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哈佛课程 公正:该如何做是好 中英双语-10

作者:桑德尔 字数:7913 更新:2023-10-08 19:59:20

His father, James Mill, was a disciple of Bentham's,詹姆士穆勒正着手给他的儿子and James Mill set about giving his son, John Stuart Mill,树立榜样。a model education.约翰·密尔是个小门徒He was a child protégé, John Stuart Mill.他3岁是会希腊语,8岁会拉丁文,He knew Greek at the age of three, Latin at eight,10岁时,他写了《罗马法史》and age 10, he wrote "A History of Roman Law."20岁时,他精神崩溃。At age 20, he had a nervous breakdown.这让他抑郁了5年,但在25岁,This left him in a depression for five years, but at age 25,让他走出抑郁what helped lift him out of this depression是他遇上了Harriet Taylor。is that he met Harriet Taylor.他们后来结了婚,一直过得很幸福,She and Mill got married, they lived happily ever after,正是在她的影响下,约翰·密尔and it was under her influence that John Stuart Mill试图把功利主义变得人性化tried to humanize utilitarianism.密尔试图What Mill tried to do was to see whether the完善功利主义utilitarian calculus could be enlarged and modified to使其融进人文关怀accommodate humanitarian concerns, like the concern to例如考虑到尊重个人权利respect individual rights, and also to address the distinction区分了高级和低级的乐趣between higher and lower pleasures.1859年,密尔写了一本关于自由的有名的书In 1859, Mill wrote a famous book on liberty,书中的主要论点是the main point of which was the importance维护个人和少数人的权利的重要性of defending individual rights and minority rights,1861年,当他接近生命的终点时,and in 1861, toward the end of his life,他写下了我们这门课的其中一本书,《功利主义》he wrote the book we read as part of this course, "Utilitarianism."他清楚地表明,效用是道德的唯一标准,He makes it clear that utility is the only standard of morality,所以他并没有违背边沁的假设。in his view, so he's not challenging Bentham's premise.而是坚定了他的观点。He's affirming it.他说,很明确地说:“证明某样东西是更令人喜欢He says very explicitly, "The sole evidence it is possible唯一证据就是人们都喜欢它”to produce that anything is desirable is that people actually do desire it."他留下了一个想法,我们真实存在的欲望So he stays with the idea that our de facto actual empirical desires是道德判断的唯一基础。are the only basis for moral judgment.但在第二章,第8页,But then, page eight, also in chapter two,他认为,功利主义是可以he argues that it is possible for a utilitarian to distinguish区分高级或低级的乐趣。higher from lower pleasures.现在,你们谁看过密尔的文章Now, for those of you who have read Mill already,根据他的理论,是怎么样作出这种区分?how, according to him, is it possible to draw that distinction?功利主义是怎样从定性上把高级的快乐How can a utilitarian distinguish qualitatively higher pleasures从低级的、可耻的、无意义的快乐区分出来?是的?from lesser ones, base ones, unworthy ones? Yes?如果你尝试过这两者,你会更喜欢更高级的If you've tried both of them and you prefer the higher one,很自然地,一直地naturally, always.很好。That's great. That's right.你叫什么名字? - 约翰。What's your name? - John.就像约翰指出的,密尔说,我们是这样给它定性的:So as John points out, Mill says here's the test.既然我们不能走出实际的愿望,Since we can't step outside actual desires,因为它们会违反功利主义的假设,actual preferences that would violate utilitarian premises,检验一种乐趣是高级还是低级the only test of whether a pleasure is higher or lower需要你把这两种乐趣都体验过之后,更偏爱其中一种is whether someone who has experienced both would prefer it.在第二章,我们看到了And here, in chapter two, we see the passage where密尔指出来,约翰刚才所说的。Mill makes the point that John just described.“两种乐趣之中,如果其中一种是"Of two pleasures, if there be one to which所有(或几乎所有)体验过这两者之后,还偏爱其中一种all or almost all who have experience of both give a decided preference,不管任何的道义责任,你还喜欢它 -irrespective of any feeling of moral obligation to prefer it --换句话说,没有外部独立的标准in other words, no outside, no independent standard -- then,它是在比较之下,我们更喜欢的那一者。“that is the more desirable pleasure."大家对这种论点怎么看?What do people think about that argument?是否成功了?Does it succeed?有多少人认为,它成功地How many think that it does succeed of arguing在功利主义的框架中within utilitarian terms for a distinction between成功地区分了高级和低级的快乐?higher and lower pleasures?有多少人觉得这并没有成功?How many think it doesn't succeed?我想听听你的理由。I want to hear your reasons.但是,在我们给出我们的理由之前But before we give the reasons让我们按照密尔的说法,做一个实验let's do an experiment of Mill's claim.我们将会观看In order to do this experiment, we're going to look at三个娱乐的短片。three short excerpts of popular entertainment.第一个是一段哈姆雷特的独白。The first one is a Hamlet soliloquy.接着是两个其他方面的体验。It'll be followed by two other experiences.看看你是怎么想的See what you think.人类是一件多么了不起的作品!,如何高尚的理由,What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason!能力如此无穷, 动作多么迅速How infinite in faculties,In form and moving动若天使,令人赞叹how express and admirable, in action how like an angel,思若上帝!in apprehension how like a god!世界之美,万物之灵The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals -可是,对于我,这点泥土里提炼出来的玩意儿算得了什么呢?and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?人类不能让我愉悦(下一句:不,女人也不行。 )Man delights not me.(no, nor woman neither. )想像这样一个世界里,你最大的担忧变成现实。Imagine a world where your greatest fears become reality.啊!他们正在吞噬着我!Ahh! They're biting me!每场演出,6名来自全国各地的参赛者Each show, six contestants from around the country表扬三个特技, 刀光剑影battle each other in three extreme stunts.呜!Ow!这些特技专门用来为难这些参赛者的These stunts are designed to challenge the contestants既是身体上的,也是心理上的both physically and mentally.6名选手,3项特技,1个赢家。Six contestants, three stunts, one winner.是! Whooo!Yes! Whooo!《谁敢来挑战》Fear Factor.你好diddily-ho,pedal-to-the-metal-o-philes。Hi-diddily-ho, pedal-to-the-metal-o-philes.Flanders,你是什么时候开始喜欢酷的东西?Flanders, since when do you like anything cool?嗯,我不在乎速度,但我无法得到满足Well, I don't care for the speed but I can't get enough这一安全装置。头盔,侧倾杆,警告标志...of that safety gear. Helmets, roll bars, caution flags...我喜欢新鲜的空气...I like the fresh air...看着内场的穷人。and looking at the poor people in the infield.Dang,Cletus,为什么你把车停在我父母的车旁边?Dang, Cletus, why'd you have to park by my parents?亲爱的,他们是我的父母了。Now, Honey, they's my parents too.我甚至不用问你最喜欢哪一种。I don't even have to ask which one you liked most.Simpsons,有多少人最喜欢Simpsons?The Simpsons, how many liked The Simpsons most?有多少会选莎士比亚?How many Shakespeare?《谁敢来挑战》呢?What about Fear Factor?有谁会选《谁敢来挑战》?How many preferred Fear Factor?真的吗?Really?超过半数的人更喜欢Simpsons,而不是莎士比亚People overwhelmingly like The Simpsons better than Shakespeare.好,现在,让我们看看投票结果All right, now, let's take the other part of the poll,这一次是选最开心的经历which is the highest experience or pleasure.有多少人选择莎士比亚?How many say Shakespeare?有多少人选《谁敢来挑战》?How many say Fear Factor?不,你不是认真的。真的吗?什么?No, you can't be serious. Really? What?好的,请继续。你可以说一下。All right, go ahead. You can say it.我发现它是最有趣的。I found that one the most entertaining.我知道,但你认为它是最有价值的,I know, but which do you think was the worthiest,最高贵的体验?the noblest experience?我知道,你会觉得它最有趣。I know you found it the most entertaining.如果一样东西是好的,因为它能带来快乐If something is good just because it is pleasurable,那样的话,你就不用在意觉得好的what does it matter whether you have sort of an别人是否会觉得不好?abstract idea of whether it is good by someone else's sense or not?好吧,你回到边沁。All right, so you come down in the straight Benthamite side.谁来做判断,我们判断的理由是什么,Who is to judge and why should we judge,除了把真实的喜好记下来,并叠加起来?apart from just registering and aggregating de facto preference?好的。你叫什么名字?All right, that's fair enough. And what's your name?Nate,好的。Nate, okay, fair enough.好的,怎么很多人认为SimpsonsAll right, so how many think The Simpsons is actually,除了因为你喜欢它,它实际上也是一种高级的体验呢?apart from liking it, is actually the higher experience?而且是比莎士比亚高呢?Higher than Shakespeare?好吧,让我们再看看多少人投莎士比亚。All right, let's see the vote for Shakespeare again.多少人认为莎士比亚是高级的呢?How many think Shakespeare is higher?好的。那么,理由是什么?All right. So why is it -- ideally,我想听听,有谁是认为I'd like to hear from someone, is there someone who thinks莎士比亚是最高级的,尽管你也喜欢看Simpsons?Shakespeare is highest but who preferred watching The Simpsons?是的?Yes?我想,只是坐着看Simpsons,Like, I guess just sitting and watching The Simpsons,它是有趣的,因为给我们带来了欢笑it's entertaining because they make jokes and they make us laugh.但是,有人告诉我们,莎士比亚是伟大的作家。But like, someone has to tell us that Shakespeare was this great writer.我们必须要学会如何读他,如何理解他。We had to be taught how to read him, how to understand him.我们必须要学习Rembrandt(一位艺术家),We had to be taught how to kind of take in Rembrandt,学习如何分析的一幅油画。how to analyze a painting.你叫什么名字?But let me -- what's your name?Anisha。Anisha.

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