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「 去追一部小说 」





哈佛课程 公正:该如何做是好 中英双语-2

作者:桑德尔 字数:8567 更新:2023-10-08 19:59:15

Same reason I assume. One life versus five现在考虑一种情形。这一次你是外科医生。Now consider another doctor case. This time you're a transplant surgeon.你有5名患者。每一个迫切需要You've five patients. Each in desperate need器官移植of an organ transplant in order to survive其中需要心脏,一个需要肺,一个要肾脏,另一个要肝脏One needs a heart. One a lung, one a kidney, one a liver第五个人要胰腺and the fifth a pancreas但现在没有可移植的器官。你即将看着他们死去You've no organ donors. You're about to see them die你突然发现,在你的隔壁病房and then it occurs to you that in the next room有一个健康的家伙,来检查身体there's a healthy guy who came in for a check up他正在打瞌睡He's taking a nap你可以很安静地走进去,You could go in very quietly,把那个家伙的5个器官取出来,当然他会死去yank out the five organs that person would die但是你可以救活另外那5位病人but you could save the five你们有多少人愿意这样做?How many of you would do it?还有其他人吗?Anyone?把你的手举高How many? Put your hands up if you'd do it还有没有人,包括在二楼的Anyone in the balcony.我会I would.小心,不要摔下来哦Be careful. Don't lean over有多少人不会这样做?How many wouldn't?好的。你是怎么想的,刚才那位在二楼的同学All right. What do you say? Speak up in the balcony我其实是想着有没有其他可能的替代做法I actually like to explore an slightly alternative possibility先把那5个病人中最先会死去的人,把他的器官捐出来that just taking the one of the five who need an organ who dies first using这样,他健康的器官可以救活其他4位therefore the healthy organ save the other four这是一个不错的主意That's a pretty good idea可惜,您避开了我们要讨论的哲学观点except for the fact that you just wrecked the philisophical point让我们回过头来看这些故事,这些争论Let's step back from these stories and these arguments要注意的方式几点To notice a couple of things about the way注意我们的争论是围绕那几点展开的the arguments have begun to unfold我们的讨论已经涉及到了一些道德的原则certain moral principles have already begun to emerge我们的讨论已经涉及到了一些道德的原则from the discussion we had让我们回顾一下,有哪些道德原则Let's consider what those moral principles look like第一道德原则是,The first moral principle that emerged in the discussion said正确的做法,符合道德的事the right thing to do, the moral thing to do取决于我们行为的后果depends on the consequences that we resolve from your action如果在最后,能救活5个,哪怕是牺牲一个也是值得的At the end of the day, better the five should live even if one must die这是关注以结果为中心一派,一个很好的例子That's an example of consequentialist moral reasoning结果主义的道德推理取决于道德行为的后果Consequentialist moral reasoning locates morality in the consequences of an act它取决于我们最后的结果in the state of the rule that we resolve from the thing you do但接着,我们考虑了另外一种情况But then we ran a littlt further, we consider those other cases在这种情况,人们对结果主义的道德推理原则就不那么坚定了and people wouldn't so sure about consequentialist moral reasoning我们在犹豫,例如对于那个站在桥上的胖子when people hesitate, e.g. the fat man over the bridge或者是去去掉那位无辜病人的器官or to yank out the organs of the innocent patient人们在思考什么是应该做的时候people gestured toward reasons会考虑到那个行为的本身having to with the intrinsic quality of the act itself而不只是行为的后果consequence be with they made人们改变了原意People were reluctant.人们觉得这样做是不对的,行为本身是错误的People thought it's just wrong, categorically wrong即使是为了拯救更多的生命,杀害无辜的人是不对的To kill an innocent person, even for the sake of saving five lives人们认为,在第二种情况下是不对的at least people thought that in a second version of each story we consider这是另外一种道德推理的原则So this point to a secend categorical way of thinking about moral reasoning绝对主义的道德推理认为,道德有其绝对的道德原则Categorical moral reasoning locates morality in certain absolute moral requirements有明确的职责,明确的权利,不论后果是怎样certain categorical duties and rights, regardless the consequences我们会在今天和未来几周来讨论We're gonna to explore in the day and next weeks to come讨论结果主义和绝对主义的异同the contrast between Consequentialist and Categorical moral principles结果主义道德推理最有名的一个例子the most influential example of consequential moral reasoning是功利主义,由 边沁 提出is Utilitarianism, a doctrine invented by Jeremy Bentham,他是18世纪英国的一位政治哲学家the 18th century English political philosopher而最重要的一位绝对主义的哲学家The most important philosopher of categorically moral reasoning是18世纪德国哲学家 康德is the 18th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant因此,我们来看看这两个不同的道德推理模式So we'll look at those two different modes of moral reasoning评价它们,也考虑其他替代的理论assess them and also consider others从教学大纲,你会发现我们将会读一些非常著名的书If you look at the syllabus, you'll notice we read a number of great and famous books亚里士多德的,洛克,康德,约翰·密尔等人books by Aristotle,John Locke,Immanuel Kant,John Stuart Mill and others从教学大纲中,你会看到,我们不只是读这些书you'll notice too from the syllabus we don't only read these books我们还讨论当代的政治和法律争议we also take up contemporary political and legal controversy讨论它们背后的哲学问题that raise philosophical questions我们将辩论 何为平等和不平等we'll debate equality and inequality平权行动,言论自由,攻击性言论affirmative action, free speech vs hate speech同性婚姻,征兵same sex marriage, military conscription一系列实际问题a range of practical question为什么? 因为我们不仅要真实地感受这样抽象、遥远的书籍Why? Not just to enlive these abstract and distant books还要认真地讨论 我们日常生活中 一些的议题but make clear to bring out what's at stake in our daily life包括我们的政治生活,including our political lives, for philosophy?所以我们读这些书,我们将讨论这些问题so we'll read these books and we'll debate these issues我们将看到,它们之间的联系and we'll see how each informs and illuminates the others这听起来很吸引人This may sound appealing enough但在这里,我要提醒大家but here I've to issue a warning我的提醒是The warning is this:阅读这些书To read these books in this way作为认识自我的一种训练as an excise in self knowledge阅读这些书会有冒险To read them in this way carries certain risks个人的,政治上的冒险Risks that are both personal and political每一个学政治哲学的学生都知道的风险Risks that every student of political philosophy has known这些风险的根源于一个事实These risks spring from the fact that哲学会教化我们,扰动让我们philosophy teaches us and unsettles us面对在我们已经知道我们by confronting us with what we already know有一个讽刺的说法,学习本课程的困难之处There's an irony. The difficulty of this course事实上,包括它教的东西,我们已经了解的consist in a fact that teach us what you've already known它会把我们都熟视无睹的情景It works by taking what we know from familiar unquestioned settings使其不在熟悉and making it strange刚才我列举的案例就是例子That's how those examples work我们一开始假定的情景The hypothetical which we began融合了趣味性和严肃性with their mix of playfulness and sobriety它也是这些书籍里,哲学让我们对熟悉的事物it's also how those phisophical books where philosophy estranges us变得陌生。它并不是提供新的信息from the familiar, not by supplying new information而只是引导着我们用新的方式看这些事物but by inviting and provoking a new way of seeing但风险就在这but here's the risk一旦熟悉变得陌生,它就会永远和以前不一样了Once the familiar turns strange, it's never quite the same again自我认识,就像一个迷了路的人Self knowledge is like a lost innocent不管你觉得它多么地扰动你however unsettling you find it你就不能不想起和思考这些问题了you can never be unthought or unknown是什么让这个探索的过程,显得既困难,但又有趣呢What makes this and your enterprise difficult but also riveting因为,道德和政治哲学就像一个故事is that moral and political philosophy is a story你不知道的故事将怎么发展下去and you don't know where the story will lead但你却知道的,这是关于您的故事but you do know is that the story is about you这些是个人的风险。那么政治的风险在哪呢?Those are the personal risks. Now where're the political risks?我或许可以这样描述这门课程,它向你承诺One way of introducing a course like this would be the promise you通过阅读这些书籍和讨论这些问题by reading these books and debeting issues你将会成为一位更负责任的公民you'll be a more responsible citizen你会重新审视那些,你过去的观念和公共政策You'll exam preconceive notion that public policy你会训练你的政治判断力you'll hone your political judgement你会更有效地参与公共事务you'll become a more effective participant in public affairs但这会是一个片面的、误导人的承诺But this would a partial and misleading promise大部分政治哲学并不是那样的Political philosophy for the most part hasn't worked that way学习政治哲学,你将有可能You've to allow for the possibility成为一位更坏的公民that political philosophy may make you a worse citizen而不是一个更好rather than a better one或者,至少在你成为一个好公民之前,让你变成坏公民or at least a worse citizen before it makes you a better one那是因为,哲学是一个遥远的事情And that's because philosophy is a distant thing甚至是件破坏性的活动even debilitating activity这可以追溯到苏格拉底And you see this going back to Socrates苏格拉底和他的一个朋友,曾有过这样一个美妙的对话there's a dialogue the gorgeous in which one of Socrates's friend## 试图说服放弃哲学## tried to talk him out a philosophizing##告诉苏格拉底,哲学是一个很好的玩偶## tells Socrates, "Philosophy is a pretty toy"如果你只是适度地沉溺其中,并在生命里合适的时候"if one indulges in it with moderation at the right time of life"但如果过度地追求"but if one pursuits it further then one should它绝对会伤害你it's abosolutely ruining听我的劝告把”## 说"Take my advice" ## says放弃你的争论。学习那些将会让你有成就的事情(?)"Abandon argument. Learn the accomplishment of act of life不要去研究那些,尽说些貌似优美但模棱两可的事情的人们Take for your models, not those people who spend their time on these petty quibbling去研究那些生活过得很好,有名气的人们but those who have good livelihood and reputation and many other blessings## 是真心地对苏格拉底这样说的So ## is really saying to Socrates放弃哲学。去寻找那些真实可见的。又或者进商学院Quit philosophizing. Get real. Go to business school

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