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哈佛课程 公正:该如何做是好 中英双语-41

作者:桑德尔 字数:7744 更新:2023-10-08 19:59:38

道德观念的不恰当的影响by factors arbitrary from a moral point of view.比如 不管你是否曾经接受好的教育Such as, whether you got a good education or not.也不论你是否成长在一个经济上给予你支持Whether you grew up in a family that support you致力于培养你的职业道德and developed in you a work ethic并且为你提供各种机会的家庭and gave you the opportunities.这表明它已经演变成了一个So that suggests moving to a system of fair机会均等的制度equality of opportunity.这就是Mike刚才提倡的体制的本质And that's really the system that Mike was advocating earlier on.我们可以叫它基优制What we might call a merit-based system.一个绩效化的制度A meritocratic system.在公平的精英制中 社会建立各种机构In a fair meritocracy the society sets up institutions以确保在比赛开始前to bring everyone to the same starting point每个人的起点相同before the race begins.享受平等的受教育的权利Equal educational opportunities.比如说 早期智力开发项目Head start programs, for example.对于贫困社区学校的帮助Support for schools in impoverished neighborhoods.这样的话 每个人 不管家庭背景如何So that everyone, regardless of their family background,都拥有真正的公平的机会has a genuinely fair opportunity.即每个人都站在同一起跑线上Everyone starts from the same starting line.那么 Rawls是怎样看待精英制度的呢?Well, what does Rawls think about the meritocratic system?他认为 就连这种制度也未能有效地Even that, he says, doesn't go far enough弥补或者解决in remedying, or addressing,每个人得到的"自然彩数"(指运气)the moral arbitrariness以及道德的任意性of the natural lottery.因为 如果你让每个人都站在同一起跑线上Because if you bring everyone to the same starting point然后开始比赛 谁才会赢得胜利呢?and begin the race, who's going to win the race?谁会赢?Who would win?拿跑步者来说To use the runners example.跑得最快的人会赢The fastest runners would win.但是 他们之所以会赢But is it their doing是因为刚好有着运动员的天赋 所以跑得快吗?that they happen to be blessed with athletic prowess to run fast?所以Rawls说 "即使是精英制的原则So Rawls says, "Even the principle of meritocracy,让每个人都站在同一起跑线上where you bring everyone to the same starting point,可能会消除社会偶然因素 和社会教养带来的影响may eliminate the influence of social contingencies and upbringing,但是它还是允许财富和收入的分配but it still permits the distribution of wealth and income to be determined受能力与天赋的自然分布的支配"by the natural distribution of abilities and talents."所以他认为 在消除道德观念武断And so he thinks that the principle of eliminating在收入和财富的影响的这一原则morally arbitrary influences in the distribution of income and wealth需要超越requires going beyondMike提倡的精英制度系统what Mike favors, the meritocratic system.那么 你怎样去超越呢?Now, how do you go beyond?即使你让每个人都站在同一起跑线上Do you bring everyone to the same starting point你还是因为一些人是跑步好手and you're still bothered by the fact that而另外一些人都不善于跑步而困扰some are fast runners and some are not fast runners,你能做什么呢?what can you do?一些持有更为平等观念的评论家们说Well, some critics of a more egalitarian conception你唯一能做的就是给运动健将们制造障碍say the only thing you can do is handicap the fast runners.让他们穿上铅鞋Make them wear lead shoes.但谁又想那么做呢?But who wants to do that?那只会彻底毁掉整个比赛That would defeat the whole point of running the race.但是Rawls认为 如果你想But Rawls says, you don't have to have超越精英制度的话 没有必要去追求一种a kind of leveling equality, if you want to go水平上的平等beyond a meritocratic conception.你只要允许 甚至鼓励You permit, you even encourage,那些也许有天赋的人 去实现他们的才能those who may be gifted, to exercise their talents.但是你要做的 就是改变条件But what you do, is you change the terms让其他的人也能够享受到有才能的人on which people are entitled to the fruits of实践成功过后的果实the exercise of those talents.那才是差异原则所要表达的真正含义And that really is what the difference principle is.你将建立起一项这样的原则You establish a principle that says,人们也许会从他们的好运中获利people may benefit from their good fortune,从他们在基因博彩中的胜出中获利from their luck in the genetic lottery,但条件是 必须将自己所得部分 用于帮助那些最贫困的人but only on terms that work to the advantage of the least well off.因此 举个例子And so, for example,迈克尔·乔丹可以赚3100万美元Michael Jordan can make 31 million dollars but,但那必须在一个特定的制度下 税收会将他的部分收入only under a system that taxes away a chunk of that拨来帮助那些与他刚好相反的 缺乏篮球技巧的人to help those who lack the basketball skills that he's blessed with.同样的 比尔·盖茨Likewise, Bill Gates.他可以继续赚大钱He can make his billions.但从道德角度而言 他不能认为自己理所当然But he can't think that he somehow morally deserves该拥有这么多钱those billions."那些先天受到自然眷顾的人"Those who have been favored by nature,可以从他们的好运中获得利益 但那只建立在改善may gain from their good fortune but only on terms that improve那些失利者状况的基础上"the situation of those who have lost out."这就是差异原则That's the difference principle.一个来自于道德武断主义的论断And it's an argument from moral arbitrarianists.Rawls主张 如果你为了如何将共享分配建立在Rawls claims, that if you're bothered by basing distributive shares道德观念的专断性上而烦恼on factors arbitrary from a moral point of view,那么你并不只是为了自由市场 而否决了封建贵族you don't just reject a feudal aristocracy for a free market.你甚至不满足于让每个人都站在You don't even rest content with a meritocratic system同一起跑线上的精英制度that brings everyone to the same starting point.于是你建立起一项新的制度 在这个制度下 每个人You set up a system, where everyone, including those at the bottom,包括那些处在社会底层的人 都将从那些有幸拥有天赋才能benefit from the exercise of the talents held by those并将其实现的人那里获益who happen to be lucky.你们怎么看? 这令人信服吗?What do you think? Is that persuasive?谁觉得这个论题没有说服力?Who finds that argument unpersuasive?关于这个道德武断主义的论题The argument for moral arbitrarianists.请说Yes.我认为 在平等主义的主张下I think that in the egalitarian proposition那些更有才能的人the more talented people,即使清楚自己辛苦得来的部分财产I think it's very optimistic to think that they将会被再分配 还是会一如既往地努力工作would still work really hard, even if they knew that这一想法过于乐观part of what they made would be given away.所以我认为 更有才能的人们要想最大限度地So I think that the only way for the more talented people to实现他们的才能 唯一的方法就是exercise their talents to the best of their ability依靠精英制度is in the meritocracy.但是在精英制度下 你叫什么名字?And in a meritocracy, what's your name?我叫KateKate.Kate 那曾经困扰你吗 还有Mike 也曾经困扰过吗Kate, does it bother you, and Mike, does it bother you,在精英制度下 甚至在机会均等的条件下that in a meritocratic system, that even with fair equality of opportunity,有人遥遥领先 有人获得他不值得拥有的奖励people get ahead, people get rewards that they don't deserve仅仅只是因为他们有幸拥有某种天赋simply because they happen to be naturally gifted.那又作何解释呢?What about that?我认为这是武断的I think that it is arbitrary.很明显具有武断性Obviously it's arbitrary.但是我认为 轻易地改变它是十分不利的But I think that correcting for it would be detrimental.因为这会减少积极性 是这样吗?Because it would reduce incentives, is that why?会减少积极性 是的It would reduce incentives, yeah.Mike 你怎么看?Mike, what do you say?我们现在正坐在这间教室里 我们不配We're all sitting in this room and we have undeserved,我们在某种程度上 不配有这种荣誉we have undeserved glory of some sort.所以你不应该满足于个人的人生进程So you should not be satisfied with the process of your life.因为这一切都不是你创造的Because you have not created any of this.而且我认为 从一个角度看 不仅是这间教室 让我们感到失败And I think, from a standpoint of, not just this room, us being upset,从社会的角度看 我们更应该对那种失败的感觉but from a societal standpoint we should have some kind of做出某种本能的反应a gut reaction to that feeling.赢得比赛的那个人 他...The guy who runs the race, he doesn't...他实际上伤害了我们 因为跟他相比 可能我最后10码He actually harms us as opposed to maybe makes me run that last必须得加速ten yards faster.我身后的那个选手也得加速10码And that makes the guy behind me run ten yards faster他身后的选手同样要加速10码and the guy behind him ten yards faster.好吧 那么Mike 我来问你Alright, so Mike, let me ask you.你刚才谈到了努力 努力You talked about effort before. Effort.你认为当有些人因认真工作而遥遥领先 并获得成功Do you think when people work hard to get ahead, and succeed,那么他们就值得那些伴随努力而来的嘉奖吗?that they deserve the rewards that go with effort?那难道不是你自我辩护下的措辞吗?Isn't that the idea behind your defense?我是说 当然 把迈克尔·乔丹带到这儿I mean, of course, bring Michael Jordan here,我肯定你一定能做到 让他来这儿I'm sure you can get him, and have him come为他自己赚的3100万美元进行辩护and defend himself about he makes 31 million dollars.然后我想你就会了解And I think what you're going to realize is他付出了非常 非常艰苦的努力才到达人生的顶峰his life was a very, very tough one to get to the top.我们根本就是多数人以另一种角度在压迫少数人And that we are basically being the majority oppressing the minority in a different light.他很容易成为攻击的对象 非常容易It's very easy to pick on him. Very easy.

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