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哈佛课程 公正:该如何做是好 中英双语-32

作者:桑德尔 字数:7593 更新:2023-10-08 19:59:32

and since it's the same capacity for reason,我们都有同样的理性unqualified by particular autobiographies and life circumstance,也正是这种大家都拥有的理性it's the same universal capacity for reason提供了道德法则that delivers the moral law,因此,行动自主就意味着运用我们的理性it turns out that to act autonomously根据我们给自己设定的准则来行动is to act according to a law we give ourselves exercising our reason,而这种理性,是作为理性存在的我们所共有的but it's the reason we share with everyone as rational beings,而非我们的教养not the particular reasons we have given our upbringings,我们的价值观,我们特定的利益our particular values, our particular interests.这是纯粹实践理性,用康德的术语来说It's pure practical reason, in Kant's terms,它给我们设立了一个先验,不管任何的外部情况which legislates a priori regardless of any particular contingent或经验的目的or empirical ends.那么,这种理性能提供怎样的道德准则呢?Well, what moral law would that kind of reason deliver?它的内容是什么?What is its content?要回答这个问题,你必须阅读《道德的形而上学基础》To answer that question, you have to read the groundwork我们将在下次继续讨论这个问题and we'll continue with that question next time.百善孝为先,论心不论迹,论迹穷人无孝子;万恶淫为首,论迹不论心,论心天下无完人。今天,我们回到康德Today we turn back to Kant.在我们这样做之前,还记得,本周末之前Before we do, remember this is the week你们要基本了解康德by the end of which all of you will basically get Kant,弄明白他想做的figure out what he's up to.你笑了You're laughing.不,你会的No, it will happen.康德的《道德的形而上学基础》是关于两个大问题Kant's groundwork is about two big questions.第一,什么是道德的最高原则?First, what is the supreme principle of morality?第二,为何有自由?Second, how is freedom possible?两个大问题Two big questions.现在,为了让大家读懂这本深奥的哲学著作,其中一个办法就是Now, one way of making your way through this dense philosophical book要切记几组对立物is to bear in mind a set of oppositions或几组对比,几组二元论or contrasts or dualisms而它们是相关的that are related.今天,我想谈谈这组对立Today I'd like to talk about them.今天,我们要回答一个问题Today we're going to answer the question,根据康德,什么是道德的最高原则?what, according to Kant, is the supreme principle of morality?当我们解答这个问题,And in answering that question,在我们找出康德对这个问题的答案时in working our way up to Kant's answer to that question记住康德列出的it will help to bear in mind三组对立物,或几组二元论,three contrasts, or dualisms,对大家有帮助that Kant sets out.第一组,你会记得The first, you'll remember,与我们行为的动机有关had to do with the motive according to which we act.根据康德,只有一种动机And according to Kant, only one kind of motive与道德相一致,那就是基于职责的动机is consistent with morality, the motive of duty,为正确的理由,做正确的事doing the right thing for the right reason.另一种动机是什么样的?What other kind of motives are there?康德把它们归类为“偏好”Kant sums them up in the category of inclination.我们每次行动的动机,都是为了满足某种愿望或喜好Every time the motive for what we do is to satisfy a desire or a preference去追求某种偏好that we may have, to pursue some interest,我们是出于“偏好”we're acting out of inclination.现在,让我停下来看看,在思考有关Now, let me pause to see if in thinking about the question对职责的动机,良好的意愿时of the motive of duty, the goodwill,看看你们对康德的说法是否有疑问see if any of you has a question about that much of Kant's claim.或者说,大家是否同意这样区分?Or is everybody happy with this distinction?你怎么看?请What do you think? Go ahead.当你把职责和偏好,区分开来时When you make that distinction between duty and inclination曾经有过任何道德行动?is there ever any moral action ever?我的意思是,你总能找到一些自私的动机,不是吗?I mean you could always, kind of, probably find some selfish motive, can't you?也许,很多时候,人们行为的动机都是利己的Maybe, very often people do have self-interested motives when they act.康德不否认这点Kant wouldn't dispute that但康德的意思是,关于我们的道德行为but what Kant is saying is that in so far as we act morally,关于我们的行为具有道德价值that is in so far as our actions have moral worth,赋予其道德价值的,正是我们那what confers moral worth is precisely our capacity超越自我利益、审慎、偏好的能力to rise above self-interest and prudence and inclination来基于职责而行动and to act out of duty.几年前,我读到一个拼字比赛Some years ago I read about a spelling bee比赛宣布,一个年轻人成为了这场比赛and there was a young man who was declared the winner的赢家of the spelling bee,这个孩子叫 Andrew,13岁a kid named Andrew, 13 years old.那个获奖的单词,那个他能拼出来的单词The winning word, the word that he was able to spell,是“echolalia。”was "echolalia."有谁知道echolalia是什么?什么?Does anyone know what echolalia is? What?一种花?Some type of flower?不是一种花。不是It's not some type of flower. No.它的意思是,像如回声一样,It means the tendency to repeat as in echo,重复你所听到的to repeat what you've heard.实际上,他把它拼错了,但评判们也听错了Anyhow, he misspelled it actually but the judges misheard him,评判们以为,他是正确地拼了出来they thought he had spelled it correctly授予了他 全国拼字比赛冠军and awarded him the championship of the National Spelling Bee他后来去了见评判员,说and he went to the judges afterward and said,“其实,我拼错了,我不应该得这个奖。”"Actually, I misspelled it, I don't deserve the prize."而他被看作是道德英雄And he was regarded as a moral hero他还被写进了纽约时报and he was written up in the New York Times,“拼错先生是拼字比赛的英雄。”"Misspeller is Spelling Bee Hero."这是Andrew和他那位自豪的母亲There's Andrew with his proud mother后来他接受采访时,听听这个and when he was interviewed afterwards, listen to this,后来他被采访时,他说,when he was interviewed afterwards, he said,“评判们说,我很诚实”"The judges said I had a lot of integrity,"但他补充说,他这样做的动机是but then he added that part of his motive was,“我不想让自己像个可恶的人”"I didn't want to feel like a slime."好的。康德会怎么说?All right. What would Kant say?请Go ahead.我想,这取决于I guess it would depend on whether or not这是次要的原因,还是主要原因that was a marginal reason or the predominant reason以及,为什么他决定承认and whether or not – and why he decided to confess他实际上并没有正确拼出那个单词that he didn't actually spell the word correctly.好的。而你叫什么名字?Good. And what's your name?Bosco。Bosco.这很有趣That's very interesting.其他人对此有没有什么看法?Is there anyone else who has a view about this?这是否表明,康德提出的原则是太严格、太苛刻?Does this show that Kant's principle is too stringent, too demanding?康德对此会怎么说呢?What would Kant say about this?是Yes.我认为,康德确实说,正是出自于职责的I think that Kant actually says that it is the pure motivation纯粹动机赋予了行为的道德价值that comes out of duty which gives the action moral worth.因此,在这种情况下So, it's like, for example in this case,他可能有一个以上的动机he might have more than one motive,他可能有不想做可恶的人he might have the motive of not feeling like a slime他可能有出自职责的、做正确的事情的动机and he might have the motive of doing the right thing itself out of duty因此,虽然这里有一个以上的动机and so, while there's more than one motivation going on there但并不意味着,行为就失去了道德价值doesn't mean that the action is devoid of moral worth只是因为他有另外一个动机just because he has one other motive因为是基于职责的动机,赋予行为的道德价值because the motive which involves duty is what gives it the moral worth.好的。什么是你的名字:Good. And what's your name:Judith。Judith.Judith,我觉得你的解释符合康德的想法Well Judith, I think that your account actually is true to Kant.拥有情绪和感受没有错It's fine to have sentiments and feelings只要它们不是支持你做正确的事that support doing the right thing provided they don't provide的原因the reason for acting.所以,我认为Judith 为康德提出了一个很好的辩护So, I think Judith actually has mounted a pretty good defense of Kant这个关于职责的动机的问题on this question of the motive of duty.谢谢Thank you.现在,让我们回到三组对比物Now, let's go back to the three contrasts.很明显,当康德说,It's clear at least what Kant means when he says为了使行为具有道德价值,它为了职责而做的,that for an action to have moral worth, it must be done for the sake of duty,而不是出于偏好not out of inclination.但是,正如我们上次那样But as we began to see last time,康德严格的道德观和there's a connection between Kant's stringent notion of morality他那尤为严格的自由观之间,是有联系的and his specially demanding understanding of freedom.这就是我们的第二组对比And that leads us to the second contrast,道德和自由之间的联系the link between morality and freedom第二组对立物,描述了决定我的意志The second contrast describes two different ways的两种不同方法that my will can be determined;自主 和 他律autonomously and heteronomously.根据康德,只有当我的意志是自主决定时,我才是自由的According to Kant, I'm only free when my will is determined autonomously.

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