
г3500 鶼ο16μ26 17μ23181902--1968201939(ijhe Grapes of) 1962 й гλ 1999顷iBMo)AB е桷[Firsts m)Χ The Book Collector)1952 С?ebookcollecton ccxuk)Nicolas Barker)αο飬 ο鸽 [American Book Prices Current дABPC) 鼮塢 Сο顣ABPC 1S951972鵤j?вDaniel J.Leab)? ?вKatharine Kyes LeabУ д 嵥1994в CD 197580 75νг е飬 в 谭 76%Lγо裬 2002γ 745裬γ硰 Advanced Descriptive Bibliography) (Electronic Texts & Images)1890 鼮廭Book Illustration Processes to 1890)鼮 (European Decorative Bookbinding) оHow to Research a Rare Book)顱 (Book Collecting) 077Ψò κζ в 30 100в г 淽 廭 Ρ ΣЩ ·滮 ΧЩ е Щ 飬1912 棬 78УУá д 90%в ~в Щг λ 棬 覴á С飬о WWW. eBmе eBayг С λн eBay νд 79Э壬е á ЭЭα г eBay бС зз ν桱Щ汾 档1917511836λ2018081875λλ (801863鳭?. ūó±Federal Bureau of Investigation,дFBI)60 caveat emptor21, á21赱caveatvendkor, ' Щ' Щ ζ, п С?÷Minor Myers * Jr.)е ÷Illinois Wesleyan University)У 18κζ κκε18УΨ ÷1787 ÷ 85? Thomas Carlyle) 4841 London Library) У ù100?Alan Bell) Щ鵽 á о liberal arts colleges) 2 117951881 2淢 86仰Щ Ч 1985?191619903 λи ?William Alexander Percy1885 1941 桶(A Confederacy of Dunces1980 ??John Kennedy Toole) 4 棬б*Binx3μ13^87Bolling)°。Bourbon Street) 6 磬 20鵥 λδ 1982й 鷢Library of America) Smithsonian Insritution) 7.ΤEudora Welty) 8 C??CL Vann Woodward) 9 1G ? (Onset)?Joseph Dermom)绰 Rowland) 绰 ж и ЩЭ飬 Э飬166°7Ψ?Jam? Smithson, 1765--18291S46~ {- 819092001 (The OpHmists Daughter) 1973Presidential Medal of Freedom),λ919081999о 204070о10 88?÷14湫Constable and Company Ltd.)汾?(BiUy B [Poems)Щ лλ Ρ?2002 [Double-Takeδ Peirce and Semiotic 桶 1961С1500 ?桷? ɡ?(The Winter of Our Discontent)?^4 New Life) 齱 40ЩС 1961 .Malcolm Cowley) 11 1851к?÷ *H House of the Seven Gables)?.УHarriet Beecher Stowe) 12С{Uncle Toms Cabin)11189819892020 (r^st Generation)硶ReturnΡ{The Dream of the Golden Mminmins)ɡ121812 1852Сū Сá漴λ С?' -89· Ρú 1961б ξ ú С桱 (thorough) completeУ 100α Що13183719096Roundel壬 mndcau*дСn桶顷Enpaedia Britannica)й-^90С λü·1934 о ?Graham Pollard) īвαо 19СαEnquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth-Century Pamphlets б δ University of Delaware) W.Dn Frank W, Tober, 19191995 ~λ DuPont Company)漰 4000 鼮С壬Щ о 1999Ч50 .J?85 ЩС еζ·衱 91·磬С Vertigjren andRowena)Clifford Irving)1972еν?Howard Hughes) 141812 187019д 硶?[David CopperfiddH Adventures of Oliver Twist) %{A Tale of Two Cities')_(Great Expectations(The Pickwick Papers)-15С..Mary Anne Evans1S191SS0 壬I860 {The Mill on the Fhss161809~iS92K^g Arthur) [The Oxford Dictionary of Quomions)е 1718651936С1907 'λ硶顷(The Jungle Book) N[Kim-181850~4894Со [Treaswv Island){Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde) ^921918Щλ ε 1945[Atlantic) 19. ζС жУò η Щ ?Emat Hemingway: A Comprehensive Bibliography磬 1967?Audre Haimeman)20еС? 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Gill )35 1995УV 鼮棬 г鵥 ?- Щ顣34ITheMaristBiothm)99д "桱顢 顢顢顢 顭С οBeinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library) о鵥 У塮 100 ? Щ κ 1970dmftlmtoy) S òС ο й2070 飬ж .?(Robert Oien Butler)19931óдI366γ 顣1969ξ 103 (University of Massachusetts Boston),о(Bronx) 2δ о23blackNegro104?Aaron Lansky)鱱κ Yiddish) 4Щ Σü I9S0National Yiddish Book Center)(Amherst) У顣 鸶δ --Щ м 2001911 200191292514 194412211945 510141 绰 200011 8112720ó43 Щ 4^漰 У9412002飬 5 Щ飬μз 顪{Manhattan Unfitrled),еУ 22 档 ?Matteo Pericoli)бī滭 óTwin Towers) [Celluloid Skyline: New York and the Movies),?James Sanders)λ 籾е 塱ЩΨ С 5μ120106 19λ°.棨Obadiah Rich)?Hemy Stevens)绪 ?Washington Irving) 1William Prescott) 8 ?George Bancroft) 9о .Thomas Jefferson .John Adams) 2i ?James Logan) 12 λ3000 鼲 Щ618231893硶Rм{The Oregon Traih Sketclm of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life){France and England in North America),717831859С{The legend of Sieefy Hollow)о漰?15 ? W42;IS46B 1796]859Сijhe History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic)ī繥The History of the Conquest of Mexico) o 9180H891μ (United Statesfrom the Discovery of the American Continent),н-"'1017431826'j1 ' 1117351826е μ--12167H751μ1699ηг 107GeorgeTicknor) 13?-Щ鱾á19鼮.. (John Quincy Adams)14κλ?Edward Gibbon) 15 {Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) 1317911871 -1417&71848?15V7371794 ο飬 161807оо o7/ 19.81989 (Adamstown)г 桶 [Declaration of Independence) 17, 250 λ4 20006 29嵽814 δζ绯 ?亱 80 з飬 1915, 10λ 20е182 а簣* ?(William Barnes) 18 [Rural Poems)磨Roberts Brothers) 1869171776汱13 d74 1818011886β800^ 齫 С (duodecimo)-· ?Winsbw Homer) 19 7JC19 ? {Harpers Weekly)鼮Щ 滭о?Gordon Hendricks ?The Lifi and Work ofWinslow Homer, 1979?л嵥ο顣 е~^ вκ滭19 Щ滭 С 4 磨ī)19 183H910羰滭19~71yi 18飬 ú Trappist) 20 Щж С ее п ??Celia Laighton Thaxter) 21 (An Island Garden) ! -^Щ? Chiide Hassam) 22??Sarah Wyman Whitman) 23 Щ 19顣Σ Museum of Fine Arts), Yale Univmity Art Gallery)滭 Ун20Cistercian)еSt, Benedict)# w (pax)沢ometlabora) ΡA211894СUJttle Women)·?÷* (Louisa May Alcott, 18321888. i221359^19353000滭 еá塰 TheTen)2318421904鼮> 19 沣/Aе20 Щδ гBrimfield Fair) ггΣ 棨Sturbridge)50 гл West Brookfield)?Brian Higgins) 鼮νlivre cfanistes24γ Элг 档 е顣鱾 1019 1894359м? Hot^hton Mifflin湫 ж1988о (Men Lacy) е?о24顱 滭顱20鷢 С~^112飬òг е 棬顪 guilloting)2001. 棬Varmom) ?(TahsaTudor)11滭30飬 еС ?.沣鼮 У 棬albino)5/ С Сд еλ о Щζ 档1830~1886д 跢Springfield) 25 [Republican ū?.Thomas Wentworth Higginson) 26 .Walt Whitman) 27 ?д[Leaves of Grass) 裬19 λ 棬 κκλ25~2618231911ū194050ū ū^2718191892 е Щ4iyiе 硣衪 ~棬Щ鼮д ЩС 裬 ? ^ 桱. (The Cruise of the Mystery and Other Poems), ^ 飬?1886档īд ?Harry Fetm).18877д λЩ .1845191119λ鼮?? William Cullen Bryant) 28续{Picturesque America1872鴴滭?Limon) 羰? Щ_ ЩΦЩ зд2817941878Ρ11573087 棬? С δ ? ? е ??飬? ?Frederic Remingtcm) 29廭 Щл?Thomas Nast) 3()滭 СΧ ?Ronald Smeltzer)^ Northwestern University)λ 19 Smith & Beck) Crimean War) 313018401902311853185(5Ottoman Empire)Kingdom of Saitlmia)- ее ν·籨 ?Sir William Aiken) *Florence Nightingale) 32, 飬 档е飬 λУ 1767.George Adams) 18 1900С ?Sir William Crookes) 33 alpha particle) 321820^1910 {ā~ The Lady with the Lamp), 10档512 '~331832 1919о Crookes tube).1174С {Principia 168734飬д 鼮 (Descartes)δ 顣 仯 κ辭 1700 鼮飬 3000Χ12 ÷19飬 ЩС. (Philippe Danfrie) 35 {Declaration de Vusage du graphometre,裬159718 еlimpvellitm 壨civiliti font)д 34[Philosophiae NaturaUs Principia Mathematica)--3515321606λ д6 ^ 361617鼮С顣118201895?Conrad Roen^en)X2050Щ 37д鼮 о е ù οо (Friends of the Library) 飬 i Χп Ρ Щ? Daniel Posnansky)е 60 40Emerson College)У ??Arthur Cotian Doyie1S59IWO383719426 38СС С硢PiСС壺 ?Irene Adler) 41 A Scandal in Bohemia) Ψ39о{A Study In Scarlet1886 ·1 СThe Special Operations Executive64áС 40 ? 41Уλ渣о 120С ЩЩ Χ??? 廨 200λ м棬 δ ? 20100 УЩ硣 еС е1894 д?Eugene Field)顣 10 飬SignoftheFour)棬 Сβ 鹫2/J(United States Book Company)Χkú Соб 30 Ψбд Ψмй У? Franklin D. Roosevelt) 421945319д.Edgar Smith)αС гBmums)BSI BSI У 5Ρúε Сд д?Harry Truman) 43,19451215 илBSI д 硣12 С顣421882194532 204314197233 122 [TheHmmdoftheBaskervilk^ (dummy)1025飬 5000С' 20е еδ 100 100 Щ Щ1962λоδ ^ -~ 绰е 飬 λλ3 С绰282 òνs Ψ ?.William Harris Arnold)1930ж 123 1937.Michael Sadleir)У 棻Щ 124л Щκ λд Ρ汾 óú 飬 С127?Q /.L?Τ Winslow L Webber)1937顷[Books AboutBooks)^ O ?飬 ооо .?в 1972 ?в е λ 飬鼮 ?(Werner Heisenberg) 1 桢 Щ 119011976* 1932 20缶128?λ緿 40 鷿鼮 ' ?· гв192μ45~ 3μ58 4μ57 5μ85~Уо 1020 оò飬仧 д (The Rivers of America) 0е-7 181818^ū 130ūо λЭ棬 в16(501860(Beiongings: Dramas of American Book Ownership, 1660~1860)С?÷д飬Pliny the Elder) 8?桢?Сд У 18 5У ?е 鼮 潻г 棬飬ü Σ 10鵱 áже /J?Jim Crace) Щ飬 е823~79вLо жд{NaturaUs Historia) 131 δд ·С 飬Ψλ C?Robert C. Bradbury)J?(Steven J. 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(Werner Neite)е 飬гС 顣Сμ λλ о Щ 11fine am,piie4art)# ~137жλ飿 од ABд 1999 п Щ λUnited States Holocaust Memorial Museum)ùо Щв Щб е25λ Щ2030Щ 顣 о еλ е 档 鼮 ж ú о??Rainer Maria Rilke)12 ?? 1218751926:^0г {138δIбЩ ж/ло ·йЧ 漰 Ροо飬 ζ÷ СлУ оЩ .13' URJLUniform Resource locator, UniversaЩá9Jм档 棬Googleο á14мchkken)turkeyduck)goose) ɡ 140 壬λ Ц緶Χ λ λ 佨Щ 飬 Google мu. au/^amgraham/girlsown/ml m151818 1848СХ(Wutbering Heights) t е~161875^1950T_). (John Carter)-17192H99220 ССУFouncktion)УGalactic Empire)УRoboth ^181862 1937ССУд 6糤СHouse of MirthA (The Age of Innocence')i7a191940 _201995Э-142 ΣWhat Price ChtmMl? Building a Collection),κμ е д1500/100010/67 汾 10棺 Brodricki Army)óFor Free Trade) 1999 7.5/5Щ 鼮飺 λжй 顱飬λ г涼 Щ ил к) óμ 143147г Эg International League of Antiquarian Booksellersд ILAB; Ligue Internationale de k Librairie Ancienne,д LILA) www. ilaWm棬 Χ ?Jack Matthews)鷽 棬Щ ζ 1 ν 棬 . СóС 鼮2002 m50025 Iи· 30015顣1Щ 00/Щ ɡ eBay Щ鼮Ч λλABAA о зЩж λν汾α ò^κ 2 ;IS12е ·~^149

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