“诚信,与其它任何资产同等重要,"Honesty, it's as important as any other asset因为一家诚实、公开、公平运营的企业,because a business that deals in truth, openness, and fair value注定会成功。cannot help but do well.加入我们,从此赢利”Come join us and profit from it."康德会如何评判,商业促进局的会员们What would Kant say about the moral worth诚实交易的道德价值呢?of the honest dealings of members of the Better Business Bureau?他会怎么说?What would he say?这就是个很好的例子,如果赢利是这些企业That here's a perfect example that if this is the reason诚实的对待它们的顾客的原因that these companies deal honestly with their customers,他们的行为就缺乏道德价值,这就是康德的观点their action lacks moral worth, this is Kant's point.几年前,在马里兰大学A couple of years ago, at the University of Maryland,曾出现作弊问题there was a problem with cheating他们因此而启动了一个诚信体制and so they initiated an honor system他们与当地的商家建立了一个项目and they created a program with local merchants如果你签了绝不作弊的信誉保证that if you signed the honor pledge, a pledge not to cheat,你就可以在当地商店买东西时,获得10~25%的折扣you would get discounts of 10% to 25% at local shops.现在,你怎么看这些为了得到折扣Well what would you think of someone motivated to uphold an honor code而支持信誉准则的人们?with the hope of discounts?这与之前康德的店主是一样致的It's the same as Kant's shopkeeper.关键的地方,在于意志的品质The point is, what matters is the quality of the will,动机的性质the character of the motive只有出于职责的动机,才是道德的and the relative motive to morality can only be the motive of duty,而非基于偏好的动机not the motive of inclination.只有在我基于职责而行动时And when I act out of duty,只有在我抗拒偏好或自利when I resist as my motive for acting inclinations的动机时,or self-interest,(哪怕你的动机)是出于同情,或利他主义even sympathy and altruism,只有这样,我的行为才是自由的;only then am I acting freely,只有这样,我的行为才是自主的;only then am I acting autonomously,只有这样,我的意志才不会被外在的因素only then is my will not determined or governed所统治或左右by external considerations,这就是康德,自由观与道德观之间的联系that's the link between Kant's idea of freedom and of morality.现在我想暂停一下,看看大家是否清楚这些观点Now, I want to pause here to see if all of this is clear如果你们有疑问或者困惑or if you have some questions or puzzles.可以是问题的澄清They can be questions of clarification也可以是对这些观点的质疑or they can be challenges,如果你想质疑,“只有出于职责的动机if you want to challenge this idea that only the motive of duty才能赋予行为的道德价值”confers moral worth on the action.你怎么想?What do you think?是的。Yes.呃,我其实有两个问题想澄清Yeah, I actually have two questions of clarification.第一,这里好像有一点The first is, there seems to be an aspect of this是自相矛盾的that makes it sort of self-defeating一旦你知道到,什么是道德in that once you're conscious of what morality is你就可以改变行动的动机,使其变成是道德的you can sort of alter your motive to achieve that end of morality.举个例子来说明你的想法Give me an example of what you have in mind.比如那个店主的故事The shopkeeper example.如果他决定了,找给顾客正确的钱If he decides that he wants to give the person the money才是正确的行为to do the right thing而他又决定,自己这样做的原因是因为and he decides that it's his motive to do so想做有道德的人because he wants to be moral这不就成了自相矛盾了么?then isn't that sort of defeating trying to –如果道德是由他的动机决定的,isn't that sort of defeating the purity of his action那么这不是有损他单纯的动机吗?if morality is determined by his motive?他的动机就成了“按照道德要求而行动”了。His motive is then to act morally.我明白了。你假设了一个例子I see. So, you're imagining a case这不是一位只顾算钱的自私的店主not of the purely selfish calculating shopkeeper而是一个....but of one who says,他可能考虑过,少给顾客找钱well, he may consider shortchanging the customer.但他说,“不能这样做,But then he says, "Not,否则传来出去,有损我的名声or my reputation might suffer if word gets out."他改成说,But instead he says,“我想做一个诚实的人,"Actually, I would like to be the kind of honest person诚实的人会找给顾客正确的钱who gives the right change to customers仅仅是因为这是正确的行为。”simply because it's the right thing to do."或者,更简单一点,“因为我想做一个有道德的人。”Or simply, "Because I want to be moral."“因为我想做有道德的人,做好人,"Because I want to be moral, I want to be a good person,所以,我要让自己的行为and so I'm going to conform all of my actions符合道德的要求。”to what morality requires."这点很细微。问题问得好。It's a subtle point, it's a good question.康德确实承认了一点Kant does acknowledge,而你的问题直指这个关键you're pressing Kant on an important point here,康德确实说了,遵守道德规范Kant does say there has to be some incentive是需要一些激励to obey the moral law,这种激励不可以是it can't be a self-interested incentive与道德相冲突的、满足个人利益的激励。that would defeat it by definition.是的,他提出了另一种不同于“偏好”的激励So, he speaks of a different kind of incentive from that inclination,他说,这是对道德规范的崇敬he speaks of reverence for the moral law.那么,如果那个店主说,So, if that shopkeeper says,“我想对道德准则表示尊敬,"I want to develop a reverence for the moral law所以,我要做正确的事情。”and so I'm going to do the right thing"我认为,这样,then I think he's there,按照康德的说法,他就是有道德的he's there as far as Kant's concerned因为,他形成了自己的动机because he's formed his motive,他的意志符合道德准则his will is conforming to the moral law一旦他知道道德的重要性once he sees the importance of it.所以,这个情况就算数。这个就算数。So, it would count, it would count.好的,接下来,第一个问题All right, then, secondly, very quickly,就刚才的说法而言,是什么阻止了道德变成完全是客观的?what stops morality from becoming completely objective in this point?又是什么阻止道德变得是主观的?What stops morality from becoming subjective?如果道德完全由你的品性来决定,Yeah, like how can – if morality is completely determined by your morals那你是如何应用它,又如何执行它呢?then how can you apply this or how can it be enforced?很好,这也是个好问题。All right, that's also a great question.你的名字叫什么?-- 我叫 Amady.What's your name?- My name is Amady.Amady? 是的。Amady? -- Yes.好的。如果,符合道德的行为All right, if acting morally是指出于职责,按照道德准则来行动,means acting according to a moral law out of duty而且这行动也是自由的、自主的and if it's also to act freely in the sense of autonomously,那就一定意味着,我是按照我给自己设定的准则来行动的it must mean that I'm acting according to a law that I give myself,这也是自主地行动的意思that's what it means to act autonomously,Amady 在这一点上是正确的Amady is right about that,这也引发了另外一个有趣的问题but that does raise a really interesting question.如果行动自主,意味着根据我为自己设定的准则来行动If acting autonomously means acting according to a law I give myself,那么,我就可以逃脱自然规律和因果定律的束缚that's how I escape the chain of cause and effect and the laws of nature.当我出于职责行事的时候,What's the guarantee that the law I give myself怎么保证,我为自己设定的准则when I'm acting out of duty与Amady给自己设定的准则is the same as the law that Amady is giving himself以及在座各位给自己的原则,是一样的呢?and that each of you gives yourselves?好的,问题就在这里Well, here's the question,在康德的来看,在这个课室里how many moral laws, from Kant's point of view,有多少种道德准则?are there in this room?一千种?还是一种?Are there a thousand or is there one?康德认为只有一种,这回到一个问题上来:He thinks there's one, which in a way does go back to this question:道德准则是什么?all right, what is the moral law?它告诉我们什么?What does it tell us?听起来,自主行动就是So, what guarantees – it sounds like to act autonomously根据自己的良心行动is to act according to one's conscience,根据我们为自己设定的准则行动according to a law one gives oneself,但是,怎么保证but what guarantees that we –如果我们使用各自的理性if we all exercise our reason,最终会得出同样一个道德准则呢?we will come up with one and the same moral law?这就是Amady 想要知道的That's what Amady wants to know.对此,康德的回答是:Here's Kant's answer:作为自主的个体,之所以能得出同一个的行为原则the reason that leads us to the law we give ourselves是因为一种理性as autonomous beings is a reason,这是一种人类所共有的实践理性it's a kind of practical reason that we share as human beings.它不是个人特有的It's not idiosyncratic.我们要尊敬他人的尊严,是因为The reason we need to respect the dignity of persons我们都是理性的生命is that we're all rational beings,我们都有理性思考的能力,we all have the capacity for reason正是我们都拥有and it's the exercise of that capacity for reason无差别的理性which exists undifferentiated in all of us使我们所有人都值得受尊重that makes us worthy of dignity, all of us,不论你的经历或生活环境是怎样