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「 去追一部小说 」



「 去追一部小说 」






作者:漪然 字数:10533 更新:2023-10-09 16:19:14

《寄往远方的蓝烟火》【目录】嘟蓝羽毛红围巾大萝卜我的小鸟白云池塘枯叶蝴蝶桂花馍馍月亮和小鱼沙漠里的故事橱窗里的故事玻璃瓶里的海粉红色的大象寄往远方的蓝烟火嘟“多、来、米……多、来、米……多、来、嘟!”一个跑调的音从一只长笛里蹦出来,把大家吓了一跳。一场新年音乐会就此结束。黑漆漆的夜里,嘟孤零零一个溜出了空荡荡的剧院。大街上真热闹啊!嗨,有没有谁想听一声嘟?叭叭叭、滴滴滴、呜哩呜哩……在各种大大小小的汽车喇叭声里面,谁也没注意到一个嘟的存在。还是去一个安静些的地方吧。这是一条幽深的小巷,石子路在月光下微微发蓝。咳,有没有谁想听一声嘟?忽然——喵!喵!一群烟灰色、虎皮色、奶白色的猫跳上了砖墙……嘟赶紧飞奔着逃走了,它可不想被那些肥胖的猫咪一口吞掉。太阳升起的时候,嘟来到了一座小竹林里。啾!啾啾!一对小黄莺正在热恋中……唉,还是悄悄地走开吧,这里当然不会有谁想听一声嘟。高高的钟楼上,当、当、当……大钟敲响了十二点,第十三响,可不可以是一声嘟?大海翻滚着波浪——哗哗、哗哗,你有没有听到,从深深的海底,传来的一声嘟?嘟不见了,嘟消失了,嘟就这样被忘记了。时间安静地,流逝了一天又一天,一月又一月……新年又到了,一群拿鲜花的孩子聚集在剧场,他们在等待一群大明星的到来,它们是弹手拨琴的小熊、吹小号的大象、拉小提琴的斑马、跳芭蕾舞的鸭子……可是,晚会开始的时间早就到了,演出团还不见影子。嘟!——所有的眼睛望向大门,一辆红色火车头喷着白烟开了过来。嘟!嘟!嘟!多好听的鸣笛声!打扮得漂漂亮亮的演员们,从车窗里探出脑袋,所有的乐器都争先恐后地响起来了,火车载着整个乐队驶向舞台——嘟!嘟!嘟!这里有无数个嘟,它们每响一次,台下就会响起一片喝彩声、鼓掌声,这是多么快乐的时刻啊!嗨,现在这个故事就要谢幕了,你们想不想再听一声嘟?蓝羽毛——送给某画:p白雪覆盖的醋栗丛下,静静地躺着一根蓝羽毛。它已经在这儿躺了很久很久了,究竟有多久?它自己也记不清了。一天夜里,当风吹过时,它对蓝羽毛说:“走吧,走吧……你要离开这里了。”可是蓝羽毛摆摆头,它说:“我还想再等一等。”“那你必须让我带走一点什么。”风说。蓝羽毛有什么可以送给风呢?它想起自己还是一顶丝绒帽子上的蓝羽毛时,一个小女孩透过玻璃窗望着它的那双亮眼睛……于是,风带走了女孩清澈的目光,留下了蓝羽毛。然而,第二天夜里,风又来了。“走吧,走吧……你该离开这里了。”“让我再等一等吧。”“那就让我带走一点什么。”蓝羽毛还有什么可以送给风呢?它想起自己被插在一架钢琴的乐谱盒上的时候,一只小黑猫轻轻抚摸它的白爪子……于是,风带走了小猫轻快的脚步,留下了蓝羽毛。到了第三天,风又叩响了醋栗丛的叶子。“走吧,走吧……你必须离开这里了。”“让我再等一等吧。”“那,我也得带走一点什么。”蓝羽毛已经没有什么可以送给风了,它能想起来的事已经不多了。可最后,它想起了自己还是一只金刚鹦鹉的羽毛时,在非洲大草原上,触碰到的那一片无边无际的晴空……于是,风带走了天上自由的云朵,留下了蓝羽毛。这时,新年的晨钟响起来了,一群孩子笑闹着从雪地上跑过,他们把一个个雪团丢来丢去,其中一团雪在空中划过一道弧线,正落在蓝羽毛身上。蓝羽毛的眼前只剩下一片雪白。“这就是我等到的结局了……”它对自己说。忽然,一个嫩黄的尖嘴巴,温柔地衔住了它——这是一只小灰雀,它刚刚生下了三个蛋宝宝。“走吧,走吧……我们一起走吧。”挂着雪花的蓝羽毛,又一次飞上了天空,可最让它快乐的还是,它知道自己将会降落在一个——暖和的地方。红围巾老奶奶高高兴兴抱着一大卷红彤彤的毛线往家里走。这些毛线啊,要用来给小孙女织一条又暖又软的红围巾,样式都已经想好啦:要织成鱼鳞花纹,留下一指毛线,做成长长的穗子,就像大红鱼的尾巴,因为孙女的名字叫小鱼啊!老奶奶只顾想心思了,一点没注意到她已经走错了方向。她走啊走,走到了一块收割过的玉米田里,一个衣衫褴褛的稻草人,正在光秃秃的田埂上,微微发抖。“呀,你冷不冷?我给你织顶帽子吧。”老奶奶想,幸好我买了好多毛线。她就在田埂上坐下来,给稻草人织了一顶红帽子。戴上红帽子的稻草人,像开在田野里的一朵小红花,它冲老奶奶咧着大嘴笑,老奶奶也笑了,然后,她继续往前走。她走啊走,走到了一座落光了叶子的小树林中,一棵又矮又小的白桦树,正在灰白色的天空下,微微发抖。“呀,你冷不冷?我给你织个手套吧。”老奶奶想,幸好我买了好多毛线。她就在石头上坐着,给小桦树织了一打红手套。戴上红手套的小桦树,像挂了一树的红灯笼,它冲老奶奶挥挥枝条,老奶奶也冲它挥挥手,然后,她继续往前走。她走啊走,走到了一条结了冰的小河边,一只掉了油漆的旧木船,正在长满绿苔的河堤旁,微微发抖。“呀,你冷不冷?我给你织件背心吧。”老奶奶想,幸好我买了好多毛线。她就在系船绳的木桩上坐下来,给旧木船织了一件红背心。穿上红背心的旧木船,像游在河里的红天鹅,它向老奶奶点点头,老奶奶也向它点点头,然后,她继续往前走。她走啊走,走到了一片白茫茫的雪地上,一个快要落山的太阳,正在银亮亮的地平线上,微微发抖。“呀,你也冷吗?我给你织条围巾吧。”老奶奶想,幸好我买了好多毛线。她就在阳光里坐下来,给太阳织了一条红围巾。裹上红围巾的太阳,让整个雪地都罩上了一层粉红色的光辉,它温柔地望着老奶奶,老奶奶也望着它,这时,她发现自己已经站在了家门口。“奶奶,奶奶,你手上拿着的是什么?”“呀,是一截红线头,来,进屋,奶奶和你一起玩翻花绳吧。”大萝卜大/学.生/小.说+在一片绿油油的菜地里,长着一个大萝卜和一个小萝卜。大萝卜总是很高兴,它喜欢和路过菜地的鸟儿打招呼,头顶的叶子摆来摆去,那意思就是:“看,我多漂亮!我是世界上最大的大萝卜!”小萝卜总是把脑袋深深地埋在泥巴里,它喜欢想心思,从白天想到晚上,它一直在想的就是:“为什么我总是这么小呢?”后来,大萝卜就被农夫从菜地里挖了出来,带回了家。小萝卜呢,它太不起眼了,就被留在了地里。一群小蚂蚁爬过来,它们没有看到埋在地里的小萝卜,就又爬到挂着露珠的苜蓿花下去了。小萝卜想,我要再长大一点就好了,再长大一点,那群蚂蚁就能看到我了。于是,它真的就长大了一点。一个绿蚱蜢跳过来,它没有看到已经长大的小萝卜,就又跳到开着黄花的丝瓜架下去了。小萝卜想,我要再长大一点就好了,再长大一点,那个蚱蜢就能看到我了。于是,它真的又长大了一点。一只小白兔蹦过来,它没有看到已经长大的小萝卜,就又急匆匆地蹦到阳光灿烂的西瓜地里去了。小萝卜想,我要再长大一点就好了,再长大一点,那只兔子就能看到我了。于是,它真的又长大了一点。一头山羊走过来,它没有看到已经长大的小萝卜,就又慢悠悠地走到罩着晚霞的南山坡上去了。小萝卜想,我要再长大一点就好了,再长大一点,那头山羊就能看到我了。于是,它真的又长大了一点。一排大雁飞过来,它们没有看到已经长大的小萝卜,就又轻飘飘地飞到白帆点点的大海边去了。小萝卜想,我要再长大一点就好了,再长大一点,那些大雁就能看到我了。于是,它真的又长大了一点。一颗流星划过天边,它没有看到已经长大的小萝卜,就又亮晶晶地落到地球的另一头去了。小萝卜想,我要再长大一点就好了,再长大一点,所有的星星就都能看到我了。于是,它真的又长大了一点。现在小萝卜已经长得很大很大了,大得没有办法在地面再待下去,于是,它只好抖了抖身上的土,离开地面,到宇宙里去了。它来到繁星闪耀的太空里,在金星、木星、水星、火星、土星中间飘浮着,只觉得自己小得可怜。最让它伤心的还是,没有谁看过它一眼,从来也没有谁,注意过它这个小小的小萝卜。就在这时候,它看到,在那遥远的大地上,有一点光亮正在快活地闪动——原来,是一个农夫的孩子,正提着一盏用大萝卜做成的萝卜灯,高高兴兴地走在回家的路上。那个萝卜灯发出黄澄澄的光芒,向着小萝卜微微地笑,就好像是在说:“看,你还认得我吗?我就是世界上最大的大萝卜呀!”小萝卜和大萝卜,遥遥对望着。这时候,提萝卜灯的孩子也看到天上的小萝卜了,他兴冲冲地朝家门口跑去,一边跑一边叫:“妈妈,妈妈,天上也有一个萝卜灯呀!”妈妈抬起头,静静地瞧了一会儿,然后,笑着对孩子说:“你呀,看错了,那不是萝卜,那是一个月亮。”那天晚上,大萝卜和小萝卜发出的淡淡光亮,一起落在深夜挂着秋霜的农家小院里。孩子看看大萝卜,又看看小萝卜,看着,看着,就甜甜地入了梦乡。the big turnip and the small turnipin a green garden,there is a big turnip and a small turnip.the big turnip is always like to salute to the birds passing the garden with waving his leaves,it means:look at me!how pretty i am!im the bigest turnip all over the world!the small turnip is always downcast in the like to think about the questions from day to always want to know:why am i so small for all the time?by and by,the farmer digged the big turnip from the garden and taking it to w about the small turnip? oh,its too small to be seen,so it be leaved in the earth at the garden.a group of ants creep to ey dont see the small turnip in the earth,and soon creeping down the clover flower with dews.the small turnip think,if i could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,these ants would give me a ,it really grows up a bit.a green grasshopper jumps to dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon jumping upto the luffa trellis with blossom.the small turnip think,if i could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,that grasshopper would give me a ,it really grows up a bit again.a white hare skips to dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon skiping into the watermelon field with the sunshine.the small turnip think,if i could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,that hare would give me a ,it really grows up a bit again.a wild goat walks to dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon walking onto the south mountain with the afterglow.the small turnip think,if i could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,that goat would give me a ,it really grows up a bit again.a row of geese fly to ey dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon flying to the sea beach with the white sails.the small turnip think,if i could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,those geese would give me a ,it really grows up a bit again.a star gose across the dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon going to the other end of the earth with a light.the small turnip think,if i could grow up a bit more,just a bit more,all stars would give me a ,it really grows up a bit again.now,the small turnip has growed up too big to stay on the ,it has got to leave here,and with a shaking to get away the earth,it rise up from the small garden to the big universe.it come to the space of all float among the venus,the jupiter,the mercury,the mars,the saturn,and just feeling ill for its poor small is the most miserable case that no one ever look at it,not a glimpse to the very very small turnip.just then,a bit of light is winking to it from the far off s a turnip lamp,waving on the hand of a farmers e boy is going home with a happy smile,and his lamp is shining yellow light with a happy smile seems to talk to the small turnip,look at me!do you remember me?im the bigest turnip all over the world!the big turnip and the small turnip look at each d now,the boy is also looking at the turnip in the blue run to his home with a exciting voice,mum,mum,there is a turnip lamp in the sky too!his mother lift head and has a en,she talk to the boy with a smile,my son,you mistake it,it is not a turnip,its a moon.at that night, the big turnip and the small turnip light together in the frost metimes the boy has a look at the big turnip,and sometimes he has a look at the small looks and looks,and with a sweet smile he falls into dream.我的小鸟我的小鸟儿,忽然飞走了……“月亮,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。像小星星一样,亮晶晶的眼睛,眨个不停。”“没有,我看见一颗流星落向了大地,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“太阳,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。像金丝桃一样,浅黄色的翅膀,闪闪发亮。”“没有,我看见风吹散了金丝桃的花瓣,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“大风,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。像银铃铛一样,会唱好听的歌谣,还会把头摇。”“没有,我看见一个脚尖上挂着铃铛的小丑在屋顶上倒立,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“乌云,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。它喜欢在雨点下面蹦跳,还会啄带着水珠的小草。”“没有,我看见雨水汇成的小河正在跳舞,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“彩虹,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。它喜欢和我一起躺在蓝天下面,听着风吹过麦田。”“没有,我看见麦田里飞起了一群彩色的乌鸦,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“大树,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。它喜欢我抱着它,在树荫下荡秋千。”“没有,我看见一群小精灵在我的影子里飞来飞去,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“池塘,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。它常常站在睡莲的叶子上,吓唬水底下的小鱼。”“没有,我看见一只青蛙在睡莲旁边钓鱼,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“大海,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。它常常在一只贝壳杯子里喝水,它的被子上印着海葵。”“没有,我看见一队海马驾着贝壳做的马车跑过,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“小岛,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。它吃完自己的晚饭,眼睛总是望着西边。”“没有,我看见西边一只风筝升起又落下,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“高塔,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。它很怕黑,每天晚上都要亮着灯才肯睡。”“没有,我看见一艘挂满灯笼的龙船从云中驶过,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“落叶,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。它走起路有点一瘸一拐,一只脚还系着一根红色丝带。”“没有,我看见一条红丝带在最高的树枝上飘扬,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“雪人,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。它的胸膛白得像雪花,暖得就像我们的家。”“没有,我看见两只鼹鼠在白雪下生火煮茶,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。”“大鸟,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。它看起来就像你一样,只是没有你那么高大强壮。”“没有,我只看见冰面上我们俩的倒影,你看见了吗?——我就是你的小鸟。”my little birdmy little bird,once flew away from me.hi moon,have you seen my little bird?hes very very s eyes are shining and wondering,just as the little stars.no,e seen a star falling to the earth,but ive never seen your little bird.hi sun,have you seen my little bird?hes very very s wings are light and bright,just as the hypericum chinense flowers.no,e seen the wind blowing on the flower flakes,but ive never seen your little bird.hi wind,have you seen my little bird?hes very very can sing nice song and noddle his head,just as the silver bell.no,e seen the wind blowing on the flower flakes,but ive never seen your little bird.hi cloud,have you seen my little bird?hes very very like to jump under the rain and peck the grass with the rain drop.no,e seen the rain dancing to become the stream,but ive never seen your little bird.hi rainbow,have you seen my little bird?hes very very like to lie under the blue sky with me, and listen to the wind passing the cornfield.no,e seen a row of color crows flying from the cornfield,but ive never seen your little bird.hi tree,have you seen my little bird?hes very very like to be hold in my arms, and having a swing in the trees shadow.no,e seen a crowd of fairy playing in my shadow to and fro,but ive never seen your little bird.hi pond,have you seen my little bird?hes very very sometimes stand on the leaf of water lily, and frightening the fish under the ripple.no,e seen a frog fishing by the water lily,but ive never seen your little bird.hi sea,have you seen my little bird?hes very very sometimes drink in a shell cup, and he draws anemone on his quilt.no,e seen a shell carriage runing with a flock of seahorse,but ive never seen your little bird.hi island,have you seen my little bird?hes very very always look at the west after his supper time.no,e seen a kite rise up and set down to the west,but ive never seen your little bird.hi tower,have you seen my little bird?hes very very is very afraid the dark,and never go to bed without a lamp.no,e seen a dragon boat hanging many lamps passed the black clouds,but ive never seen your little bird.hi leaf,have you seen my little bird?hes very very is some cripple to walk,and there is a red ribbon on his feet.no,e seen a red ribbon fluttering on the highest branch of the woods,but ive never seen your little bird.hi snowman,have you seen my little bird?hes very very s breast is as white as a snowflake,and as warm as our home.no,e seen a couple of mole taking the tea under the snowground,but ive never seen your little bird.hi big bird,have you seen my little bird?hes very very looks just like t he is not as strong as you.ive never seen any bird except the reflex on the ice,do you see it?yes,im just your little bird.白云池塘

目录( 4
  • 爱心猫粮
  • 南瓜喵
  • 喵喵玩具
  • 喵喵毛线
  • 喵喵项圈
  • 喵喵手纸
  • 喵喵跑车
  • 喵喵别墅
  • 月票x1
  • 月票x2
  • 月票x3
  • 月票x5