在一些哲学家的帮助下,要探讨的问题with the help of some philosophers in the weeks to come.英文字幕:http://forum-network.orgxiaolai中文字幕:psjmz校对:何_何欢迎接着收看耶鲁心理学入门课程http://u.youku.com/aprilseason?1科学是整理过的知识,而智慧则是整理过的人生。 ---康德Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. ——Immanuel Kant小心你的动机Mind Your Motive现在,我们Now we turn转到这门课最难懂的哲学家Now we turn to the hardest philosopher we're going to read in this course.今天,我们要讲伊曼努尔-康德。Today we turn to Immanuel Kant他提出一个不同的解释who offers a different account为什么我们有绝对性的义务of why we have a categorical duty去尊敬别人的尊严to respect the dignity of persons而不能仅仅把人当成工具and not to use people as means merely哪怕是出于好意even for good ends.康德在16岁的时候Kant excelled at the University of Konigsberg就已经在Konigsberg大学出类拔萃了at the age of 16.他在31岁时,得到了自己第一份工作,担任无薪的讲师At age of 31, he got his first job as an unsalaried lecturer根据当堂听课学生的数量paid on commission based on the number of students获得报酬who showed up at his lectures.哈佛应该好好参考一下这个制度This is a sensible system that Harvard would do well to consider.幸运的是,康德是个非常受欢迎的讲师Luckily for Kant, he was a popular lecturer而且工作勤奋刻苦and also an industrious one所以,他还勉强维持自己的生计and so he eked out a meager living.直到57岁,他才出版了自己第一本重要著作It wasn't until he was 57 that he published his first major work.然而,这种等待是值得的But, it was worth the wait,因为那本书就是《纯理性批判》the book was the "Critique of Pure Reason"也许是所有现代哲学著作中最为重要的一本perhaps the most important work in all of modern philosophy.几年后,康德写出了里程碑式的作品:《道德的形而上学基础》And a few years later, Kant wrote the groundwork for "Metaphysics of Morals"我们在这门课读到这本书which we read in this course.在开始之前,我想声明一下I want to acknowledge even before we start康德是位艰深的思想家that Kant is a difficult thinker然而,试图理解他的观点至关重要but it's important to try to figure what he's saying因为本书论述的正是because what this book is about什么是道德的终极原则is what the supreme principle of morality is,这是其一。number one,该书也为我们解释了and it also gives us an account –也是现金最有影响力的解释之一one of the most powerful accounts we have –即 究竟什么是自由of what freedom really is.那么,让我们就此开始。So, let me start today,康德反对功利主义Kant rejects utilitarianism.在他看来He thinks that作为个体的人the individual person,所有的人all human beings,都有一定的尊严,而我们必须尊重它have a certain dignity that commands our respect.根据康德,个人之所以是是受到尊重的The reason the individual is sacred or the bearer of rights,或者是权利的拥有者according to Kant,并不是源于,我们支配和拥有自己doesn't stem from the idea that we own ourselves而是源于,我们都是理性的存在but instead from the idea that we are all rational beings.我们是理性存在,其意义就是We're all rational beings, which simply means我们都有理性that we are beings who are capable of reason.同时,我们也是独立自主的存在We are also autonomous beings,也就是说,我们有能力自由地选择和行动which is to say that we are beings capable of acting and choosing freely.理性和自由并不是Now, this capacity for reason and freedom我们仅有的能力isn't the only capacity we have.我们还有痛苦和快乐、We also have the capacity for pain and pleasure,受苦和满足的能力for suffering and satisfaction.康德也承认,功利主义的观点一半是正确的Kant admits the utilitarians were half right.当然,我们会回避痛苦,Of course, we seek to avoid pain我们追求享乐and we like pleasure,康德并不否认这一点Kant doesn't deny this.他所驳斥的是What he does deny边沁的说法is Bentham's claim边沁认为痛苦和欢乐主宰了我们that pain and pleasure are our sovereign masters.康德认为这是错误的He thinks that's wrong.康德认为,是我们的理性Kant thinks that it's our rational capacity让我们脱颖而出that makes us distinctive,让我们变得截然不同that makes us special,使我们区别开,而且高于其他动物的存在that sets us apart from and above mere animal existence.使我们成为,不仅仅是只有欲望的肉身It makes us something more than just physical creatures with appetites.我们常常会认为,自由就是我们做自己想做的事We often think of freedom as simply consisting in doing what we want或者毫无障碍的得到想要的东西or in the absence of obstacles to getting what we want,这是对于自由的一种看法that's one way of thinking about freedom.但是康德不是这么看But this isn't Kant's idea of freedom.康德制定了更为严格的定义Kant has a more stringent demanding notion来解释自由是什么of what it means to be free.这一定义既严厉又苛刻,And though it's stringent and demanding,但如果你仔细想想,你会发现它很有说服力if you think it through, it's actually pretty persuasive.康德的推理如下:Kant reasons as follows:如果我们像动物一样when we, like animals,追求享乐或欲望的满足,seek after pleasure or the satisfaction of our desires或者回避痛苦or the avoidance of pain,如果我们是那样的话,我们并不是真正自由的when we do that we aren't really acting freely.为什么呢?Why not?因为,这样我们就成了这些欲望和冲动的奴隶We're really acting as the slaves of those appetites and impulses.我们不能选择某种饥饿,或某种欲望I didn't choose this particular hunger or that particular appetite因此,当我们去满足它的时候and so when I act to satisfy it,我们只是去适应我们的本能需求而已I'm just acting according to natural necessity.在康德看来,自由是本能需求的对立And for Kant, freedom is the opposite of necessity.几年前,雪碧有这样一则广告There was an advertising slogan for the soft drink Sprite a few years ago.“顺从你的渴望”。The slogan was, "Obey your thirst."雪碧的这个口号里面也反映了康德的想法There's a Kantian insight buried in that Sprite advertising slogan与康德的观点有关that in a way is Kant's point.当你购买雪碧或者百事可乐的时候,When you go for Sprite or Pepsi, you're really –你很可能认为,自己是在自由选择you might think that you're choosing freely,雪碧,或 百事可乐Sprite versus Pepsi,但实际上,你是在顺从某些东西but you're actually obeying something,口渴,或某种被广告制造并操纵的欲望a thirst or maybe a desire manufactured or massaged by advertising,你正在顺从某种,并非由你选择或创造的刺激you're obeying a prompting that you yourself haven't chosen or created.这里我们需要注意,康德对自由下的尤为苛刻的定义And here it is worth noticing Kant's specially demanding idea of freedom.这会是一种什么样的行为—— 我们的意志怎么会What way of acting – how can my will be determined不是出于本能的刺激if not by the promptings of nature不是出于饥饿、食欲、或者我的欲望?or my hunger or my appetite or my desires?康德的答案是什么呢?Kant's answer?自由的行动,就意味着自主的行动To act freely is to act autonomously,自主的行动,就意味着遵从我and to act autonomously is to act according to a law为自己设定的规则而行动that I give myself不是出于自然法则not according to the physical laws of nature或因果定律or the laws of cause and effect它包括了,我选择吃或喝的欲望which include my desire to eat or to drink或者选择这家餐馆or to choose this而非那一家food in a restaurant over that.那么,对于康德来说Now, what is the opposite自主的反义词又是什么呢?of autonomy for Kant?他发明了一个术语He invents a special term来描述自主的对立面to describe the opposite of autonomy.自主的对立,就是“他律”。Heteronomy is the opposite of autonomy.当我因“他律”而行动时,我的行动是出于某种偏好When I act heteronomously, I'm acting according to an inclination,或本能欲望,而不是我自己选择的or a desire, that I haven't chosen for myself.因此,康德坚持,将自由严格地视作是自主的So, freedom as autonomy is an especially stringent idea that Kant insists on.接下来,为什么“他律”或本能的行为Now, why is autonomy the opposite of acting heteronomously其立就是自主呢?or according to the dictates of nature?康德的观点是,自然是受规律支配的Kant's point is that nature is governed by laws,例如因果关系的定律laws of cause and effect for example.假设你丢下一个台球Suppose you drop a billiard ball,它就会掉到地上it falls to the ground;我们都不会认为,这个球的行动是自由的we wouldn't say the billiard ball is acting freely.为什么?Why not?因为它的行为遵循自然规律It's acting according to the law of nature,遵循因果关系的规律according to the laws of cause of effect,即万有引力定律the law of gravity.正如他对自由的定义And just as he has an unusually demanding and stringent超乎寻常的严厉和苛刻conception of freedom,