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哈佛课程 公正:该如何做是好 中英双语-18

作者:桑德尔 字数:8634 更新:2023-10-08 19:59:24

洛克说,经过我们劳动加工之后,那些不属于任何人的自然物,John Locke said private property arises because when we mix our labor with things,就变成了归我们所有,变成私有财产unowned things, we come to aquire a property right in those things.而其原因是什么?And the reason?原因是我们能拥有我们自己的劳动成果The reason is that we own our own labor,而这背后的原因何在?and the reason for that?因为我们是我们自己的主人We are the proprietors, the owners of our own person.因此,为了研究自由主义声称的And so in order to examine the moral force of the libertarian claim我们拥有自己,我们必须转向that we own ourselves, we need to turn to英国政治哲学家洛克,看看他是怎么解释the English political philosopher, John Locke, and examine his account私有财产的所有权和自我支配权。这也是我们下次的讨论。of private property and self ownership and that's what we'll do next time.任尔选择,给尔所选。(选择的后果自负)From each as they choose, to each as they are chosen.----Robert Nozick英文字幕:http://forum-network.orgxiaolai中文字幕:何_何4月将推出耶鲁心理学入门课程http://u.youku.com/aprilseason?1这块地是我的This Land is My Land今天,我们将讨论约翰-洛克Today, we turn to John Locke.表面看来,洛克是一位有力的自由主义支持者On the face of it, Locke is a powerful ally of the libertarian.首先,他和今天的自由主义者一样First, he believes, as libertarians today maintain,认为某些基本的个人权利是非常重要的that there are certain fundamental individual rights that are so important是任何政府,即使是代表人民的政府that no government, even a representative government,即使是由民主选举出来的政府,也不能剥夺这些权利even a democratically elected government, can override them.不仅如此,他还认为这些基本权利Not only that, he believes that those fundamental rights include包括了生命、自由和财产这些自然权利a natural right to life, liberty, and property,此外,他还认为财产权and furthermore he argues that the right to property不是由政府或法律所赋予的is not just the creation of government or of law.这些财产权是在政权出现前The right to property is a natural right in the sense就拥有的自然权利that it is prepolitical.它是每个人与生俱来的It is a right that attaches to individuals as human beings,甚至在政府出现前even before government comes on the scene,甚至在议会和立法机关even before parliaments and legislatures通过法律来定义和保护这些权利之前(这些权利就已经存在了)enact laws to define rights and to enforce them.洛克说,想要了解自然权利是什么意思Locke says in order to think about what it means to have a natural right,我们得想象,在政府、法律出现前we have to imagine the way things are万事万物的样子before government, before law, and that's what Locke means就是洛克所说的自然状态by the state of nature.他说自然状态是一种自由状态He says the state of nature is a state of liberty.人是生而自由平等的Human beings are free and equal beings.没有自然的阶级层次划分There is no natural hierarchy.并没有人天生就是国王It's not the case that some people are born to be kings也没有人天生就是农奴and others are born to be serfs.在自然状态下,我们生而自由平等We are free and equal in the state of nature and yet,他指出,自由状态和许可状态he makes the point that there is a difference between是有区别的a state of liberty and a state of license.理由是即使在自然状态中And the reason is that even in the state of nature,也有某种法律there is a kind of law.但那不是立法机关制定的法律It's not the kind of law that legislatures enact.而是自然法则。这种自然法则限制了我们所能做的,It's a law of nature. And this law of nature constrains哪怕我们是自由的what we can do even though we are free,就算在自然状态下也是如此even though we are in the state of nature.那这些约束是什么?Well what are the constraints?自然法则对我们的唯一限制就是The only constraint given by the law of nature就是我们所拥有的权利那些自然权利is that the rights we have, the natural rights we have我们既不能放弃这些权利we can't give up nor can we take them也不能从他人身上夺取from somebody else.在自然法则下,我们不是自由到Under the law of nature, I'm not free to take somebody else's可以侵犯他人的生命、自由或财产,我也不能随意life or liberty or property, nor am I free to take放弃自己的生命、自由或财产my own life or liberty or property.即便我是自由的,我也不能随意违反自然法则Even though I am free, I'm not free to violate the law of nature.我不能随意放弃自己的生命,或将自己卖为奴隶I'm not free to take my own life or to sell my self into slavery或让别人有绝对的权力来控制我or to give to somebody else arbitrary absolute power over me.对于这一限制,你可能认为只是一个So where does this constraint, you may think it's a fairly很小的限制,但它从何而来呢?minimal constraint, but where does it come from?洛克告诉我们,它从何而来Well, Locke tells us where it comes from他给出了两个答案,第一个答案是and he gives two answers. Here is the first answer."人类是由一位万能的、无限智慧的"For men, being all the workmanship of one omnipotent,制造者所创造的" ,即上帝and infinitely wise maker," namely God,人类是上帝的财产,是由上帝制造的"they are His property, whose workmanship they are,是出于上帝的喜好,而不是其他人made to last during His, not one another's pleasure."因此,我们之所以不能放弃So one answer to the question is why can't I give up我自己的生命、自由、或财产的权利my natural rights to life, liberty, and property is well,原因在于,严格来说,这些都不属于你自己they're not, strictly speaking, yours.毕竟,你是上帝的创造物,上帝更有权拥有我们After all, you are the creature of God. God has a bigger property right in us,他有优先的所有权a prior property right.现在,你可能会说, 这不是一个令人满意Now, you might say that's an unsatisfying,令人信服的答案,至少对那些unconvincing answer, at least for those不相信上帝的人来说who don't believe in God.洛克是怎么回到这些人的呢?下面是洛克的回应What did Locke have to say to them? Well, here is where Locke appeals他的理念是to the idea of reason and this is the idea,如果我们反思,自由的意义that if we properly reflect on what it means to be free,我们将得出这样的结论,自由不仅仅意味着we will be led to the conclusion that freedom can't just be a matter我们可以做任何我们想做的事of doing whatever we want.我想,当洛克说:自然状态下I think this is what Locke means when he says, "The state of nature存在着一条每个人都应遵守的自然法则has a law of nature to govern it which obliges everyone: and reason,这一法则教导人们which is that law, teaches mankind who will but consult it所有人都是平等独立的,没有人有权利that all being equal and independent, no one ought to harm another去侵犯其他人的生命、健康、自由或财产in his life, health, liberty, or possessions."这引出了洛克的一个令人费解的、解释权利的观点This leads to a puzzling paradoxical feature of Locke's某种意义上很熟悉,但又很陌生account of rights. Familiar in one sense but strange in another.我们的自然权利是不可分割的It's the idea that our natural rights are unalienable.不可分割是什么意思?意思是说我们不能What does "unalienable" mean? It's not for us to alienate them远离它,放弃它,交换它,变卖它or to give them up, to give them away, to trade them away, to sell them.就像飞机票,不可转让Consider an airline ticket. Airline tickets are nontransferable.或是“爱国者” 或“红袜”的比赛票(爱国者:英格兰爱国者橄榄球队)(红袜:知名棒球队波士顿红袜队)Or tickets to the Patriots or to the Red Sox.不可转让,不可分割Nontransferable tickets are unalienable.我在有限的意义下拥有它,我自己可以使用它I own them in the limited sense that I can use them for myself,但我不能把它卖出去。因此从某种意义上说,是不可剥夺的but I can't trade them away. So in one sense, an unalienable right,这种不可转让的权利使得我并不是完全拥有它a nontransferable right makes something I own less fully mine.但从另一方面说,它也是不可剥夺的But in another sense of unalienable rights,尤其是生命、自由和财产权especially where we're thinking about life, liberty, and property,由于它们的不可剥夺,使其涵义更加深刻or a right to be unalienable makes it more deeply,更彻底地属于我more profoundly mine,这就是洛克不可分割的意思and that's Locke's sense of unalienable.在美国独立宣言里也可以看到We see it in the American Declaration of Independence.托马斯杰斐逊提到了洛克的这一思想Thomas Jefferson drew on this idea of Locke.杰弗逊将洛克的说法改了一下:Unalienable rights to life, liberty, and as Jefferson amended Locke,自由,生命,和对幸福的追求是我们不可剥夺的权利to the pursuit of happiness. Unalienable rights.这些权利是如此根属于我们,即使我们自己也不能把它卖掉Rights that are so essentially mine that even I can't trade them away或放弃or give them up.这些就是在政府存在之前So these are the rights we have in the state of nature在自然状态下,我们已经拥有的权利before there is any government.以生命和自由为例, 我不能夺走我的生命In the case of life and liberty, I can't take my own life.我不能把自己变卖为奴隶,也不能拿走别人的生命I can't sell myself into slavery any more than I can take也不能强迫他人somebody else's life or take someone else成为我们的奴隶as a slave by force.那财产权又怎么解释?But how does that work in the case of property?因为在洛克的理论中,私有财产权Because it's essential to Locke's case that private property can arise在政府产生前就存在了even before there is any government.在政府存在之前How can there be a right to private property怎么会有私有财产权呢?even before there is any government?洛克的答案在第27节Locke's famous answer comes in Section 27.每个人对他自己的人身,拥有所有权"Every man has a property in his own person.这一权利只属於他自己,而不得为其他人所拥有This nobody has any right to but himself."他的身体所从事的劳动,他的双手所进行的工作"The labor of his body and the work of his hands,我们可以说,都属于他we may say, are properly his."因此,作为一名自由主义者,他延伸了这一观点So he moves, as the libertarians later would move,从我们拥有自己,对自己的人身有所有权from the idea that we own ourselves, that we have property in our persons延伸到,我们拥有自己的劳动这个紧密相连的观点to the closely connected idea that we own our own labor.并且从这一点进而延伸出,通过我们的劳动加工之后And from that to the further claim that whatever we mix our labor with那些不属于任何人的自然物,就变成了我们的财产that is un-owned becomes our property.不管他从自然提供的资源中,移走了什么、剩下了什么"Whatever he removes out of the state that nature has provided,里面已经混有了他的劳动and left it in, he has mixed his labor with,加入他自己的东西,从而and joined it to something that is his own, and thereby

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