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以下是“James McGregor”的相关搜索结果(46)
Sophocles2.2 万字
简介: 一 开场[祭司携一群乞援人自观众右方上,  俄狄浦斯偕众侍从自宫中上。俄:孩儿们,老卡德摩斯的现代儿孙,城里正弥漫着香烟,到处是求生的歌声和苦痛的呻吟,你们为什么坐在我面前,捧着这些缠羊毛的树枝?孩儿们,我不该听旁人传报,我,人人知道的俄狄浦斯,亲自出来了。  (向祭司)老人家,你说吧,你年高德劭,正应当替他们说话。你们有什么心事,为什么坐在这里?你们有什么忧虑,有什么心愿?我愿意尽力帮助你们,我要是不怜悯你们这样的乞援人,未免太狠心了。祭:啊,俄狄浦斯,我邦的君主,请看这些坐在你祭坛前的人都是怎样的年纪:有的还不会高飞;有的是祭司,像身为宙斯祭司的我,已经老态龙钟;还有的是青壮年。其余的人也捧着缠羊毛的树枝坐在市场里,帕拉斯的神庙前,伊斯墨诺斯庙上的神托所的火灰旁边。因为这城邦,像你亲眼看见的,正在血红的波浪里颠簸着,抬不起头来;田间的麦穗枯萎了,牧场上的牛瘟死了,妇人流产了;最可恨的带火的瘟神降临到这城邦,使卡德摩斯的家园变为一片荒凉,幽暗的冥土里倒充满了悲叹和哭声。  我和这些孩子并不是把你看作天神,才坐在这祭坛前求你,我们是把你当作天灾和人生祸患的救星;你曾经来到卡德摩斯的城邦查看详情>
最新更新: 俄狄浦斯王-3
GOTH 断掌事件
GOTH 断掌事件
乙一17.3 万字
简介: 现在她得独自从车站步行回家去,而我也要乘坐火车回家了,这样她只能一个人上路。森野的精神状态似乎有些不佳,我无法肯定她一个人是否能够平安回家。   ''起初,我觉得你和我有些地方很相似。跟你在一起时,有一种和姐姐在一起的感觉。但是,我错了,我们并不一样&hellip&hellip''   森野的书包是纯黑色的。我把书包捡起来,放在她的手上,但我立刻听到书包掉在地上的声音。   我又把书包捡起来,并再一次放在她的手上。然而,依然没有任何反应。她似乎已经没有抓住书包的力气。手指经不起书包的重压,书包提手从她手上滑下去。   ''神山,我觉得你常常在违背内心地傻笑。我这样说要是让你不高兴的话,我表示抱歉&hellip&hellip 也许是因为我所认识的你和那个在别人面前强颜欢笑的你完全不同,我才会有这样的感觉吧&hellip&hellip 我有时觉得你真的很可怜&hellip&hellip''   她低着头这样说道。声音有些发抖,就像快要哭出声的孩子。   ''我先申明一下,我可不是这样子的&hellip&hellip''查看详情>
最新更新: [乙一]GOTH 断掌事件-8
dome 21.5 万字
简介: 天空布满了乌云,过于潮湿的空气几乎叫人窒息,这是暴风雨即将降临的预兆。暴风雨在旷野里是可怕的,在森林里更是令人不寒而栗。放眼望去,无边无际的松树和橡树遮挡了视线,就像无数沉默的巨人紧挨着比肩而立,将连绵的山峦尽数占领。森林有生命,但没有灵魂,然而一样可以用它的沉默和阴暗吞没一切。  有两个人还在森林里赶路&mdash&mdash如果在完全陌生的地方惶恐地打转也能叫赶路的话。他们全都穿着破旧的短披风,靴子上沾满泥巴。不同的是其中一个人腰上挂着佩剑,是个年轻人,金发剃得很短;另一个人则戴着农民式的灰毡帽,他的脸看上去老成许多,身上也没有这种陪衬。  &ldquo德意志的森林!德意志的雨!这个地方的一切都跟人过不去!&rdquo年轻人焦急地擦了擦额头的汗水,低声咒骂道。  &ldquo要到夏天了,这种天气在这里很常见。&rdquo戴毡帽的人叹了一口气, &ldquo在我的老家符腾堡,天气恶劣起来比这还要可怕。&rdquo  &ldquo我知道,我也是在那里出生的。不过已经很久没体验过这种天气了。唔!&rdquo年轻人绊了一下,才注意到自己踩到一块长满青苔的石头,&ldquo现在不是讨论天气的查看详情>
The Sorrows of Young Werther
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 23.9 万字
简介: In the morning, at six o'clock , the servant went into Werther's room with a candle. He found his master stretched upon the floor, weltering in his blood, and the pistols at his side. He called , he took him in his arms, but received no answer. Life was not yet quite extinct. The servant ran for a surgeon , and then went to fetch Albert. Charlotteheard the ringing of the bell : a cold shudder seized her. She wakened her husband , and they both rose. The servant, bathed in tears faltered fo查看详情>
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens 90.1 万字
简介: Treats Of The Place Where Oliver Twist Was Born And Of The Circumstances Attending His Birth.Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain frommentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small towit, a workhouse and in this workhouse was born, on a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the reader, in this查看详情>
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities
Charles Dickens 95.8 万字
简介: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way&mdashin short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its nois查看详情>
Framley Parsonage
Framley Parsonage
Trollope Anthony 104 万字
简介: When young Mark Robarts was leaving college, his father might well declare that all men began to say all good things to him, and to extol his fortune in that he had a son blessed with an excellent disposition. This father was a physician living at Exeter. He was a gentleman possessed of no private means, but enjoying a lucrative practice, which had enabled him to maintain and educate a family with all the advantages which money can give in this country. Mark was his eldest son and second child a查看详情>
最新更新: Framley Parsonage-8
The Fur Country
The Fur Country
Verne Jules75.9 万字
简介: On the evening of the 17th March 1859, Captain Craventy gave a fête at Fort Reliance. Our readers must not at once imagine a grand entertainment, such as a court ball, or a musical soirée with a fine orchestra. Captain Craventy&rsquos reception was a very simple affair, yet he had spared no pains to give it éclat.In fact, under the auspices of Corporal Joliffe, the large room on the ground-floor was completely transformed. The rough walls, constructed of roughly-hewn trunks of t查看详情>
最新更新: The Fur Country-7
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens 16.4 万字
简介: Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it. And Scrooge's name was good upon `Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to.Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail.Mind! I don't mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge, what there is particularly dead about a door-nail. I might have been inclined,myself, to regard a coffin-nail as the 查看详情>
Sense and Sensibility
Sense and Sensibility
Jane Austen 24 万字
简介: THE family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in so respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their surrounding acquaintance. The late owner of this estate was a single man, who lived to a very advanced age, and who, for many years of his life, had a constant companion and housekeeper in his sister. But her death, which happen查看详情>
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