing as group rights or collective responsibility that reaches over time.明确了争论的所在So having identified that issue,让我们把它放在一边,先回到 多样化的观点let's set it aside to turn to the diversity argument.多样化的观点不必担心 为历史错误而背上的集体责任 的这个问题The diversity argument doesn't have to worry about that question. About collective responsibility for past wrongs.因为它认为,正如 Hannah和其他人提出的那样Because it says, for reasons Hannah and others pointed out that种族、民族多样化的学生群体,可以服务和提高 大众的利益。the common good is served, is advanced if there is a racially and ethnically diverse student body.每个人都会受益Everyone benefits.这个观点 实际上 跟哈佛当年提出的观点一样This indeed was the argument that Harvard made当时,这一观点被书写在1978年联邦法院的“法庭之友辩护状”中when it filed a friend of the court brief to the Supreme Court in the 1978 case,这是一桩平权运动案例,也叫“巴克案”the affirmative action case, the Bakke case.哈佛在辩护状中的理由In the Harvard brief, the Harvard rationale,曾被Powell大法官引用was cited by Justice Powell,Powell大法官是 支持平权运动的 关键选票who was the swing vote in the case upholding affirmative action,他引用了多元化观点 来作为他的理由,而他也认为 这种观点是完全可以接受的。he cited that as providing the rationale that he thought was constitutionally acceptable.哈佛在它的辩护状中,写道Harvard's argument in its brief, was this:“我们关心多样性。哈佛大学从来不只把 学术优秀作为录取学生的唯一标准”"We care about diversity. Scholarly excellence alone, has never been the criterion of admission, the sole criterion of admission to Harvard College.“15年前,多样化意味着 学生来自加州、纽约、马萨诸赛。Fifteen years ago diversity meant students from California and New York, and Massachusetts.城市的居民 和 农村的男孩City dwellers, and farm boys.小提琴手、画家和足球运动员Violinists, painters and football players.生物学家、历史学家和古典主义者Biologists, historians and classicists.哈佛认为,现在唯一的差别 只在于The only difference now, Harvard argued, is that我们在考虑多元化的这个长长的清单中,加入了种族和民族这一项 而已。we're adding racial and ethnic status to this long list of diversity considerations.哈佛写道,"当我们在审阅 大量在课堂上表现出色的 申请人时When reviewing the large number of candidates able to do well in our classes,种族也许可以作为一种额外因素来考虑,Harvard wrote, "Race may count as a plus,就像你会考虑 你是来自衣阿华州,或你是一名优秀的中后卫或钢琴家 一样。just as coming from Iowa may count or being a good middleline backer or pianist.一个来自爱达荷州的农村男孩,可能为哈佛大学带来A farm boy from Idaho can bring something to Harvard College一个波士顿人 无法提供的东西that a Bostonian cannot offer.同样,黑人学生也可以带来 白人无法带来的东西Similarly, a black student can usually bring something a white student cannot offer.每个学生所受教育的质量The quality of the educational experience of all students部分有赖于他们 生来就不同的背景“depends in part on these differences in the background and outlook that students bring with them."这就是哈佛的观点That was Harvard's argument.现在,大家觉得 多样化的观点 怎么样?Now what about the diversity argument?它有说服力吗?Is it persuasive?如果它具有说服力,它就必须面对一个非常有力的反驳If it's to be persuasive, it has to meet one very powerful objection.那就是我们在这里听到的声音That we've heard voiced here.来自Ted 和BreeBy Ted, by Bree.除非你是功利主义者,否则你应当相信 个人的权利不能被侵犯Unless you're a utilitarian, you believe that individual rights can't be violated.因此,问题在于And so the question is,此案中 个人权利遭到侵犯了吗?is there an individual right that is violated?Cheryl Hopwood的权利受到侵犯了吗?Is Cheryl Hopwood's right violated?可以这么说, 如果她被拒绝录取了,她是被利用来If she is used, so to speak,denied admission,服务于 大众利益和社会使命for the sake of the common good and the social mission这些由德州大学 法学院自己定下的理念that the University of Texas Law School has defined for itself,她有这样的权利吗?does she have a right?