因为他们确实,他们没有because they really have – they have nothing不在乎这个国家like nothing invested in this country.但另一方面,一旦我们牵涉到爱国主义There's another aspect though once we get on to the issue of patriotism.如果你和Jackie一样,相信爱国主义If you believe patriotism, as Jackie does,是最重要的考虑因素,而非金钱should be the foremost consideration and not money,这是否在支持或反对,我们现行的军队领取工资呢?does that argue for or against the paid army we have now?尽管我们称之为"志愿军",但如果你想想We call it the volunteer army though if you think about it,这其实是名不副实。我们叫它“志愿军”that's a kind of misnomer. A volunteer army as we use the term,但其实是有偿的军队is a paid army.爱国精神而非金钱,应该是So what about the suggestion that patriotism should be服兵役的主要动机,你对此作何评价?the primary motivation for military service not money?这一争论是否是支持我们现行的付费兵役制Does that argue in favor of the paid military还是支持志愿兵役制?that we have or does it argue for conscription?我们来强化基于Phil 所说的军事外包的观点And just to sharpen that point building on Phil's case for outsourcing,如果你认为志愿服役制,这种付费的兵役if you think that the all-volunteer army, the paid army,是最好的,因为它根据人们的偏好、为一定的工资is best because it lets the market allocate positions而服役的意愿,让市场来调节职位according to people's preferences and willingness to serve是不是这个逻辑,把你for a certain wage, doesn't the logic that takes you从征兵制转移到南北内战的混合制from a system of conscription to the hybrid Civil War system再到志愿服役制来吗?to the all-volunteer army, doesn't the idea of expanding这个扩大市场中自由选择的想法难道不是如果你一贯地坚持这个原则,难道它不是freedom of choice in the market, doesn't that lead you把你完全引导到雇佣军体制上来吗?all the way if you followed that principle consistently to a mercenary army?如果你说不,Jackie说不And then if you say no, Jackie says no,爱国精神有其价值,如果是爱国精神patriotism should count for something, doesn't that argue这难道不是为返回征兵制而辩护for going back to conscription if by patriotism,你说公民的义务感?you mean a sense of civic obligation?让我们看看,我们是否能从这个讨论中走出来Let's see if we can step back from the discussion看看,我们已经学到的同意论that we've had and see what we've learned把它运用到市场交换中的效果about consent as it applies to market exchange.我们已经听到了两种观点,两种反对运用市场交换We've really heard two arguments, two arguments against the use of markets来配置军事服务的观点and exchange in the allocation of military service.其中一个论点是由Sam和Paul提出的One was the argument raised by Sam and Raul,该论点谈及强迫,反对的理由在于让市场the argument about coercion, the objection that letting the market分配兵役可能是不公平的allocate military service may be unfair甚至是不自由的,如果社会存在and may not even be free if there's severe inequality严重不平等,那些通过收了钱去服兵役的人in the society so that people who buy their way into military service并不是因为他们真的想去,而是因为他们没有什么经济机会are doing so not because they really want to but because they have so few服兵役是他们最好的选择economic opportunities that that's their best choiceSam和Paul说,有强迫的因素在里面and Sam and Raul say there's an element of coercion in that,这是其中一个论点that's one argument.第二种论点,反对通过市场机制配置军事服务Then there is a second objection to using the market那就是,服兵役不应该to allocate military service, that's the idea that military service被视作是一种付钱工作shouldn't be treated as just another job for pay因为这紧密地关系到 爱国精神和公民义务because it's bound up with patriotism and civic obligation.这不同于This is a different argument from the argument about不公平、不平等以及强迫unfairness and inequality and coercion,它认为,也许it's an argument that suggests that maybe在涉及公民义务的地方,我们不应该由市场where civic obligations are concerned, we shouldn't allocate来分配责任和权利duties and rights by the market.现在,我们已经明确了这两大异议Now we've identified two broad objections.在评价这些异议时,我们需要了解什么?What do we need to know to assess those objections?先来评价第一项异议,关于强迫To assess the first, the argument from不平等、不公平,Sam,我得问coercion, inequality, and unfairness, Sam, we need to ask社会背景中,有什么不平等因素在破坏what inequalities in the background conditions of society undermine人们购买和出售其劳动的自由选择权?the freedom of choices people make to buy and sell their labor,这是问题一question number one.问题二:评估公民的义务,爱国主义Question number two: to assess the civic obligation, patriotism.我们要问,公民的义务是什么?Argument: we have to ask what are the obligations of citizenship?兵役是其中之一吗?Is military service one of them or not?作为公民,我们有什么义务?What obligates us as citizens?政治义务源自哪里?What is the source of political obligation?是否经过了同意,或者说,当我们共同生活在某个社会的时候Is it consent or are there some civic obligations我们是否负有一些公民义务,哪怕它没经过我们的同意?we have, even without consent, for living and sharing in a certain kind of society?我们还没有回答这两个问题We haven't answered either of those questions但我们今天对于内战兵役制but our debate today about the Civil War system和志愿服役制的讨论,至少引出了这些问题and the all-volunteer army has at least raised them而这些问题,我们将在未来的几周进行讨论and those are questions we're going to return to in the coming weeks.如果我们都按我们自己的想法判别问题,那么违法者将数不胜数。 ——约翰-西格尔琼森If we were all to be judged by our thoughts, the hills would be swarming with outlaws. ——Johann Sigurjonsson今天,我想把我们的注意力转到Today I'd like to turn our attention and get your views about an argument市场在人类生殖和生育中,所发挥的作用over the role of markets in the realm of human reproduction and procreation.现在在不育不孕诊所,人们刊登广告找捐卵者Now with infertility clinics, people advertise for egg donors在哈佛校报上,也不时and from time to time, in the Harvard Crimson有寻找捐卵者的广告,你们看到过吗?ads appear for egg donors. Have you seen them?几年前有个广告There was one that ran a few years ago它找的不是普通的捐卵者,广告中that wasn't looking for just any egg donor, it was an ad that offered贴出了巨额的报酬a large financial incentive for an egg donor要求该女性要聪明、健壮,至少5英尺10英寸以上from a woman who was intelligent, athletic, at least 5'10",而且SAT的分数要至少在1400以上and with at least 1400 or above on her SATs.你们觉得,这个愿意为这个登广告的人How much do you think the person looking for this egg donor愿意出多少钱?was willing to pay for an egg from a woman of that description?你猜是多少?1000美元?What would you guess? A thousand dollars?5万美元?10万?我把广告给你们看看Fifteen thousand? Ten? I'll show you the ad.5万美元买一个卵子,但要求优质卵子Fifty thousand dollars for an egg but only a premium egg.你对此有何感想?What do you think about that?在哈佛校报上和其他院校Well there are also sometimes ads in the Harvard Crimson登过找精子捐赠者的广告and the other college newspapers for sperm donors.因此,捐精捐卵的市场是一个机会均等的市场So the market in reproductive capacities is an equal opportunity market.也许不算完全平等,因为没有人出过5万美元要精子Well not exactly equal opportunity, they're not offering $50,000 for sperm有一个公司,一个大型的商业精子银行but there is a company, a large commercial sperm bank以精子交易为主要业务,叫做加州Cryobankthat markets sperm, it's called California Cryobank,这是一家营利性公司。该公司对收集的精子it's a for-profit company, it imposes exacting standards制定了严格的标准,它在剑桥市,即哈佛和麻省理工之间on the sperm it recruits, and it has offices in Cambridge,以及靠近斯坦福的帕洛阿尔托,都设有办公室between Harvard and MIT, and in Palo Alto near Stanford.Cryobank的推销资料鼓吹,它的精子出其不凡Cryobank's marketing materials play up the prestigious source of its sperm.这里,在Cryobank公司的网站上有这些信息Here is, from the website of Cryobank, the information.这里他们谈到了报酬Here they talk about the compensation尽管报酬不应该是精子捐赠者although compensation should not be the only reason的唯一理由,我们都知道要成为一名捐赠者for becoming a sperm donor, we are aware of the considerable time要付出时间和精力and expense involved in being a donor.你知道他们出价多少吗?每捐一个,捐赠者可得75美元So do you know what they offer? Donors will be reimbursed $75 per specimen,如果每周捐3次的话,一个月最多能“赚”900美元up to $900 a month if you donate three times a week,他们还补充说:“我们为那些花了额外的时间和精力and then they add "We periodically offer incentives的捐赠者的伴侣,提供定期奖励such as movie tickets or gift certificates for the extra time and effort比如电影票和礼券”expended by participating donors."成为精子捐赠者并不容易It's not easy to be a sperm donor.他们的申请通过率低于5%They accept fewer than five percent of the donors who apply.他们的准入标准,比哈佛还严格Their admission criteria are more demanding than Harvard's.精子银行的高层说,理想的精子捐献者The head of the sperm bank said the ideal sperm donor要有6英尺高,具备大学学历,金色的头发,棕色的眼睛is 6 feet tall, with a college degree, brown eyes, blond hair,和酒窝,理由很简单,市场反映and dimples for the simple reason that these are the traits这些特征都是顾客想要的that the market has shown that customers want.引用这位高层的话,“如果我们的客户想要高中辍学者的精子Quoting the head of the sperm bank, "If our customers wanted high school dropouts,我们就为他提供高中辍学者的精子”we would give them high school dropouts."因此,这里有两个实例,卵子捐献So here are two instances, the market in eggs for donation和精子捐献市场,这就引出了一个问题and the market in sperm, that raise a question,那就是卵子和精子a question about whether eggs and sperm应不应该进行买卖should or should not be bought and sold for money.在你思考这个问题时,我希望你们看一下As you ponder that, I want you to consider另一个涉及市场交易的案例。它涉及到一份another case involving market and in fact a contract关于人类生殖的合同。这个事件是关于in the human reproductive capacity and this is the case商业化的代孕of commercial surrogate motherhood, and it's a case that wound up在几年前,最终闹上了法庭in court some years ago.这是一个关于宝贝M 的故事It's the story of Baby M.一对年轻的职场夫妇,威廉和伊丽莎白·斯特恩It began with William and Elizabeth Stern, a professional couple wanting a baby但他们没有自己的孩子but they couldn't have one on their own,斯特恩夫人若有怀孕,可能会有风险at least not without medical risk to Mrs. Stern.他们来到了不育不孕诊所,在那遇到了玛丽·贝思·怀特黑德They went to an infertility clinic where they met Mary Beth Whitehead,她是一位环卫工人的妻子,29岁,有2个孩子a 29-year-old mother of two, the wife of a sanitation worker.她应寻找代孕母亲的广告而来She had replied to an ad that The Stern had placed seeking the service他们达成了协议of a surrogate mother. They made a deal.他们签了一份合同,威廉斯特恩夫妇They signed a contract in which William Stern同意向玛丽·贝思·怀特黑德支付1万美元和其他费用agreed to pay Mary Beth Whitehead a $10,000 fee作为交换,玛丽·贝思·怀特黑德plus all expenses in exchange for which Mary Beth Whitehead同意用威廉的精子进行人工授精