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「 去追一部小说 」





以下是“linjiadayuan ”的相关搜索结果(49)
うえお久光9.6 万字
简介: 第一卷 有关球井的etc.序﹒球井紫的人物简介球井紫总是把活生生的人类看成机器人。这是她无法改变的绝对条件。&mdash&mdash而我,则是她的朋友。1﹒球井的前提在球井紫的眼中,人类都是机器人。正确的说法应该是不只人类,而是除了她自己之外所有的&lsquo生物&rsquo都是如此。球井自称除了她以外的所有生物看起来都是机器人,而这个说法的真伪他人无从考证。就算再怎么匪夷所思,也找不到驳斥的理由。为什么?原因很简单,请各位试着去思考吧。假设今天看到一颗&lsquo红色的苹果&rsquo,各位该如何将&lsquo红色&rsquo的概念传达出去?除了以&lsquo红色&rsquo的辞汇传达&lsquo红色&rsquo的&lsquo感觉&rsquo,应该是别无他法吧?不管使用多少辞汇,都无法正确地表达自己所感受到的&lsquo红色&rsquo,同理可证,将所有的生物看成机器人的说法到底是真是假,也是无法证明的。因此&lsquo其他人&rsquo对&lsquo球井紫&rsquo所产生的意义,就只有一种。那就是&lsquo除了自己之外,所有的生物看起来都是机器人&rsquo。当然,这种说法无从查看详情>
最新更新: 紫色的Qualia-16
lush life
lush life
伊坂幸太郎15.8 万字
简介: 丰田眼前有一只狗。那不是干净的家犬,经历了反复的风雨泥泞,它的毛色已变灰,就像纯结的少年被世上的辛酸,痛苦蹂躏弄脏一样。丰田有种亲切感,甚至觉得那只狗就是自己。自己在公司的地位,不就和那只狗一样了吗?不,不对,我在年轻时也曾经受到重视,饮料罐的设计不也获得了一定的好评吗?是我提出了在罐装咖啡包装上贴上纯白标签的点子,再加上具有画龙点睛之效的深褐色线条的做法业大获好评。然而,随着年轻一辈的发言权越来越强,指名自己的工作逐渐减少,变得只剩下打杂或助理的工作。在所谓技术顾问这种有名无实的位置上,根本无法提出什么像样的意见,技巧日渐生疏。被公司开除时,甚至还被说&ldquo你的设计什么根本都只是模仿而已&rdquo。以前倍受疼爱,现在却浑身泥泞,是啊,我果然跟那只狗一样。他仔细一看,狗的脖子上还系着项圈,以前曾被某个家庭饲养,后来被抛弃了吗?或许家犬也有裁员制度,所以才会被丢弃。他沿着仙台车站一楼的通道,往北边走了十来米。头顶上延伸着的人行天桥,遮盖了天空。老狗在车站大楼的入口边上将身子缩成一团。丰田看了狗一眼,本来打算就这么走过去。因为他害怕一直盯着狗看,就像是看到了自己的未来。他发现有个奇查看详情>
最新更新: lush life-20
Iris Johansen8.4 万字
简介: 黛娜从小就知道她的世界中不可能有其它的男人,因为她的心中只有那个雄伟而狂妄的沙漠酋长巴卫理。十六岁时,她是个行为像男孩般的顽皮姑娘,注定无法赢得那个迷人但难以取悦的男人的注意,甚至被送往远方就读。但她拒绝接受这种待遇,并发誓不成为一个遥远的回忆。  六年后的现在,她准备以一个女人的身分回去找卫理,并且要想办法进入他的心、他的生活,不论必须突破多少困难。  卫理爱过许多女人,但从来没有人曾真正地碰触到他的心,只有这个女孩、这个女人,拥有占据他的魔力,并使他产生无法驾驭的欲望和柔情&hellip&hellip  第一章  黛娜迅速地解下颈上的项链,放进天鹅绒的珠宝盒中,她的手微微颤抖着。她深呼吸一下,斥责自己的愚蠢,现在根本不必这么害怕,她已经计划好所有的细节,一切都会顺利地进行,不可能出错。  圆形的浮雕坠子在黑色的天鹅绒上闪耀着灿烂的光芒,流泻进旅馆窗户的晨曦照亮它表面的图案?一把宝剑贯穿一朵盛放的玫瑰花。她伸出一根手指,轻轻抚摸那朵玫瑰,拿下这条戴了八年的项链后,她有一种怪异的感觉,好象全身一丝不挂。她突然产生一股冲动,极欲抓回盒中那条美丽的项链挂回她的颈上。这是她的,该死!如果卫理查看详情>
最新更新: 沙漠花开时-4
The Sorrows of Young Werther
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 23.9 万字
简介: In the morning, at six o'clock , the servant went into Werther's room with a candle. He found his master stretched upon the floor, weltering in his blood, and the pistols at his side. He called , he took him in his arms, but received no answer. Life was not yet quite extinct. The servant ran for a surgeon , and then went to fetch Albert. Charlotteheard the ringing of the bell : a cold shudder seized her. She wakened her husband , and they both rose. The servant, bathed in tears faltered fo查看详情>
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens 90.1 万字
简介: Treats Of The Place Where Oliver Twist Was Born And Of The Circumstances Attending His Birth.Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain frommentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small towit, a workhouse and in this workhouse was born, on a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the reader, in this查看详情>
From Sea to Sea
From Sea to Sea
Kipling69.9 万字
简介: He laughed &mdash a large, wholesome laugh &mdash and this began a dissertation on the rights of a man to do what he liked with his own creations, which being a matter of purely professional interest, I will mercifully omit.Returning to the big chair, he, speaking of truth and the like in literature, said that an autobiography was the one work in which a man, against his own will and in spite of his utmost striving to the contrary, revealed himself in his true light to the world.&lsquoA good dea查看详情>
最新更新: From Sea to Sea-4
Framley Parsonage
Framley Parsonage
Trollope Anthony 104 万字
简介: When young Mark Robarts was leaving college, his father might well declare that all men began to say all good things to him, and to extol his fortune in that he had a son blessed with an excellent disposition. This father was a physician living at Exeter. He was a gentleman possessed of no private means, but enjoying a lucrative practice, which had enabled him to maintain and educate a family with all the advantages which money can give in this country. Mark was his eldest son and second child a查看详情>
最新更新: Framley Parsonage-8
The Frozen Deep
The Frozen Deep
Collins15.6 万字
简介: The date is between twenty and thirty years ago. The place is an English sea-port. The time is night. And the business of the moment is &mdash dancing.The Mayor and Corporation of the town are giving a grand ball, in celebration of the departure of an Arctic expedition from their port. The ships of the expedition are two in number &mdash the Wanderer and the Sea-mew. They are to sail (in search of the Northwest Passage) on the next day, with the morning tide.Honor to the Mayor and Corporat查看详情>
最新更新: The Frozen Deep-3
Alice D. Domar17 万字
简介: 有抵抗情绪的丈夫  有一些丈夫在自己那平常追求完美的妻子开始降低对生活中各件事情的标准时,表示不同意。如果您采纳本书中的一些建议但您的丈夫不配合时,他可能只是因为感到困惑及不了解实情。坐下来向他解释您的想法会很有帮助。如果那样做并不起作用,而且他继续对您想要改变自己追求完美的习惯表示恼火,那么,你们可能需要去求助于婚姻问题咨询。每一对夫妻关系都像是跷跷板那样一上一下地在交互作用中求得一种平衡。如果您的改变太突然,则可能把整个婚姻关系弄僵。接受咨询可能有助于你们恢复夫妻关系的平衡。  有一些女性发现当自己在减少对完美的追求时,丈夫却不能够接受。我曾经接待过一些离开了自己丈夫的来访者,她们是因为不能够再忍受总是需要达到他们那严格的完美主义的理想要求。在几乎所有的这些情况中,女性在没有丈夫的情况下还更快乐一些。快乐着单身比结婚而需要达到病理学上不健康的期望会更好。  不必着急当决定改变消极的习惯时,人们常常是打算突然作出巨大的改变:久坐不动的人决定开始一天锻炼90分钟,身体超重的人决定减掉100磅。完美主义者甚至更容易出现这种情况,因为她们倾向于进行非黑即白的思维。要尽力抵制住这种马上就要查看详情>
Sense and Sensibility
Sense and Sensibility
Jane Austen 24 万字
简介: THE family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in so respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their surrounding acquaintance. The late owner of this estate was a single man, who lived to a very advanced age, and who, for many years of his life, had a constant companion and housekeeper in his sister. But her death, which happen查看详情>
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