That's the name of the game.我不能对你特殊。I can't make any exceptions for you. *exception “除去……”、“……除外”。We can't give you any special treatment.I can't make an exception for you.动动脑子。Use your head!I don't know how to do it. (我不知道怎么做。)Use your head! You can do it. (动动脑子,你能做到的。)自作自受。You asked for it! *直译是“那是你追求的”。常用短语“自作自受,活该”。My boss scolded me today. (今天被老板训斥了一顿。)You asked for it! You didn't finish your report on time again. (自作自受,你又没有按时交报告。)如果批评得对,你就接受吧。If the shoe fits, wear it. *直译是“如果鞋合适,你就穿上它”,表示“如果认为别人批评得有道理,就该接受”。My boss criticized my sloppy personal appearance. (我的老板批评我穿得邋遢。)Well, if the shoe fits, wear it. (如果批评得对,你就接受吧。)●提醒我得提醒一句。Let me give you a piece of advice.I want to buy this car. (我真想买这辆汽车。)Let me give you a piece of advice. (我得提醒你一句。)Let me tell you something.I think you should know...小心!Watch out! *用于有险情时,“危险!”、“留神!”、“小心!”。Watch out! (小心!)Thanks! You saved my life. (谢谢你救了我一条命。)Look out!Be careful!Heads up!You'd better be careful!Please be careful! (请多加小心!)You should be careful! (你得多加小心!)You should watch out! (你得留神!)注意脚下。Watch your step! *用于提醒地滑,看不清楚楼梯等场合。常用于公共告示。Watch your step! (注意脚下。)Oh, yeah? Why? (噢?是吗?为什么?)Mind your step.Be careful where you walk.Look where you're going.抓紧我。Hold on to me tight.Don't let go! (别松手!)Hold me tightly.要提防着点儿他!Watch out for him!Watch out for him! (要提防着点儿他!)Why? (为什么?)Be careful of him.Keep your eye on him.这里有点儿蹊跷。There's a little catch. *“小心有陷阱,圈套”。That sounds easy. (好像很简单。)Well, there's a little catch. (可是,有点蹊跷。)There's something to it.It's not as easy as it sounds. (并不像听起来的那么容易。)三思而后行。Think twice before you do it.轻拿轻放。/动作轻点儿。Easy does it. *表示“要小心谨慎地处理”易碎品或贵重物。Easy does it, doesn't drop the TV. (动作轻点儿,小心别把电视掉下来。)Don't worry. I won't. (放心吧,掉不下来。)Gently.Be careful. (小心啊!)手下留情。Please go easy on me. *出自于新手和没有实力的人的口中。 也可用于体育运动go easy on... 常用于命令句, 表示“对……要手软”、 “对人或东西要珍惜”、 “对……要留有余地”。It's my first time, please go easy on me. (我这是第一次,请手下留情。)Alright, I'll try. (知道了,我会的。)别操之过急。Let's not jump the gun. *gun为“手枪”,而jump the gun是固定词组,表示比赛枪响前就跑出去的意思。即“抢跑”、“抢先……”之意。I think I've got the job. Let's celebrate! (我想我已经找到了工作。我们来庆祝一下吧!)Let's not jump the gun. (为之过早了吧。)Let's not be too hasty.Let's not rush into things.Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. *“别在小鸡孵出之前就数鸡”,常用于口语中。不要做得太过火。Let's not go overboard. *go overboard “做过了”、“超限度”。I bought four dozen eggs. (我买了四打鸡蛋。)Let's not go overboard. (别太离谱呀!)Let's not go too far.Let's not be extreme.我们看情况再说。Let's wait and see how things go. *用于各种情况。Let's wait and see.别这么快下结论。Don't jump to conclusions! *jump to conclusions直译是“随便下结论”,即“过早地下结论”、“贸然断定”。So, I think she's pregnant. (所以,我想她已经怀孕了。)Don't jump to conclusions! (别这么快地下结论。)Don't prejudge it! (别凭想像判断。)Don't make assumptions! (不能主观臆断。)Don't get the wrong idea. (不要抱有那种错误想法。)别那么自私。Don't be selfish. *selfish “任性的,自私的,利己的”。Don't be self-centered.Don't be egotistical.你的工作表现总是不稳定。Your work is always inconsistent. *inconsistent “不一致的”、“不稳定的”、“反复无常的”。Your work is always erratic.Your work is always patchy.Your work is always uneven.你不该随便乱花钱。You shouldn't spend money foolishly.You should try to be thriftier. (你该试着再节约些。)You shouldn't spend your money like water.You shouldn't waste your money. (你不该那么浪费钱。)你的态度太恶劣了。You have an attitude problem.You have an attitude problem. (你的态度太恶劣了。)Who are you to say that? (你不是在说你自己吧。)I don't like your attitude.You have a bad attitude.You need to readjust your attitude.别那么没有礼貌。Don't be so naughty. *naughty “不听话,顽皮的,淘气的”。Don't do such naughty things.Don't be so bad.Behave yourself! (有点礼貌!)请安静!Hold it down!Be quiet! *用于一般情况下。Keep it down!Keep it quiet!Silence! *用于学校老师对学生。Turn it down! *对看电视或听收音机的人说的。turn down是“关小电视、收音机等的声音”。嘘!(安静!)Hush!Shh.太吵了。It's too noisy.It's too loud.别丢人现眼了!Don't make a fool of yourself.I'm going to dance. (我想去跳舞。)Don't make a fool of yourself. (别丢人现眼了!)Don't play the fool.Don't make an ass out of yourself.Stop acting like a fool.分清场合。Think about where you are.You should consider where you are.你也不看看你多大了。Act your age. *一般用在父母等上年纪的人教育年轻人时。“做和自己年龄相符的举止、行为”。How do you like my new red skirt? (你觉得我这条新的红裙子怎么样?)Act your age. (你也不看看你多大了。)You should act your age. *比较温和的说法。Behave in accordance with what is expected of your age!You should behave more maturely. (你该表现得更成熟些。)You shouldn't act like a child. (别像个孩子似的。)你想得也太天真了。Your view is too optimistic. *optimistic “乐观的”,“乐天派的”。你的想法太不现实了。You should get your head out of the clouds. *直译是“你应该把你的脑袋从云中伸出来”,即“你的想法太不实际了,回到现实中吧”。You should get your head out of the clouds. (你的想法太离谱了。)Maybe you're right. I should try to be more down-to-earth. (也许你是对的。我该更现实点儿。)You aren't being realistic.You should be more logical. *logical “符合逻辑的”、“道理上讲得通的”。别再重复这种愚蠢的错误了。Don't make such stupid mistakes again! *make a mistake 惯用语, “出错”。Don't make such stupid mistakes again! (不要重复这种愚蠢的错误。)I won't, I won't. (不会了,不会了。)You should be more careful! (你应该多加小心。)Don't make dumb mistakes again!别那么自命不凡。Don't be stuck-up. *stuck-up “骄傲自满”、“自高自大”。Don't be so pompous. *pompous “装模作样的”、“自负的”、“华而不实的”。Don't be such a snob. *snob “势利小人”、“看人行事的俗人”。Don't act like you're better than I am.Don't flatter yourself so much. (别那么自以为是。) *flatter oneself “骄傲自满”、“得意洋洋”。人不可貌相。Don't judge a book by its cover. *谚语,直译“不要根据书皮来判断书的内容”。He's so short. (他的个儿多矮呀。)Listen, don't judge a book by its cover. He was the best basketball player in California last year. (喂!你可不能以貌取人,他是去年加利福尼亚最棒的篮球运动员。)Never judge something by its looks.Appearances are deceiving. (不能以貌取人。)Don't form an opinion about something based on appearance alone. (人不可貌相。)说话要留神。Watch your tongue. *直译是“看看你的舌头”,即“说话要小心”。Hey, you, asshole! (你这个混蛋!)Watch your tongue. (嘿,说话留点神儿。)Watch your language.Watch your mouth.Be careful of what you say.Don't use bad language. (不要说脏话。)要遵守规则。Follow the rules. *follow “遵守,服从(规则、命令、劝说等等)”。Follow the rules. (要遵守规则。)You're the one not following the rules. (你就没有遵守规则。)Don't violate rules. (不许违反规则。)Don't violate regulations. (不许违反章程。)Don't break the rules. (不许破坏规则。)别偷懒!Stop goofing off! *这是一句俚语,用于针对在工作、学习或练习中偷懒、耍滑的人。 goof off是口语表达方式,意为“懒惰”、“偷懒”。Get a life!You should make something out of yourself!Don't be a bum!Get a job! (去找个工作。)Grow up! (该长大成人了!/你什么时候才能长大!)照我说的做!Do as I said!Do what I said.Do what I tell you to do!不要说别人的坏话。Don't say bad things about others.Don't speak ill of others.Don't speak bad about other people.别食言。Don't go back on your word!I'm sorry, I can't do that. (对不起,我做不了。)Don't go back on your word! (别食言。)Don't break your promise. (不能说话不算数。)You should keep your word.做你能做的。Don't take on more than you can. *“不要承担自己处理不了的工作,不要承担超过自己能力的事情”。Don't take on more than you can handle.别那么粗鲁!Don't be rude!Don't be impolite!你被开除了。You're fired!Man, you're out of here. *严厉的说法。I have to sack you. *温和的说法。I have to let you go. *温和的说法。你得像个男子汉!Be a man!I don't want to be a leader. (我不想当头儿。)Be a man! (你得像个男子汉!)Be strong! (坚强些!)Don't be a wimp! (别那么窝囊!)Don't be a chicken! (别当胆小鬼。)别自吹自擂。Don't talk boastfully. *boastfully “夸耀的”、“自吹自擂的”。Japan is a very rich country. (日本是一个富裕的国家。)Don't talk boastfully. (别自吹自擂。)Don't brag.Don't boast.You should be more modest. (你该谦虚一些。)请别让我失望。Please don't disappoint me. *disappoint “让……失望”、 “辜负……期望”。Please don't let me down.别挑逗女孩/男孩!Don't flirt with girls/boys! *flirt with “对异性半开玩笑的引诱”、“男女之间的调情”。Don't flirt with girls! (别挑逗女孩!)I was just being friendly. (我只是表示友好。)Don't make eyes at her/him! (别跟她/他眉来眼去的。) *make eyes at... “向……送秋波”。别抱怨,叫你怎么做,就怎么做。Don't complain and do as you are told.Do what I tell you to do without complaining.干脆点!(赶快!)Make it snappy! *这是一个惯用句, “快!”、“干脆点儿!”Hurry it up!Look snappy. *英式英语。麻利点!/利索点!Step on it! *step on it 原意是“坐火车飞跑”现在常表示“赶紧”的意思。Be quick!Get a move on!Move it!Snap to it.●责备别把责任推给我。Don't blame me. *blame “把责任归于……”、“让人承担罪责等”。It's all your fault! (都是你的错!)Don't blame me, I'm innocent. (这可不能怨我,我是清白的。)Don't say it's my fault.Don't put the blame on me.Don't accuse me.这是你的过错。You're to blame.You're to blame. (这是你的过错。)Why me? (怎么是我?)It's your fault.你站在我的立场上想想。Put yourself in my shoes. *直译是“把你的脚放到我的鞋里试试?”,即“你站到我的立场上考虑考虑。”We will not take your illness into consideration. (我们没考虑到你生病。)Put yourself in my shoes. (你们该为我想想。)Try to see it from my point of view.Try to see it my way.你就不觉得害臊吗?Aren't you ashamed of yourself? *ashamed “做了不好的事感到的羞愧和惭愧”。 be ashamed of... 表示“……觉得害臊”。How do you live with yourself?You should be ashamed of yourself. (你该为自己害臊。)我要教训他一顿。I'll give him a piece of my mind. *give...a piece of...'s mind “严厉批评、责备……”、“大声地叱责……”。I'll give him a piece of my mind for lying! (他撒谎了,我会好好说说他的。)I don't blame you. (我不会怪你的。)别把我卷进去。Don't involve me!I'd like you to lie for me. (能不能帮我撒一次谎?)Please don't involve me! (请别把我卷进去。)I don't want to get involved. (我不想被卷进去。)我早说过了吧。I told you so.I got in trouble for lying. (因为撒谎,我闯祸了。)I told you so. You shouldn't lie. (我早说过吧,你不该撒谎。)See, I told you so.There now, didn't I tell you?You should have listened to me. (你要听我的就好了。)你知道的吧?You knew that, didn't you?My son stopped going to school. (我儿子没去上学。)You knew that, didn't you? (你知道这事儿吧?)好像是我做错了什么事似的。It is as if I had done something wrong. *as if... “好像……似的”。It's as if it's my fault.It's as if I'm to blame.It's like I did something wrong.他在最后关头胆怯了。He chickened out at the last moment.别冲我发火。Don't take it out on me. *take it out on... “为泄愤而冲……发火”。Don't take your frustration out on me.Don't treat me badly just because you had a bad day. (别因为今天你不顺就拿我撒气。)I didn't do anything wrong! (我没有做错什么事。)还我钱。Pay up!Pay up! (还我钱!)Can you wait till next month? (能等到下个月吗?)Pay your debt!Pay me back!Give me my money now! (现在你就还我钱。)我会找你算帐的。You'll pay for this. *威胁他人,带有“要报复你”的语感。你疯了!You're out of your mind! *直译“你失去理智了”。You're off your rocker.You're nuts.你怎么这么说?You shouldn't say things like that.Don't say stuff like that. (你别这样说呀!)这可全为了你!It's for your own good!I don't want to. (我不想做。)It's for your own good! (这可全为了你!)It's for your own benefit.It's for your own sake.你干吗老挑我的刺儿?Why are you picking on me? *表示“为什么责备我?”、 “干吗我非得挨责备?”You've got an ugly tie on. (瞧你系这么条难看的领带。)Why are you picking on me? (你干吗老挑我的刺儿?)他对我的工作总是鸡蛋里挑骨头。He always finds fault with my work. *find fault with... “吹毛求疵”、“有意见”、“挑剔”。●制止停!Hold it! *用来表达“等等!”、“停下!”、“别干了!”。Hold it! It's time for lunch. (别干了,该吃午饭了。)It's about time. (总算到点了。)Stop!Cut it out!Knock it off! *俚语,“安静!”、“别动!”等等!Wait!Wait! You forgot your umbrella. (等等,你忘了带伞。)Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. (哦,我差点忘了。)Wait a minute, please! (请等一下!)Just a minute, please! (请稍等!)Hold on!Give me a minute!别动!别动!Uh-uh-uh! *为了阻止正在进行着的动作,而做出的强烈的警告。Uh-uh-uh! Leave the cake alone. (别动!别动那块蛋糕。)I want it. (可我想吃。)别干那事!Don't do that!Stop it!Stop that!你干吗要干那种事?Why are you doing that?Why are you doing that? (你干吗要干那种事?)Why not? (为什么不能干?)请排队!Please line up! *用于人们不排队很混乱的时候。line up 表示“排”、“列队” 、“排队”。Please make a line.Please form a line.别夹塞儿!Don't cut in line! *cut in line “插到队伍里”。Don't cut in line! (别夹塞儿!)Sorry about that. (真对不起!)Don't cut!Get in line!Get to the end of the line!Please go to the end of the line. (请到后面排队去。)别推呀!Don't push!Quit pushing! (别推!)Don't shove!Get your hands off me! (拿开你的手。)Don't touch me! (别碰我!)别张口就骂人。Don't call me names! *call... names “骂人”、“说坏话”、“说脏话”。Hey, don't call me names! (别张口就骂人。)I didn't call you names. (我哪儿骂你了。)别多嘴多舌的。Don't be a blabber mouth! *“没必要说的话别喋喋不休地说”。Don't blab this to anyone! (别对什么人都唠叨这事。)Mum's the word! (别声张!) *要求别说出去。Don't be so talkative! (别多嘴。) *talkative “多嘴多舌的”、“好说话的”。