Fair enough. (当然行!)That's fair.That's reasonable.恐怕就是这样了。I'm afraid so. *一种将不愉快的事情或对方不想听到的事情告诉对方并表示同情的语感。“很遗憾是这样”、“恐怕是这样”。Did you lose your wallet? (你丢了钱包?)I'm afraid so. (好像是。)Do I have to do it again? (我还得重新干吗?)I'm afraid so. (恐怕就是这样了。)你的意见有道理。Your opinion is reasonable. *reasonable “有道理的”、“合乎情理的”、“合理的”。I don't think it's a good idea. (我觉得那不是个好主意。)Your opinion is reasonable. (你的意见有道理。)Your opinion stands to reason.That's a reasonable opinion.Your opinion is unreasonable. (你的意见没道理。)如果你说是的话,那就是吧。If you say so.I'm telling the truth. (我在说事实。)If you say so. (如果你说是的话,那就是吧。)据我所知,是的。Yeah, as far as I know.Is he coming? (他来吗?)Yeah, as far as I know. (来,据我所知。)Yeah, as far as I can tell.Yes, to the best of my knowledge. *恭敬的说法。Yes, I think so. (对,我想是的。)我这就做。I'm going to.Have you finished your homework yet? (你已经做完作业了吧?)I'm going to. (我这就做。)●否定不,没有。No, I'm not.You're lying. (你在说谎。)No, I'm not. (不,没有。)Yes, I am. (对。)不对。Wrong. *这是种非常强烈的否定表达方式,所以最好考虑使用场合。You're from Canada, right? (你是加拿大人吧?)Wrong. (不,不对。)Right. (对。)那是不对的。That's not right. *反对或不同意对方的意见时使用的口语表达方式。Go this way. (走这条路。)No, that's not right. (不,那么走不对。)That's not correct.Correct. (对,是这样。)你的想法根本上就是错误的。Your idea is fundamentally wrong. *fundamentally “根本地”、“本质上地”。Everyone lies. There is nothing wrong with it. (大家都撒谎,这没什么不好的。)Your idea is fundamentally wrong. (你的想法根本上就是错误的。)There is something fundamentally wrong with your idea.Your idea lacks morals. (你的想法真缺德。)我不是那个意思。That's not what I mean.Are you saying you're better than I am? (你是说你比我出色吗?)That's not what I mean. (我不是那个意思。)I didn't mean that.You misunderstood me. (你误会我了。)哪儿有的事儿。/当然不是。Certainly not. *比较正式的说法。强烈地否定对方所指责或暗示的事情。Did you cheat? (你骗人了吧?)Certainly not. (哪儿有的事儿。/当然不是。)Of course not. *否定的答案是显而易见的,根本无须发问时使用。Of course. (当然。)没有,从来没有。No, never.Haven't you been abroad? (你还没去过外国吗?)No, never. (没有,从没去过。)不,一点儿都不。No, not a bit.Aren't you tired? (你不累吗?)No, not a bit. (不,一点儿都不累。)肯定不对!No way! *用来强烈否定对方的主张和申诉。I think she's pregnant. (我觉得她怀孕了。)No way! (绝对不会。)Never. (绝对不是那么回事。)Definitely not!Absolutely not!Absolutely. (绝对一点儿没错。)怎么可能呢?How can that be?I can't find my wallet. (我找不到我的钱包了。)How can that be? (怎么可能呢?)How could that be?That's impossible.How can it be true?在这一点上我们意见分歧。We don't agree on this point.我没说那个。I'm not talking about that...., but he's rich. (……可他有钱吧!)I'm not talking about that. (我没说那个。)What I'm saying is another matter.That's not what I'm talking about.这个嘛……!Uh-uh. *非常随便的否定说法。在熟悉的同伴中使用。Are you free tonight? (今晚你有空吗?)Uh-uh. (这个嘛……)Uh-huh. (嗯。)那样不行。That won't do.他呀,不行。He won't do.那也太没道理了。That makes no sense.He got a promotion. (他升官了。)That makes no sense. (那也太没道理了。)That doesn't make sense.Makes sense. (可以理解/合乎情理。)That makes sense. (这事儿可以理解/合乎道理。)不是我。Not me. *当被指责“你干了……吧!”或“你说了……吧!”时给予的回答。“我没做。”“我没说。”较随便的口语说法。Who broke my coffee cup? (谁把我的咖啡杯给打碎了?)Not me. (不是我。)It wasn't me.I didn't do it. (我没干那事。)I didn't say that. (我没说那事。)I'm innocent. (我是清白的。)我否认。I deny that. *正式的说法。在受到指责,否认其申述或陈述时。I heard you say it. (我听你这么说的。)I deny that. (我否认。)●含糊其辞的回答也许吧。Maybe. *虽然有可能性,但较接近于No, 概率只在40%左右,让人听上去是否定的语气。与perhaps同义。possibly更拘泥于形式,但同样含有消极的语感。probably的可能性较大,语感积极,概率在80%到90%左右,给对方以肯定的,即Yes的感觉。Can you finish the report by Friday? (星期五之前你能写完那篇报告吗?)Maybe. (也许吧。)It may possibly rain, but it will probably be sunny again. (也许下雨,但可能过会儿又会晴了。)Possibly.Perhaps.Probably.不完全。Not exactly. *“不能说完全是那样”、“不能断定就是那样”的意思。Do you agree? (你同意吗?)Not exactly. (不完全同意。)Not quite.可能是吧。I guess so. *不能明确断定,“好像是”、“是吧”等推测的表达方式。Don't you think Japanese people are healthier? (你不觉得日本人更健康些吗?)I guess so. (可能是吧!)I suppose so.也许是真的吧。It might be true. *听上去是不太肯定,接近于No (不)的感觉。Do you think it's true? (你觉得那是真的吗?)It might be true. (也许是真的吧。)It's possible.可能会吧。It could be. *听对方说了许多之后,自己也觉得“可能会吧”时使用。What do you think? (你觉得怎么样?)It could be true. (也许吧!)That could be.That could be true.我不太清楚。I'm not sure. *没把握说时,或不知道时。Is he in the office now? (他现在在办公室吗?)I'm not sure. (我不太清楚。)I'm not certain.I can't say for sure.但愿是这样。I hope you're right.It'll be sunny tomorrow. (明天是个好天吧。)I hope you're right. (但愿是这样。)有那么点儿。Sort of.Is your dog big? (你的狗大吗?)Sort of. (说大也大吧!)Kind of.差不多吧!It's something like that.Is this it? (是这个吗?)Yeah, it's something like that. (嗯,差不多吧。)That's about it.That'll do.That's about right.那得看情况。It depends.Don't you think you can save more money in Tokyo? (你不觉得在东京能攒更多的钱吗?)It depends. (那得看情况。) *on a case by-case basis “基于具体情况”。That depends.也许是,也许不是。Maybe yes, maybe no. *虽然有话要说,但又不想让对方明白时。Are you going to ask him? (你打算去问他吗?)Maybe yes, maybe no. (也许问,也许不问。)但愿如此。Hopefully. *表达虽然无法约定,但仍渴望能够实现的心情。Can you play tomorrow? (明天能去比赛吗?)Hopefully. (但愿能去。)I hope so.不能保证。There's no guarantee. *带有也许不可能一切顺利的语感, 但可以感觉到成功的概率很高。Will it make money? (能挣大钱吗?)There's no guarantee. (不能保证。)I can't guarantee it.我想是的。I think so. *可以用于各种场合。表达“我想是的”、“是那样”的语感。Will it rain today? (今天会下雨吗?)I think so. (我想会吧。)我说不好。I can't say. *不愿意说出秘密或不足以提出意见时。Do you know where they are? (你知道他们在哪儿吗?)I can't say. (我说不好。)I couldn't say.I can't say for certain.I can't say for sure.I couldn't say for certain.也是也不是。Yes and no. *无法断定是“是”还是“不是”时。Are the people friendly? (那些人都很友善吗?)Yes and no. (也是也不是。)Fifty-fifty. *俚语。喜忧参半。/一半一半。Half and half. *表示不能断言好还是不好,无法确定的心情。同时有向对方表示事情进展得不顺利、搁浅的语感。Is that new plan effective? (那个新计划有效果吗?)Half and half. (嗯,难说。)我会试试。I'll try. *“试试”、“努力”。Can you find him? (你能找到他吗?)I'll try. (我会试试。)I'll do my best.I'll try to.怎么说呢。It's difficult to say. *用于难以立刻回答时。Is your boss nice to you? (你的老板对你好吗?)It's difficult to say. (怎么说呢。)It's hard to say.还可以更好点。Could be better. *考虑到对方的心情,避免给予对方否定的回答。“还有发展的余地”、“不能说是最好的”。Is he a good salesman? (他是个很好的推销员吗?)Could be better. (还可以更好点。)他给我的回答很含糊。He gave me an ambiguous answer. *ambiguous “可以有两种以上理解的,模棱两可的”。His answer was very vague.He wasn't very clear.●保留意见让我想想。Let me think about it.So, you should buy it now. (所以,你应该现在就买。)Let me think about it. (让我想想。)Give me time to think it over.请给我点儿时间考虑。I need some time to think it over.I need more time to think about it.我会考虑的。I'll consider it. *正式的说法。表达不能马上回答时,有“请给我时间考虑”、“让我考虑考虑”的语感。Do you like my idea? (你接受我的建议吗?)I'll consider it. (我会考虑的。)我考虑考虑吧。I'll think about it. *比I'll consider it.的说法更随便,比直接拒绝语气要缓和。Will you come to my party? (你来参加我的晚会吗?)I'll think about it. (我考虑考虑吧。)I'll sleep on it. *俚语。I'll give it some thought.我得琢磨琢磨。I'll think it over.Will you approve the proposal? (你同意我的计划吗?)I'll think it over. (我得琢磨琢磨。)请给我一个晚上的时间考虑。Let me sleep on it.Please give me a raise. (请给我涨工资。)Let me sleep on it. (请给我一个晚上的时间考虑。)我得研究研究。I'll see what I can do.We need longer breaks. (我们的休假有必要再长一些。)I'll see what I can do. (我得研究研究。)●提出、询问意见你呢?How about you? *回答了别人的问题后,用这句反问对方,有助于对话的顺利进行。I like New York in June. How about you? (我喜欢6月的纽约,你呢?)Me, too. (我也是。)What about you?你觉得呢?What do you think? *用来询问“怎么样?”、“你的意见呢?”What do you think? (你觉得呢?)I think it's all right. (我觉得没关系。)What do you say?How about it?What do you think?What's your answer?你的意见呢?What's your opinion?What's your viewpoint?What's your point of view?你的建议呢?What's your suggestion?What do you suggest?还有别的吗?What else?Anything else?What's left?Missing anything?什么问题都可以。Any question will do. *催促别人提问时“请提问题吧”。Ask anything.你有什么建议吗?What do you recommend?What do you think is the best?你不这样认为吗?Don't you think so? *征求对方同意。Can't you see it?你同意吗?Do you agree? *比较正式的说法。给我一个明确的答复。Give me a definite answer. *definite “明确的”。I want a definite answer. (我希望得到明确的答复。)I need a definite answer. (我需要一个明确的答复。)“是”还是“不是”?Is it “yes” or “no”?Yes, or no?这可不算答复。It doesn't answer my question.That's no answer.That's not what I want to know. (这不是我想知道的事情。)You didn't answer my question. (你没有回答我的问题。)你没有希望赢。You don't stand a chance. *stand a chance “有可能性”。I'm running for mayor. (我的目标是成为市长。)You don't stand a chance. (你没有希望赢。)我已经忍无可忍了。It's the last straw. *It's the last straw.是句谚语,出自The last straw breaks the camel's back. 意思是往骆驼身上放稻草,放得太多时,就是一根也会把骆驼的脊背压断。即忍耐超过了限度,就会爆发。That's it.It's the end.It's the limit.I can't take it anymore.让我听听您的直言。Let me hear your candid opinion. *candid “直率的,不客气的”。Please tell me what you honestly think.你有什么更好的主意吗?Can you think of anything better?Have you got a better idea?有什么不满意的吗?Any complaints? *complaint“不平”、“不满意”、“抱怨的原因”。Any complaints? (有什么不满意的吗?)No, I'm satisfied. (没有,我心满意足。)Do you have any complaints to make?Do you have anything to complain about?你不满意什么?What is your complaint?What are your complaints?What are you dissatisfied with?我是个有气量的人。I'm fairly broad-minded. *broad-minded “心胸宽阔,宽宏大量”。这是一个难得的机会。That kind of chance comes once in a blue moon. *once in a blue moon “稀少的,很少”。I went out with a gorgeous girl last night.(我昨天晚上和一个非常漂亮的姑娘约会了。)That kind of chance comes once in a blue moon. (这是一个难得的机会。)照我的想法……In my opinion...What do you think? (你认为如何?)In my opinion, we need to cut costs. (我的想法是,我们必须减少经费。)*有人用According to my opinion..., 这种表达方式是错误的。I think...我的意思是……What I meant was...Do you mean fire people? (你的意思是要裁人?)No, what I meant was we need to use cheaper materials. (不,我的意思是必须使用更便宜的材料。)What I wanted to say was...我想是的。I think so.我想不是。I don't think so.我认为这要看个人的看法。I think it is a matter of opinion.I think that depends on one's opinion.那并不重要。It's not important.那是个好主意。That's a good idea.那是胡说。That's not true.对了/没错!That's right!我可负担不起。I can't afford it.值得一看。It's worth a look.这不,你看……You see... *非常随便的说法。Why? (为什么?)You see, we need to stay competitive. (你看,我们必须在竞争中坚持住。)The reason is...我可跟你说清楚。Let's get this straight. *“我得先把话说清楚”、 “这点我可告诉你” 这样引起对方的注意力之后,表达自己的意见才有效果。Let's get this straight, I'm the boss. (我得先说清楚,我是老板。)Yes, sir. (是的,先生。)我是不会做那种事儿的。I would not do that.I would not do that. (我是不会做那种事儿的。)I believe you. (我相信你。)I wouldn't do that.I wouldn't ever do that. (我是绝对不会做那种事儿的。)I'm not the kind of person who would do that. (我不是做那种事的人。)还有更厉害的呢。You ain't seen nothing yet. *按正确的语法关系来说,应该是You haven't seen anything yet.直译是“你还有很多没看到呢”。A) Shibuya is very crowded. (涉谷人多得要命。)